Chapter proposals sought for an edited collection on sharksploitation movies in the 21st century
A Bigger Boat: The Resurgence and Evolution of Sharksploitation Movies in the 21st Century
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A Bigger Boat: The Resurgence and Evolution of Sharksploitation Movies in the 21st Century
I have several chapters for this collection, but I am looking for four or five more. Please send abstracts or inquiries by January 20, 2025. Chapters will be due by July 15, 2025.
All topics about dragons will be considered.
Please send abstracts and a brief bio to Rachel Carazo at
I have several chapters for this collection, but I am looking for four or five more. Please send abstracts or inquiries by January 20, 2025. Chapters will be due by July 15, 2025.
All topics about dragons will be considered.
Please send abstracts and a brief bio to Rachel Carazo at
Trickster. Traitor. Villain. Variant.
Popular Culture Association: British Popular Culture
Call for Papers
The British Popular Culture area of the Popular Culture/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA) is now accepting submissions for the 2025 national conference to be held April 16-19, 2025, in New Orleans, LA!
Academics at all stages in their careers, as well as independent scholars, are encouraged to apply. We particularly encourage submissions by graduate students.
Call for Papers
Methodological Approaches to Digital Spaces (MADS)
MADS (Methodological Approaches to Digital Spaces) is a FREE interdisciplinary symposium launched under the guidance and funding of NWCDTP to promote methodological and ontological advancements in the studies of digital spaces. MADS aims to explore diverse academic approaches to increasingly complex digital spaces, specifically focused on:
new methods for exploring and preserving digital archives
novel approaches to the collection and analysis of digital data
The Kurt Vonnegut Society invites proposals for presentations at the 36th annual American Literature Association conference in Boston, MA, 21 May 2025 - 24 May 2025. You can learn more about the conference from the ALA's general call for papers: Call for Papers.
Apologies for crossposting.
Call for Proposals: TV Matters
Editor: Sabrina Mittermeier
View the full call here>>
Mission Shakti
Thoughts on Women Empowerment
Sub Themes :
Here are some sub-themes for the call for papers on the book titled Mission Shakti: Thoughts on Women Empowerment. These are just indicative points . The book is not limited to these themes only . The authors can select any appropriate theme in commensurate with the main topic.
1. Education and Empowerment: Exploring the role of education in empowering women and promoting gender equality.
2. Breaking Gender Stereotypes: Challenging traditional gender norms and stereotypes that hinder women's empowerment.
CLASS CON 2025Call for Papers/Voices/Participation
March 14th and 15h,Bowling Green State University, Jerome Library
Deadline to Submit Extended to January 1st, 2025
As class studies are often niche, invisible, or non-existent withinmany cultural studies programs, we hope to draw attention to the discipline and the broader need for class consciousness. By understanding and breaking down the structures and systems that uphold our modern class structure, this conference aims to make meaningful change both in and outside of the academic ivory tower.
For the 2025 Symposium on Music of the Sea, we are seeking proposals for papers in Music, Ethnomusicology, History, Literature, Folklore, or other appropriate disciplines that address any aspect of music or verse of the sea, rivers, or inland waters from the Age of Sail until the present.
Call for Chapter Proposals
Editor Dr. Sotiris Petridis invites chapter proposals for an edited volume titled Animated Diversity: Queer Representations in Children’s Audiovisual Narratives. This book seeks to explore the increasing visibility and significance of queer identities in children’s animation, television, and film. The objective is to evaluate the cultural, educational, and social ramifications of this trend while analyzing the incorporation of LGBTQIA+ characters and themes into children's media.
Call for abstracts for papers for edited collection on the effects of ageing populations and generational disparities in Asian societies as represented in literature, film, and other forms of media
Working Title for Proposed Volume:
Ageing Asia: multimedia representations of ageing and older adults in Asian societies
Dr. Bernard Wilson
Department of English Language and Culture,
Department of International Social Sciences,
Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Soap Opera and Serialized Storytelling
NEH Medical Humanities Conference
Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, Texas
October 2-3, 2025
Call for Panel and Paper Proposals
Following successful conferences in Seoul (2004), Cape Town (2006), Melbourne (2009), Belfast (2012), Belo Horizonte (2015), Hong Kong (2018) and Barcelona, (2021), IATIS is pleased to announce its call for panel, paper, roundtable, workshop, and artistic initiative proposals for its eighth conference to be held at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 10 – 13 Dec 2025.
Conference Theme
Contemporary Indigenous Horror
Edited by Dr. Naomi Simone Borwein and Dr. Krista Collier-Jarvis
Edith Wharton and Popular Culture
ALA 2025 May 21-25 Boston
Edith Wharton is regularly the question or answer on Jeopardy! these days. She’s also the heroine of a 2024 murder mystery by Mariah Fredericks. The indie band The Magnetic Fields penned a love-letter to the “masterpiece of catastrophic love” that is Wharton’s 1911 Ethan Frome, and a diverse range of voices cite Wharton as an influence or a favorite: Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Beth Nguyen, and Francis Ford Coppola—whose adaptation of The Glimpses of the Moon is currently underway. A novel that, in fact, also inspired Tavi Gevinson’s 2024 audio series.
Speakers are invited to share experiences, insights, and expertise on a roundtable exploring how neurodivergence shapes and intersects with professional academic life. This session will examine the nuanced realities of neurodivergence within academia and related spaces, particularly for faculty, researchers, and academic staff. Speakers will give a short presentation (5-10 minutes), followed by a moderated discussion. This format is envisioned as an opportunity to share ideas and experiences in a less formal way than traditional research panels.
We welcome presentations that explore, but are not limited to, the following topics:
The Adolescence in Film and Television Area invites paper proposals for presentation at the annual Popular Culture Association Conference, to be held April 16-19, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The official deadline for online submission of presentation abstracts (see below for additional information) is November 30, 2024.
Submissions that explore noteworthy coverage patterns, representations, and themes pertaining to the portrayal of adolescence/adolescents in film and television, during any historical era, are desired from scholars, educators, and graduate students.
In this special issue we will look at environmental aspects of Fantasy. Since its very earliest manifestations, in taproot texts such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Fantasy has been entangled with the natural and supernatural world.
‘The force that through the green fuse drives the flower.’
Dylan Thomas
Murder Media Symposium
Call For Papers:
Liverpool John Moores University, 11th April 2025.
The recent Dahmer: Monster (Netflix, 2022), The Long Shadow (ITV, 2023), No Man of God (Sealey, 2021), and Beyond Reasonable Doubt (BBC Sounds, 2017), stand as some of the latest examples of the long and rich history of true crime content. The Murder Media Symposium will explore approaches to contemporary true crime and murder media texts, and the industrial, production, and fan cultures that surround such material.
The existence of a sense of contact within a particular culture remains inherently interdisciplinary and intersectional in terms of literature, the performative arts, and the social sciences. Contact essentially entails a continuity, one that consciously evolves from the preceding line of thought to facilitate the production of the interiority of further signification. As human societies evolved, diverse communities established distinct cultural, social, and literary traditions. The resultant intersections foster and foreground the ‘unconforming’, resulting in the emergence of new socio-cultural utterances.
Profanity: Redefining the Limits.
The F-word across Linguistics, Translation and the Arts
LOCATION: Université d’Artois (Arras, France), 24-26 September 2025
With the ‘Comics studies having finally arrived’, the young genre no longer has an obligation to justify its existence and significance. The legitimacy of the medium has been endorsed time and again by decades of scholarly works produced and being produced in the domain. Alongside this ongoing legitimation process, we are now witnessing a multifaceted engagement with a plethora of works – including both fiction and non-fiction – produced in the comics medium, leading to the rise of comics as a global literary phenomenon.
CFP: Werner Herzog, Film Director:
A Multidisciplinary Collection
Proposals due December 31, 2024
Call for Papers – CLOSURE: Journal of Comics Studies #12 (November 2025)
Thematic Section: »Queer Comics«
Open Call for Submissions
The e-journal CLOSURE will once again provide a platform for all facets of comic studies in its twelfth issue, to be published in Fall 2025. From cultural, visual, and media studies to social and natural sciences, and beyond, CLOSURE invites essays and academic reviews that engage with the »state of the comic«. Whether in-depth analysis, comic theory, or innovative new approaches—for the open topic section, we welcome diverse contributions from the interdisciplinary field of comics research.
Adaptation is the leading international, peer-reviewed journal of adaptation studies. The journal actively contributes to the development and visibility of adaptation studies as a field of academic enquiry and seeks to advance methodological approaches to the process.
Special Issue Editor: Reto Winckler (City University of Hong Kong)
Deadline for Submissions: 31 August 2025
Playing Nice: Sincerity and Irony in Television
Edited by Owen Cantrell and Sage Westfall
Deadline for Submission: ASAP
We are urgently looking for at least one more completed essay for this collection under contract with a fast-approaching deadline. Please submit a 300-word abstract for a previously unpublished paper which is already or nearly complete. If accepted, we are looking to review your chapter and edit it within weeks, not months.
Full chapters should be between 6-8K words in length.
Collection details:
Date: May 23 - 25, 2025
Call for Papers | Liminal Prospects
Location: Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario & Online Submissions due: January 8, 2025
The Queen’s Graduate Conference in Literature (QGCL) seeks academic abstracts and creative pieces for its 2025 conference on the theme of “Liminal Prospects.”