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Book Project-Graphic Novels and Libraries

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 5:07pm
Robert G. Weiner Texas Tech University Library

Call for Papers--Graphic Novels in Libraries and Archives: Ideas and Issues.

Graphic Novel publishing has exploded in the last decade. While, during the mid-1990s, it might have been possible for even a modestly budgeted library to acquire much of the published Graphic Novel output, now it is almost impossible even for libraries with big budgets to afford EVERYTHING published in this format. What was once considered a "cult" of devoted Graphic Novel readers and fans is now a part of the mainstream of readers. Graphic Novels is the one area of publishing that continues to grow year by year.

Frank Miller (5/10/09; MWPCA/MWACA 10/30/09-11/01/09)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 2:54pm
Terrence Wandtke

Frank Miller (5/10/09; MWPCA/MWACA 10/30/09-11/01/09)

CALL FOR PAPERS (Please circulate)

Panel for the 2009 Midwest Popular Culture Association / Midwest American Culture Association Conference in Detroit, MI, October 30-November 1

Panel Title: Frank Miller—Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Deadline for submissions: May 10, 2009

"Spaces of Consumption and Disposable Culture: A Material Dialogue in Medieval Europe (c.1100-1500)" by 6/01/09

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 1:05pm
Rebecca Flynn and Salvatore Musumeci


Rebecca Flynn and Salvatore Musumeci are seeking proposals for a new collection of essays entitled Spaces of Consumption and Disposable Culture: A Material Dialogue in Medieval Europe (c.1100-1500). This volume will explore the ways in which private or public acts of consumption during the medieval period define relationships between people and the spaces they inhabit. Proposals concerning the use/consumption of material goods (culture) and how such consumptions relate to gender and power will be of particular interest. We would like the essays in this volume to cover but not necessarily be limited to the following:

Holocaust Representations Since 1975 (conference, 18th September 2009)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - 12:14pm
The Department of English, The University of Chester

Holocaust Representations Since 1975
A conference at the Department of English, The University of Chester,Friday 18th September 2009

Keynote speaker: Professor Robert Eaglestone (Royal Holloway)

We welcome contributions from a range of disciplines, including literature, film, history and philosophy. The scope of the conference will be broad, but some areas of interest might include:

Call for Contributors - Aviation Film Text

Monday, March 23, 2009 - 11:37am
Ron Thomas / Embry-Riddle Aeronuatical University


Audience: Intended as a course text/reader for a new upper division undergraduate course at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Film Studies and Aviation," this would also be a book of scholarly interest in the areas of history, film, mass communications, and popular culture.

Political Ecologies (InterCulture e-journal, 05/10/09)

Monday, March 23, 2009 - 11:13am

InterCulture is a peer-reviewed e-journal seeking academic papers (3,000 to 6,000 words), reviews (1,000 to 3,000 words) and creative work pertaining to the theme "Political Ecologies" (volume 6, issue 2) due on Monday, May 10, 2009.

Paradoxa, "Three Asias: Japan, South Korea, China,"

Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 11:46pm
Paradoxa: World Literary Genres

CFP for "Three Asias -- Japan, South Korea, China"

In the wake of globalization, popular culture travels faster across
national boundaries than ever before. In this emerging global
culture, Asian countries play an increasingly important role,
challenging the predominance of the American entertainment industry.
From anime and soap opera to pop music and online gaming communities,
popular culture exports from three nations in particular--Japan,
South Korea, and China--are capturing the attention of audiences

Grad Conf: Captive Senses and Aesthetic Habits. October 8-9.

Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 6:22pm
English and Art History Departments, University of Chicago

Call for Papers: Captive Senses and Aesthetic Habits.
A joint graduate conference between English Language & Literature and Art History

Fourth Annual Graduate Conference ~ October 8-9, 2009
The University of Chicago

But what sort of sense is constitutive of the everydayness? Surely this sense includes not sense so much as sensuousness, . . . a knowledge that lies as much in the objects and spaces of observation as in the body and mind of the observer.
– Michael Taussig, "Tactility and Distraction"

Constellations: Of Comparative Literature and the New Humanities--October 16-18, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 1:46pm
Emory Comparative Literature

Constellations: Of Comparative Literature and the New Humanities

October 16-18, 2009
Hosted By:
The Department of Comparative Literature
Emory University

With a Two Day Roundtable Featuring:
Geoffrey Bennington, Eduardo Cadava, Cathy Caruth, Peggy Kamuf, Thomas Keenan, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Permanent Vacation: Moves and Departures in Women's Popular Music

Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 9:41am
Midwest Modern Languages Association (Women's Caucus for the Modern Languages/Midwest)

For Midwest MLA in St. Louis, November 12-15, 2009

A change in location, focus, allegiance or perspective can lead to a major shift in an artist's work, which can then lead to a different sound, a different public persona, a different audience. Women artists who start out as one thing end up something else—gospel singers go secular and vice versa, country goes disco, folk rock goes jazz. We invite papers that explore this sort of transition and explore its aesthetic (and other) consequences in the career of a woman artist or group.

250-word abstracts by April 30, 2009 to

Patricia S. Rudden, New York City Coll. of Technology, patriciarudden@gmail.com.

[UPDATE] Modernism/Postmodernism (3/30/09; San Francisco 11/6-11/7/09)

Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 1:14pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association

A newly formed panel entitled Modernism/Postmodernism, to be held at the annual PAMLA conference in San Francisco (11/6-11/7/09), seeks papers of 15-20 minutes. The field is relatively open, though papers on poetry or narrative that deal specifically with modernist/postmodernist aesthetics and/or politics are particularly sought. Deadline for submissions is 3/30/09. Please submit a 50-word abstract and 200-word proposal directly to the PAMLA online submission tool at www.pamla.org. Direct inquiries to amymrobbins@gmail.com.


Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 12:56pm
3/30/09: PAMLA Conference (San Fracisco 11/6-11/7/09)

A newly formed panel entitled Modernism/Postmodernism, to be held at the annual PAMLA conference in San Francisco (11/6-11/7/09), seeks submissions for papers of 15-20 minutes. The field within this panel is relatively open, though papers on modern/postmodern poetry, as well as papers (focused upon any genre) that make trans-century connections between modern and postmodern aesthetics and politics, are particularly sought. Deadline for submissions is 3/30/09. Please send proposals of 200 words, a 50-word abstract, and brief bio to amymrobbins@gmail.com.

&Now Conference of Innovative Writing & the Literary Arts: October 15-17, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009 - 12:54pm
University at Buffalo

The &Now Conference explores intersections between creative and critical praxes, examines innovative and experimental acts of writing, and advances a serious inquiry into theories of language.


Critical papers, criti-fictional presentations, fiction readings,
performance pieces (digital, sound, and otherwise), electronic and
multimedia projects, and cross genre work of all kinds. Pieces that
address linguistic transgressions, the limits of genre, or works that promote interdisciplinary explorations are particularly encouraged.

Proposals can be for individual readings, critical panels, creative
panels, and/or roundtable discussions.

Tolkien Society Seminar: Journeys & Destinations - London UK - June 27, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009 - 3:48pm
Ian Collier / The Tolkien Society

Call for Papers:

Tolkien Society Seminar: Journeys & Destinations
Sir John Soane's Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3BP
Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Tolkien Society invites submissions for papers to be given at the annual Seminar.

The seminar provides academics, students and independent scholars with a venue for interdisciplinary dialogue. This year the theme is "Journeys and destinations" in Tolkien's works. Participants are free to draw on any part of Tolkien's oeuvre, or to follow a thematic line within one text, or one text in it's variant forms (draft ms, published work, amended edition).

Shifting Spatialities Graduate Symposium (Submissions Due: 7/1/09, Symposium:10/2-10/3)

Friday, March 20, 2009 - 12:40pm
Rice University, Houston, TX

Shifting Spatialities: The Dynamic Boundaries of Place and Space

Rice Graduate Symposium
October 2-3, 2009
Rice University, Houston, TX

Call For Papers
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2009

As the citizen of the nation becomes the consumer of the multinational corporation, our roles as inhabitants of space become increasingly complicated. Our literature, our faith, our bodies all speak to the different ways that we find to occupy the shifting territories of the postmodern landscape. Looking both to the past and future can help us to discover the real and imagined ways our cultures can develop in more richly and defined ways.

Literature and the Other Arts--PAMLA, San Francisco, Nov. 6-7, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009 - 11:28am
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association

Literature has a clear kinship with the other arts. This panel seeks papers examining cross-currents between literature and other artistic forms, including but not limited to music, painting, sculpture, performance art, theater, dance, photography, or film. Topics might include the incorporation of one artistic form in another (music in a novel, literary references in a painting), pedagogical approaches to bringing the arts into a literature course, the work of an author/sculptor, or poetic responses to painting.

Western Region, American Conference for Irish Studies, Oct 16-17, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 5:39pm
American Conference for Irish Studies West

A Call for Papers

American Conference for Irish Studies-West

25th Annual Meeting

C.B. Hannegan's
Los Gatos, California

October 16-17, 2009

Theme: Ireland and Its Influences

Multidisciplinary Program to include but not limited to:

Humanities, Social Science and Arts
(All Broadly Defined)

The papers being sought may deal with any aspect of the life and culture of Ireland or the Irish at home and worldwide. ACIS-W enjoys an established reputation for interest in and encouragement of diverse presentations. You must be an American Conference of Irish Studies member to apply.

[UPDATE] Extended Deadline

Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 2:41pm
Thomas Polk / UNCW GEA

Call for Papers: "Rising Tides: Major and Minor Trends in English Studies"
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Graduate English Association Conference
April 17 & 18, 2008 (The conference is on April 18, but we plan to host a social event the night before.)

"Upon those who step into the same rivers, different and again different waters flow."

Over 2500 years have passed, but Heraclitos' wisdom remains salient. None would deny that there are dominant movements and perspectives; yet, every scholar must admit that the topography of the discipline is in continual flux. Each year generates a new approach and a new trend – a new branch from the old.

SAMLA Creative Nonfiction Writers panel

Thursday, March 19, 2009 - 8:34am
Foster Dickson / Booker T. Washington Magnet High School

The South Atlantic MLA Creative Nonfiction Writers panel is seeking papers to consider for inclusion at the 2009 convention to be held November 6-9, 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference's theme this year is "Human Rights in the Humanities." Submitted papers should adhere to that theme and may range from 1000-4000 words. Those writers whose works are accepted must be (or become) a SAMLA member, must commit to attend the 2009 conference, and should be prepared to read the accepted work out loud to an audience.

Women in Literature: PAMLA Annual Conference at San Francisco State University (Nov. 6-7, 2009)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - 10:28pm
Melissa Baker / Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association

Call for Papers (Online Submission Deadline: March 30, 2009)

The "Women in Literature" panel of this year's PAMLA conference invites proposals for papers addressing the session topic from a broad range of scholarly perspectives.

Graduate students, faculty, and independent scholars from the United States and abroad are all welcome to submit a proposal via PAMLA's online submission form at http://www.pamla.org/2009/proposals. Please keep proposals to 500 words or less and include an abstract of your paper (no more than 50 words).

Metaphor in Public Discourse

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - 9:36pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association

This session seeks to promote new knowledge about the nature and function of metaphor in public discourse. Interpretations of contemporary events tend to use metaphorical expressions to describe cultural and social changes in society, illuminating but also hiding concepts embedded in discourse. Academicians from various fields of studies will highlight ways in which conceptualizations govern our understanding of key issues and actions in current times. Participants are encouraged to explore metaphor as expressed through written, oral, visual, and gestural languages in public discourse.

Ludic Cartography. Mapping GameSpaces (04/25/2009-06/01/2009)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - 12:16pm
Stanford University

The How They Got Game Project at Stanford University is currently seeking for papers that explore the connections between mapping, cartographic practices, electronic gaming and virtual worlds for an illustrated book that will be published in 2010. Specifically, we are interested in essays that address the notion of representing spaces in video games and virtual worlds through the aid of maps and mapping tools. Video games and virtual worlds establish new topographies and geographies that - while often making references to preexisting models - create a new understanding of the fictional worlds that we explore. Our goal is to show and explain how digital spaces are being mapped by a new generation of cartographers.

Topics might include:

CALL for PRESENTATIONS: Mid-Atlantic College Student Literary Magazine Conference 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - 7:58am
Mid-Atlantic College Student Literary Magazine Conference

Following the success of our inaugural conference last year, the Mid-Atlantic College Student Literary Magazine Conference co-chairs are issuing a Call for Presentations for the October 9, 2009, conference to be held at Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ

E-Utama: Journal of Malay Culture, Literature, Language and Education--Call for Papers

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 - 9:53pm
Malay Language and Culture Department, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

e-Utama, an online journal of the Malay Language and Culture Department of the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is inviting submissions for its second issue (due to be published at the end of the year). The call for papers can be viewed at


Playing with Stereotypes. Redefining Hispanic Identity in Post-national Literature and Cinema.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 - 2:48pm
Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven), BELGIUM; Department of Spanish and Latin-American Literature

Keynote speakers

Ruth Amossy (Tel Aviv University)
Jean-Louis Dufays (UCL)
Charles Ramírez-Berg (Texas Austin)
Maarten van Delden (USC, California)
David Oubiña (UBA, Buenos Aires)

General Presentation

Over the past ten years, the concept of the 'stereotype' has become a subject of intense debate in literary studies, especially in Europe. Although in daily usage the term 'stereotype' often has a negative connotation, the theoreticians of stereotyping (Amossy, Dufays, Lippman) emphasize its indispensable and constructive role in processes of social communication, including art.

Ethics in Literary & Artistic Production of the French and Francophone World

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 - 1:49pm
PAMLA 2009 Special Topic Session

In today's world when governments are rethinking socio-political, economic, and ecological structures on the global level in the light of the recent financial crisis, it is of the most importance to raise the question of ethics. How does literary and artistic production of the French and Francophone world broach this subject? We invite you to investigate the role of ethics in the works of contemporary French and Francophone writers, thinkers, and artists. Please send a 250-word abstract as a Word document to Vera Klekovkina, Scripps College (Vera.Klekovkina@ScrippsCollege.eddu) by March 30, 2009.
