CFP: Companion to the World Novel (no deadline; book)
CFP: Companion to the World Novel (no deadline; book)
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CFP: Companion to the World Novel (no deadline; book)
UPDATE: Writing Macao: creative text and teaching
Submissions are now sought for the second number of Writing Macao:creative
text and teaching, to appear in November of 2004. Contributions are
particularly sought in the area of theory and practice relating to the
teaching of creative writing in English in non-native contexts. The
extended deadline for papers is September, 2004. Submissions of creative
work will also now be accepted.
Special Issue: New Approaches to American Indian Autobiography
The American Indian Culture and Research Journal invites
papers from scholars of all disciplinary backgrounds for a
special issue on the topic of American Indian autobiography.
This issue seeks to expand studies of American Indian
autobiography or self-life-narration in light of recent
developments in literary, visual and cultural studies.
Submissions of autobiographical film and visual culture
narratives are especially encouraged.
Call for Essay Proposals for MLA Options Volume on Teaching the African Novel
New Series Announcement
Call for Proposals for a new series of academic monographs
Manchester University Press is proud to announce the launch of a new
series dedicated to the critical appraisal of contemporary North American
writers. The series will reflect the breadth and diversity of writing in
America over the last thirty years, and will provide critical evaluations
of established, emerging and critically neglected novelists. This series
offers an exciting opportunity for authors to explore notions of the
contemporary, and to analyze current and developing modes of
representation with a focus on individual writers and their works.
The Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies
seeks submissions for a special issue devoted to the
Intellectual and Political Legacy of Edward Said
Papers may engage any aspect of Edward Said's work in relation to
Commonwealth and postcolonial studies, taking up theoretical, literary,
pedagogical, or other topics.
Preferred length is 4,000-5,000 words. MLA format.
The author should not identify him/herself in the essay.
Submission deadline is February 1, 2005.
E-mail submissions to Patrick Hogan, guest editor of the issue, at
CALL FOR PAPERS: "Arab-American Feminisms," a special journal issue
to be published in the Spring 2005 edition of the MIT Electronic
Journal for Middle East Studies.
Call for Journal Submissions: Deadline Extended to August 1, 2004
TransLit: UCLA Journal of Comparative Literature
Mind and Human Interaction, an interdisciplinary journal published by
the Center for the Study of Mind and Human Interaction, University of
Virginia, is seeking papers on the theme of "Diaspora Identity".
Whether exiled or immigrating to a new land, whether first or second
generation, an individual psychologically intertwines the home of origin
and the present home in a variety of ways that impact his/her identity.
We would be very interested in learning more about this psychological
process and look forward to receiving your submission.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - The Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence
SDA Bocconi Business School (Milan, Italy) announces the forthcoming online
publication of the second issue of "The transdisciplinary journal of
emergence" ( TJE is an English-language on-line journal
that will be published semi-annually starting from September 2003. We are
seeking contributions for the second (Summer 2004) issue, to be sent by July
15th, 2004.
The Theme of the second issue is: Migration, Memory, and the Construction of
the Self in Post-Industrial Societies.
The Journal of New Zealand Literature is offering an annual prize for an original piece of research in the area of New Zealand Literary Studies. The prize will be awarded for the first time in 2005.
* The prize will be awarded for a first publication in the area of New Zealand literary studies. We particularly encourage work from graduate researchers and emerging scholars, but the prize is also open to established researchers in other fields who are making their first foray into New Zealand literary studies.
* There will be a cash prize of NZ$250.
* The winning entry will be published in JNZL (The Journal of New Zealand Literature).
* The prize is open internationally.
Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original works and critical studies of Caribbean literature, theater, film, art, and culture by writers and scholars worldwide exclusively in electronic form. The journal promotes a lively exchange among writers and scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences who hold diverse perspectives on Caribbean literature and culture and offers a mixture of critical essays, cultural studies, interviews, fiction, poetry, plays and visual art. Book reviews and bibliographies, special thematic issues and original art and photography are some of the features of this international journal of Caribbean arts and letters.
Update: Michigan Feminist Studies Extents Its Call for Papers to MAY 15,
In addition, Michigan Feminist Studies organizes a JOURNAL COVER DESIGN
COMPETION, with the submission deadline May 15, 2004. The cover design
should reflect this year's theme, Within Hostile Borders. We welcome cover
design contributions from art departments across the country as well as
international submissions from undergraduate and graduate students.
Michigan Feminist Studies
Seeks submissions for its 2004 issue:
Edited Book on Recent Arab Women's Autobiographical Writings in English
Call for contribution
My book Reading Arab Women's Autobiographies. Shahrazad Tells Her
Story was published last November (2003) by Texas University Press.
The book fills a gap in the field. Texas University Press expressed
interest in another book in the same area.
In the book, I looked at autobiographical, fictional
autobiographical and anthologies of interviews with women. I read texts
by Huda Shaarawi, Nawal El-Saadawi, Fadwa Tuqan, Bouthaina Shaaban,
Fatima Mernissi, and Nayra Atiya. The book also examined the
sociopolitical background of the texts as well as the tradition of
narrative theory.
Deadline for submissions: 1 SEPTEMBER 2004
Deadline for proposals/abstracts: 1 MAY 2004
Guest editor: Pier Paolo Frassinelli (University of the Witwatersrand)
This issue will host papers that address the issue of globalisation in =
relation to the new directions in teaching and research in the field of =
Renaissance Literature, Drama and Cultural Studies.
Postcolonial Studies Journal: Special Issue: 'Digital Culture'
Postcolonial Studies: Special Issue
'Digital Culture'
Guest Edited by Mark Poster
Postcolonial Studies Journal: Special Issue: "Postcolonial Food"
Postcolonial Studies is calling for contributions on the topic
of 'Postcolonial Food'. An early reviewer of Claudia Roden's 1968 A Book of
Middle Eastern Food, described the text as 'a work of cultural anthropology'.
The quote is a little misleading: for Roden not only describes a set of
foreign culinary practices, she gives recipes for their recreation. Imagine of
Postcolonial Studies saw that as its mission. We have devoted a great deal of
time to the critique of representation, but rather less to the possibility of
intercultural communication, not to mention learning.
Call For Papers—Please Forward
We call for papers for a proposed edited
collection on the topics of literature and
authority—governmental, legal, rhetorical,
anthropological--in the Pacific, including
Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, the
Philippines, Malaysia, other Pacific Island
nations and Hawai'i. Successful essays will
address one or more Pacific writers and/or texts,
including both indigenous and "white" writers,
and will address either how the
interrelationships of politics and culture
affects writers, readers, and literature or how
literatures (traditional and non-traditional)
reflect themes of the relationship of history,
authority, and cultural self-expression.
April 2004)
Breaking the Bounds II: Postcolonial British Stages
In conjunction with the theme of the 2006 issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare in China" (co-edited with Lingui Yang), the
journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual Meeting
of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2004).
CFP: Africa: Myths and Realities (7.1.04; journal issue)
EnterText 4.2 <>
free-access peer-reviewed online journal
for cultural, historical and social studies and creative work
Submissions are invited on Africa-related topics, including:
Aspects of the history, sociology or culture of African communities.
The problematics of national, regional and other identities.
African diasporas.
Call for Papers
Women's Short Fiction
Updated abstract deadline
In conjunction with the theme of the 2006 issue of the Shakespeare
Yearbook, "Shakespeare in China" (co-edited with Lingui Yang), the
journal will sponsor a special session at the upcoming Annual Meeting
of the MLA (Philadelphia, December 27-30, 2004).
Call For Papers
Teaching Irish Literature as Post-colonial
Editors: Bridget Matthews-Kane and Claire Schomp
Deadline for Abstracts: June 15, 2004
"Africa in India, India in Africa." Among the topics to be addressed
in this collection of essays will be the following: The Siddhis of
Gujarat, and contemporary interaction between African nations and south
Asia; The two waves of Indians to Africa; subsequent migration from and
within Africa in the 20th century; West Indian migration to Britain and
interaction with African immigrants in Britain; West Indian migration to
the US, and interaction with African Americans; Self-representations and
objectification by others in film, fiction, drama, etc.; Political and
economic interaction among local and immigrant communities. On a
broader theoretical plane, this collection of essays seeks 1) to address
Creolization and Caribbean Basin Romanticism, 1750-1850 (6/01/04;
Call for papers for PORTAL Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies
Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan 2005. Special issue on Exile and Social Transformation.
CFP: Derrida's Indian Philosophical Subtext (Collection)
The deadline for submission has been extended to 31 March 2004.
Papers are invited for a special issue (August 2004) of the online, =
peer-reviewed journal _Consciousness, Literature and the Arts_ on =
Derrida's Indian philosophical subtext:
CFP: Exterminating Narratives: Identifying and Resisting Genocidal Cultural
Logics (Deadline: 9/15/2004)
Pulse: a journal of anticolonial thought, expression and activism
What matters to you?
Got thoughts on racism, colonization, privilege, power, or more?