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CFP: Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck: Travel Writer, Aesthetic Theorist and Theologian (1/5/06; 5/27/06-5/30/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Natasha Duquette

Please see, below, the Call for Papers for a session on Mary Anne
Schimmelpenninck at the Canadian Congress of Social Sciences and

Call for Papers: Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck: Travel Writer, Aesthetic
Theorist and Theologian (1/5/06; 5/27/06-5/30/06) =20

Christianity and Literature Study Group Conference=20
Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities=20
York University=20
Toronto, Ontario=20
May 27-30, 2006=20

CFP: African Americans and The Catholic Church (1/28/06; 4/27/06-4/29/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Iyer, Nalini







The Gaffney Chair for Endowed Mission and the Center for the Study of =
Justice in Society jointly present and invite contributions to a =
will be held at Seattle University from April 27-29, 2006.


CFP: Postwar Jewish Literatures (Belgium) (1/31/06; 11/6/06-11/7/06)

Friday, December 9, 2005 - 8:23pm
Philippe Codde

*Response, Remembrance, Representation:
A Dialogue between Postwar Jewish Literatures*
Universities of Antwerp and Ghent, 6-7 November 2006

Papers are invited for a two-day comparative literature conference on
postwar Jewish writing in North America and Western Europe.

CFP: Working Conditions: Reform & Religion in 19th Century American Women's Writing (12/15/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Friday, December 9, 2005 - 8:18pm
Marit MacArthur

CFP: Working Conditions: Reform & Religion in 19th Century American
Women's Writing

How did anti-Calvinist religious movements (with a new belief in progress
and human perfectability) condition reformist American literature by women
during the period 1840-1895? Of particular interest are works that exposed
and criticized industrial working conditions, such as Rebecca Harding
Davis's Life in the Iron Mills, but papers on any reformist women's
writing works from this period are welcome.

Please submit a 300-word abstract by December 15th to:

CFP: Comparative Hebraisms (3/1/06; RMMLA, 10/12/06-10/14/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm

CFP: Comparative Hebraisms (3/1/06; 10/12/06-10/14/06)
2006 RMMLA Convention Tucson, AZ ~ October 12-14, 2006
Accepting proposals for papers that incorporate any aspect of Hebrew
literature, rhetoric, philosophy, history, politics, culture,
personalities, linguistics, etc., especially in comparison/contrast to
other cultures. Email proposals of no more than 250 words to by March 1, 2006.

Kathleen Flacy
Texas A & M University
Department of Language and Literature
College Station, TX 77843-4227

CFP: Faith, Knowledge and the Interface of Epistemologies (2/10/06; 5/4/06-5/5/06)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - 9:27pm
William C Mitchell


University of Washington Graduate Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies
May 4-5, 2006
Submission Deadline: February 10, 2006

Faith, Knowledge and the Interface of Epistemologies
Speaker: Robert Michel Pyle

CFP: Permeability and Rivalry in the Early Modern Arts (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - 9:27pm
Meredith J. Donaldson

Panel Proposal for:

=93Permeability and Selfhood=94=20
McGill University, Montreal=20
12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature=20


Painting about Poetry, Singing about Sculpture:=20

Permeability and Rivalry in the Early Modern Arts

=93If you assert that painting is dumb poetry, then the painter may call =
poetry blind painting=85

Music is not to be regarded as other than the sister of painting=85

The poet remains far behind the painter with respect to the =
representation of corporeal things, and with respect to invisible =
things, he remains behind the musician.=94

(Leonardo, On Painting)


UPDATE: Between the Sacred and the Profane (12/15/05; journal issue)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:34pm
Murray, Sarah Jane

Update: "Between the Sacred and the Profane: Medieval Renaissance and Performance" (Peer-reviewed)

Baylor Journal of Theatre and Performance seeks essays for a special issue, to be guest-edited by Dr. K. Sarah-Jane Murray and Dr. Sinda K. Vanderpool. We welcome essays that explore performance in, and performative aspects of, medieval and Renaissance drama, poetry, and literature. We particularly encourage submissions exploring the relationship 'between the sacred and the profane.' Given that many medieval/Renaissance non-drama works were composed to be performed aloud, the editors will consider submissions focusing on a variety of genres. Popular performances, including non-manuscript based traditions, are also appropriate subjects.

CFP: Language, Mysticism, and Iconography: Exploring the Cultural Interface Between East and South Asia (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 4:18pm


American Comparative Literature Association Conference 2006
(Princeton University, March 23-26)


Language, Mysticism, and Iconography: Exploring the Cultural Interface
Between East and South Asia
Seminar Organizer(s) and Chairs: Helen Asquine Fazio, and V.G. Julie Rajan,
Rutgers University

CFP: Religion and Nation (1/15/06; 4/7/06-4/8/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 3:27pm



A NEXUS Interdisciplinary Conference

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Friday April 7 - Saturday April 8, 2006
Keynote Speaker: John Caputo (Syracuse)
"Beyond Sovereignty: The Weakness of God and the Postmodern Situation"
Reading by Diane Glancy (Macalester College)
Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2006

CFP: Levinas and the Political (1/15/06; 5/12/06-5/14/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 3:25pm
Sol Neely

Scholars across the disciplines are pleased to announce the formation of The
Levinas Society. Inspired by Lithuanian-born Jewish philosopher and Talmudic
commentator Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995) and contemporary Levinas scholarship,
we propose developing a formal society to coordinate and enhance critical work
and collaboration across the academic disciplines. The goal of this society is
to facilitate a broad and dynamic community of persons working toward effecting
the ethical in political, feminist, religious, critical, literary, pedagogical
and philosophical realms.

CFP: Teaching Language and Literature: Intersections of Faith and Reason (2/15/06; 6/22/06-6/25/06)

Friday, November 11, 2005 - 2:19pm
Darci N. Hill

We are calling for papers which treat the challenges and opportunities of
teaching language and literature from a Judeo-Christian perspective in a
college or university community. Especially welcome are papers which treat
this topic in a secular setting. Selected papers will be read at the
National Faculty Leadership Conference held June 22-25, 2006 in the
Washington, D. C. area.
Titles with abstracts of 300-400 words should be e-mailed as an attachment
to by February 15, 2006. Contributors will be notified of
acceptance by April 1, 2006.
Inquiries should be directed to Literature and Language Program Chair,
Dr. Darci Hill,

CFP: Race and Faith in African American Literature (1/15/06; collection)

Friday, November 11, 2005 - 2:17pm
Tracey Michae'l Lewis


Race and Faith in African American Literature


Call for Submissions


As chords of a song are composed of very specific notes that create a
recognizable sound to those who are familiar with music, so has most forms
of African American literature, even the most diametrically opposed works,
created similar "sounds" in their discourse on race and faith.


CFP: Non-Western Christianity and Literature (11/14/05; collection)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Middleton, Darren J.N.

Essays not exceeding 5,000 words are invited for an anthology exploring Non-Western Christianity and Literature.

The editor is especially interested in essays that show how creative writers (novelists, short fiction writers, poets, etc.) capture the real-lived texture of non-Western Christian belief and behavior. Various methodological and disciplinary approaches are encouraged.

Please send abstracts, which should not exceed 250 words, in the first instance. E-mail attachments preferred. Please use the e-mail address listed below. And feel free to use this address for any and all initial inquiries.

The deadline for receipt of abstracts is November 14, 2005. Completed essays are due April 30, 2006.

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (UK) (12/1/05; 6/30/06-7/1/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:38am
Robin Stephen Gilbank

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (abstract deadline =
12/1/05; conference dates 06/30/06-07/01/06)

This conference represents the first full-scale opportunity to examine =
the production and circulation of religious texts within the northern =
counties of England between 1100-1500. In recent years critical =
attention has focused on the role played by works by the Yorkshire =
hermit Richard Rolle (c. 1300-49) in revitalising lay spirituality. This =
interdisciplinary event widens the scope of the investigation to =
consider genres as diverse as drama and hagiography, which offer insight =
into religious devotion and practices in the region.

UPDATE: Jewish Studies Area (10/31/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 9:57pm

The deadline has been extended for the CFP for the Jewish Studies Area for
the 2006 Popular Culture Association conference. Please note the new deadline
located at the end of the Call.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Daniel Walden or
Barbara Silliman immediately.

Thank you, and we hope to hear from you soon!

CFP: Mennonite/s Writing: Beyond Borders (2/1/06; 10/26/06-10/29/06)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - 3:02pm
Nisly, Lamar

Call for Papers
Mennonite/s Writing: Beyond Borders
Bluffton University
Oct. 26-29, 2006
Keynote: Kathleen Norris=20
Featured writers and critics: Rudy Wiebe, Jean Janzen, John Ruth, Di
Brandt, Julia Kasdorf, Hildi Froese Tiessen, Jeff Gundy, Ann Hostetler,
G. C. Waldrep, Keith Ratzlaff, and many others.=20
Proposals for scholarly papers, creative writing presentations, and
panels are sought for the fourth in a series of conferences on Mennonite
writing in the U.S. and Canada. Building on that tradition and the
burgeoning of both creative work by and about Mennonites and critical
studies of that literature, the conference will both celebrate and

CFP: Studying Yizkor Books (12/1/05; dates not noted)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - 3:02pm
rosemary horowitz

CFP: Studying Jewish Memorial (Yizkor) Books

Participants are sought for a workshop to be proposed
to the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, in
Washington, DC. Each year, the Center accepts
proposals from groups of six-to-ten scholars to
conduct two-week research workshops at the Museum
during the summer. The aim of these workshops is to
promote discussion of methodologies and research
results, to encourage networking among scholars, and
to foster research and publication. I would like to
bring together scholars interested in yizkor books as
a way to further research into the books.

CFP: Religion and Ploughman Texts (UK) (9/28/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:36pm
Annemarie Thijms

We welcome all proposals on one or more Ploughman text that deal with religious
issues. Langland's Piers Plowman is of course one possible text, but we also
welcome proposals concerning, for example, Pierce the Plowman's Crede, the
Plowman's Tale, early Tudor Ploughman texts, Iolo Goch's Ploughman text or
Johannes von Tepl's Der Ackermann. Please send in your proposal to one of the
emails below by Wednesday the 28th of September.
Mary Carr (PhD student University of Oxford; and
Annemarie Thijms (PhD Student Trinity College Dublin;

CFP: African Literature and World Christianity (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gallagher, Susan

The Conference on Christianity and Literature invites submissions of
abstracts for the CCL session at the annual MLA Convention in December
2006. The session will be called "The Next Christendom" and African
Literature." Proposals should engage with the ideas of Philip Jenkins'
recent controversial book, The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global
Christianity, in relationship with the wider field of African
Literature. In his book, Jenkins argues that Christianity has become
the religion of the South, not the West. Questions that could be
addressed include how does the phenomenon of "world Christianity" inform
African literature, and how might African literature inform the

UPDATE: Medieval Drama and Vernacular Theology at Kalamazoo (9/26/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:42pm
David Lavinsky

CFP: Two Sponsored Sessions for the 41st International
Congress in Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, 4-7 May


The Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, invites
interdisciplinary, comparative, and global
perspectives on English drama and vernacular theology
in the Middle Ages.

1. New Approaches to Medieval English Drama:
Performing the Religious Other

Possible topics might include but are not limited to:
