rhetoric and composition

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CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Federation Rhetoric Symposium 2009

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 - 4:20pm
Brandi Westmoreland

Memory: Rhetoric’s Forgotten Canon

***Open to faculty, graduates, independent scholars, and undergraduates***

Federation Rhetoric Symposium 2009
Texas A&M University-Commerce
February 6, 2009

The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area
In partnership with English Graduates for Academic Development (EGAD) at

Submission Deadline: November 21, 2008
Acceptance Notification: December 31, 2008

“Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.”
â€"Cicero, De Oratore

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] SIU-Carbondale 3rd Annual Graduate Conference - Borders and Boundaries (11/21/08)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008 - 4:02pm
Julie Kares

Call for Papers
Borders and Boundaries
Graduate Conference in Literature and Rhetoric/Composition
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
March 27-28, 2009

Our third annual Graduate Conference would like to examine the ways in
which borders and boundaries enter the dialogue of literary, cultural, and
theoretical works. How are borders and boundaries established, questioned,
or deconstructed? In what ways are these delineations significant? In
what ways do they reflect the cultural geographies of particular periods
and places?

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] CFP

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 - 10:57am
Bernadette Cantrall

Issue 14: Sense & Sensation
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 31st January, 2009
Send to: slamphilament_at_usyd.edu.au

“Ah well! It means much the same thing,” said the Duchess, digging her
sharp little chin into Alice’s shoulder as she added, “and the moral of
THAT is â€"‘Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

"To the senseless nothing is more maddening than sense."
Aldous Huxley, Island

UPDATE: [Rhetoric–Composition] Obliterature: The Art of Creative Destruction –– GEO Conference in Kirksvill

Saturday, October 4, 2008 - 1:47am
Tamara Sack

Due to unforeseen scheduling problems, we have had to move the date of
the conference. Instead of April 10-11, our conference will now take
place April 3-4. We are sorry about the inconvenience.

I am reposting the entire CFP in this update with all the correct and
current information. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


The Graduate English Organization of Truman State University is proud to
announce the call for papers for their annual conference April 3-4, 2009!

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Images of Order: Catalogs, Maps, Archives [Panel at ACLA Conference]

Friday, October 3, 2008 - 9:21pm
Ana Olenina

We are looking for paper submissions for the following panel/seminar at
the annual American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) conference
to be held at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (March 26-29, 2009)

Abstracts should be submitted by November 1, 2008, using the form on this
website: http://www.acla.org/acla2009/?page_id=7

Limited travel grants available (For details, see

Contact panel organizer:
Ana Olenina (olenina_at_fas.harvard.edu)


Images of Order: Catalogs, Maps, Archives [Panel at ACLA Conference]

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Call for Papers, Design at CEA 2009

Thursday, October 2, 2008 - 2:55pm
Coretta M. Pittman

Call for Papers, Design at CEA 2009
70th Anniversary Conference | March 26-28, 2009 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Omni William Penn Hotel, 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15219;
(412) 281-7100

The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in
English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Rhetoric and
Composition for our 40th annual conference, celebrating the organization’s
70th anniversary.

We invite papers on Rhetoric and Composition that draw on the conference
theme "Design." Proposals may conceive the conference theme broadly.
Practical and theoretical responses are encouraged.

UPDATE: [Rhetoric-Composition] Writing from the Center

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 5:27pm
Richard Collins



Louisiana Association for College Composition

14-15 November, Louisiana State University, Alexandria

Keynote speaker: Scott Russell Sanders, Distinguished Professor of
English, Indiana University, author of Writing from the Center and other
works of fiction and nonfiction, including novels, stories, children's
books and memoirs.

Proposals: The conference committee invites 200-word proposals for 15- to
20-minute individual presentations and 3- to 4-member panels on the theme
of "Writing from the Center" that might touch on the following topics:

UPDATE: [Rhetoric–Composition] Obliterature: The Art of Creative Destruction –– GEO Conference in Kirksvill

Friday, September 26, 2008 - 7:40pm
Tamara Sack

The deadline for submitting proposals to our Spring 2009
conference "Obliterature: The Art of Creative Destruction" has been
extended to midnight on January 15, 2009. Notices of acceptance will be
sent out mid-to-late February. Please refer to the original call for
papers for details on submission requirements.

Be sure to check out information on our conference in the December issue
of The Writer's Chronicle or online at

As usual, any questions or concerns may be sent to Tamara Sack at

Thank you.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Writing from the Center

Thursday, September 25, 2008 - 9:31pm
Richard Collins


Louisiana Association for College Composition

14-15 November, Louisiana State University, Alexandria

Keynote speaker: Scott Russell Sanders, Distinguished Professor of
English, Indiana University, author of Writing from the Center and other
works of fiction and nonfiction, including novels, stories, children's
books and memoirs.

Proposals: The conference committee invites 200-word proposals for 15- to
20-minute individual presentations and 3- to 4-member panels on the theme
of "Writing from the Center" that might touch on the following topics:

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Document Academy

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 - 4:08pm
David Beard

The Document Academy
March 28-29, 2009

University of Wisconsin-Madison
School of Library and Information Studies
Helen C. White Hall
Madison, Wisconsin USA

DOCAM '09 is the sixth Annual meeting of the Document Academy, an
international network of scholars, artists and professionals in various
fields interested in the exploration of the document as a useful approach,
concept and tool in Sciences, Arts, Business, and Society.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] CFP: Document Academy 2009

Friday, September 19, 2008 - 8:11pm
David Beard


The Document Academy
March 28-29, 2009

University of Wisconsin-Madison
School of Library and Information Studies
Helen C. White Hall
Madison, Wisconsin USA

DOCAM '09 is the sixth Annual meeting of the Document Academy, an
international network of scholars, artists and professionals in various
fields interested in the exploration of the document as a useful approach,
concept and tool in Sciences, Arts, Business, and Society.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Computer Culture: Pedagogy Topics (11/15/08; SWTX PCA/ACA, 2/24/09-2/28/09)

Friday, September 19, 2008 - 6:28am
Joseph Chaney

CALL FOR PAPERS: Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 24-28, 2009

Computer Culture Area panels
Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations 30th
Annual Meeting: http://swtxpca.org/

The Computer Culture Area welcomes paper, panel, and performance
proposals on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

Writing and the Web; blogs and the teaching of composition; computers and
teaching; new technologies for the classroom.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Papers needed for Literary Journal

Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 5:44pm

This is a call for submissions that you wish to be considered for
publication in The St. John's University (Queens, NY) bi-annual literary
journal, The Humanities Review. The journal has published several notable
academics in their respective fields over the last few years such as:
Gayatri Spivak, Amy King and Peter McLaren.

The working themes of this edition are Modern Social Custom Flourishes,
Exemplary Figures, Corruption of Dialect and Post-9/11 Noir. However, we
will not discriminate if your paper fails to converse with these ideas.
Whatever you have available will certainly suffice.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Papers Needed for Literary Journal

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 - 3:14am
John V. Nance

This is a call for submissions to be considered for publication in The
St. John's University (Queens, NY) literary journal, The Humanities

The journal has published several notable academics in their
respective fields over the last few years such as: Gayatri Spivak, Amy
King, Nick Brandt and Peter McLaren.

The working themes of this edition are: Approaching the Deconstruction of
Modern Political Rhetoric, The Corruption of Dialect, and Post-9/11 Noir.
However, we will not discriminate if your paper fails to converse with
these ideas. Please send any and all.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Obliterature: The Art of Creative Destruction GEO Conference

Saturday, September 13, 2008 - 6:03pm
Tamara Sack

The Graduate English Organization of Truman State University is proud to
announce the call for papers for their annual conference April 10-11,

Our speaker this year will be author extraordinaire Mary Ruefle, who has
published several books of poetry and prose as well as a comic book.
Inspired by her unique work A Little White Shadow, our conference is
entitled “Obliterature: The Art of Creative Destruction.” We are
looking for presentations, creative and scholarly, that deal with the
breaking down of culture and art, the imaginative implosions within the
written word, or simply those ideas that are not just out of the box but
crush it.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] SWTXPCA Rhetorics of New Media

Monday, September 8, 2008 - 4:05am
Anna Gurley

Call for Papers: Rhetorics of New Media
2009 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

30th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico
February 25-28, 2009

The 2009 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico
at the Hyatt Regency downtown.

•Priority Submission and Registration: Nov. 15, 2008.
•Final Submission Deadline: Dec. 1, 2008.
•Conference Registration: Dec. 31, 2008 (all participants must be
registered by this date!).

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Pedagogy at CEA 2009

Friday, September 5, 2008 - 7:51pm

Call for Papers, Pedagogy at CEA 2009
70th Anniversary Conference | March 26-28, 2009 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Omni William Penn Hotel, 530 William Penn Place, Pittsburgh, PA
15219; (412) 281-7100

The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in
English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on pedagogy in the
college classroom for our 40th annual conference, celebrating the
organization’s 70th anniversary. In keeping with the conference’s general
theme of Design, papers are sought that specifically address the role of
design in the construction and execution of our courses. Both practical
and theoretical responses are encouraged.

UPDATE: [Rhetoric-Composition] Expanding Literacy Studies International, Interdisciplinary Conference for Graduate Studies

Wednesday, July 30, 2008 - 4:48pm
Shawn Casey


Expanding Literacy Studies is an International, Interdisciplinary
Conference for Graduate Students to be held April 3-5, 2009, at The Ohio
State University.

Literacy Studies is a recent construct. At the same time, it addresses
long-standing questions and concerns within and across disciplines. But
what is literacy? Who is studying it? And how is it being studied?

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Education, critical pedagogy

Tuesday, July 29, 2008 - 12:32am
Rebecca Shapiro

The following is a call for manuscripts for the Peter Lang Publishing
Education and New Literacies list.
One of the premier education publishing groups, Peter Lang Publishing is
looking for works that understand how new literacies and new ways of seeing
education are being invented -- as people from all walks of life, in
diverse sites, wrestle with new technologies, shifting values, changing
institutional forms and processes, and emerging structures characteristic
of postmodernity/New Times/the Global Informational Age. These texts aim to
explore these emerging domains and to create awareness of key trends and
features, translating them into educational consciousness and practice.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Service-learning in the Composition Classroom

Sunday, July 20, 2008 - 1:56am
Susan Garza

Call for Papers
Service-learning in the Composition Classroom

Submissions are sought for a professional development book for both new and experienced
composition teachers that will focus on the role of service-learning in the composition
classroom. The book will be part of the Fountainhead Press X Series for Professional
Development. Essays are sought that provide practical ideas for using service-learning
pedagogy in the classroom; however, the practical application should build on a pedagogical
discussion that frames the teaching/learning activities. In other words, do not only tell how, but
also why.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Critical Pedagogy and Library Instruction: An Edited Collection

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 - 8:03pm
Maria Accardi

Critical Pedagogy and Library Instruction: An Edited Collection

Maria Accardi, Coordinator of Instruction, Indiana University Southeast:

Emily Drabinski, Reference Librarian, Sarah Lawrence College:

Alana Kumbier, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Wellesley College:

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Edited Collection on Rhetoric in the Rest of the West

Thursday, June 26, 2008 - 2:41am
Marcia Kmetz

Rhetorical scholars have begun uncovering the many marginalized rhetorical
traditions silenced by the homogenous nature of histories, reading and
writing new histories of the rhetorical tradition through frames from
gender to geography. Despite these substantial challenges
to/reinterpretations of the traditionally received history of rhetoric,
many voices are still silenced and many spaces are still excluded. This
silencing and excluding continues, perhaps, because of assumptions that no
texts exist from these marginalized voices or that substantial rhetorical
activity was not conducted in these marginalized spaces. These assumptions
may be based, in part, on an urban ideal of rhetorical activity, a

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Writing Across a Critical Thinking Continuum

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 7:13pm
Valerie Boyle

Second Biennial 2008 Writing Critical Thinking Conference
Friday, Nov. 21 to Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008
College of Liberal Arts, Quinnipiac University

Call for Papers
Proposal deadline is July 18.
Notification of acceptance sent by August 15.

"Writing Across a Critical Thinking Continuum"
The College of Liberal Arts announces its second biennial
conference, "Writing Across a Critical Thinking Continuum." The 2008
conference investigates the relationships between Critical Thinking
strategies to writing processes across curricular and disciplinary

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Concepts of ::: I - Self - Subject(ivity) ::: in Literature and Literary Theory (Publ. and Conf.)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 - 5:41am
Prof. Dr. J. Taffarel

Concepts of ‘I’ - ‘Self’ - ‘Subject(ivity’) in Literature and Literary
Theory. [Publication and Conference]


---> Submissions beginning NOW; Deadline: 15 August 2008

---> Date of Publication: April 2009

---> Date of Conference: 17 April â€" 20 April 2009, Vienna


We welcome approximately 40 essays of interest to those concerned with the
study of key concepts, both, in literature and literary studies: ‘I’ â€"
‘self’ â€" ‘Subject(ivity)’

We are looking particularly for contributions on various topics in literary
studies, literary theory and philosophy of literature answering to the
publication's subject matter.
