rhetoric and composition

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CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] "Writing Matters" Composition Conference

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 3:34pm
Gail Odette Henderson

The English department at Baton Rouge Community College invites
submissions from faculty and graduate students to its annual spring
writing conference, "Writing Matters: An Exploration of the Diverse
Nature of the Composition Classroom." Papers and panel discussions are
welcome in all areas relating to the composition classroom, including
technology, cultural diversity, teaching methodology, interdisciplinary
approaches, and writing across the curriculum. Deadline for abstracts,
which should be a maximum of 200 words, is Friday, Feb. 1, 2008.
Selected participants will be notified no later than Monday, Feb. 11.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Composition Conference

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 - 3:34pm
Gail Odette Henderson

The English department at Baton Rouge Community College invites
submissions from faculty and graduate students to its annual spring
writing conference, "Writing Matters: An Exploration of the Diverse
Nature of the Composition Classroom." Papers and panel discussions are
welcome in all areas relating to the composition classroom, including
technology, cultural diversity, teaching methodology, interdisciplinary
approaches, and writing across the curriculum. Deadline for abstracts,
which should be a maximum of 200 words, is Friday, Feb. 1, 2008.
Selected participants will be notified no later than Monday, Feb. 11.

CFP: [Rhetoric–Composition] CFP––A Symposium in Rhetoric: Phronesis and Political Rhetoric: Campaigns, Comprom

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 - 5:11pm
Rochelle Gregory

The Federation Rhetoric Committee of the Federation of North Texas Area
Texas Woman's University, Denton , Texas
February 8, 2008

The Rhetoric Symposium is now accepting proposals for papers and panels
from faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars addressing
contemporary concerns with and applications of phronesis, which we define
broadly to include topics related to political rhetoric, civic discourse,
public political speeches, private political discourses, technology, and
critical theory.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Composition, Rhetoric, and Popular Culture (11/9/2007; 3/19-22/2008)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007 - 1:47pm
Michael Carlson Kapper

The Composition and Rhetoric Area of the PCA/ACA seeks papers/projects
addressing the intersection of Popular Culture with Composition studies
and/or Rhetoric, as each of these terms can be most broadly construed.
We are interested in popular representations of writing, rhetoric, and
instruction in both, as well as the composed or rhetorical nature of
culture as expressed in popular artifacts. Topics include, but are not
limited to:

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] 11th Annual Cassola Conference on Teaching Communication (11/30/07; 4/4/08)

Friday, September 21, 2007 - 3:23pm
Eileen Medeiros

Johnson & Wales University
11th Annual Cassola Conference on Teaching Communication
Friday, April 4, 2008

Telling the Whole Story:
Communication in the Classroom and Community

Join us as we examine our own efforts to tell “the whole story” in today’s
classrooms and communities, facing challenges ranging from course curricula
to information literacy to our attempts to understand competing narratives
about global issues such as climate change, national security, and
international conflict.

Keynote speaker Helen Glover will share her experiences as a Navy
instructor, a contestant on reality television show “Survivor,” and a talk
show host on WHJJ radio.

UPDATE: [Rhetoric-Composition] (Re)Constructing Queer Pedagogy (10/1/07; 4/10-13/08)

Saturday, September 15, 2007 - 8:10pm
Nowell Marshall

Deadline extended to Oct. 1, 2007

39th Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention
April 10-13, 2008

Buffalo, New York

Despite the growth of composition studies and pedagogy as fields of interest
in recent decades and the simultaneous development of LGBT studies and queer
theory, these two areas of interest are rarely brought together. Drawing on
George Hillocks idea that theory forms the basis of coherent classroom
practice, this panel hopes to continue the discussion on queer pedagogy by
soliciting papers informed by theory, praxis, critical reflection, and

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] [Rhetoric and Composition] (Nov.1, 2007; CEA March 27-29, 2008)

Thursday, September 13, 2007 - 3:29pm
Coretta Pittman

We invite papers on Rhetoric and Composition for the 39th Annual meeting
of the CEA. Papers for this area will draw on the conference
theme "Passages." Proposals may conceive the conference theme broadly.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following areas:

1st Year Writing
Basic Writing
Gendered Writing
Minority Rhetoric
Post-Colonial Rhetoric
Political Rhetoric
Digital Media

Proposals should be submitted via the online database at
http://english.ttu.edu/cea/conftool by November 1st, 2007.

UPDATE: [Rhetoric-Composition] Professional Panel on Feminism in the Classroom (9/15/07; NEMLA, 4/10/08-4/13/08)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 1:43pm
Christy Wenger

CFP: Professional Panel on Feminism in the Classroom (9/15/07; NEMLA,

Call for Papers

2008 North Eastern Modern Language Association
Convention in Buffalo, New York
Date: April 10-13, 2008

Deadline for Abstract: September 15, 2007

Please e-mail a one-page abstract as a MS Word attachment to
christy.wenger_at_lehigh.edu or via regular mail to

Christy Wenger
Lehigh University
35 Sayre Dr.
English Department, 101 Drown Hall
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Please include with your abstract:

Name and Affiliation

Email address

Postal address

Telephone number

A/V requirements (if any)

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] PCAACA 2008 Language Attitudes

Monday, September 3, 2007 - 2:47pm
Patricia Donaher

CALL FOR PAPERS! - Language Attitudes and Popular Linguistics Area
2008 Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference
San Francisco Marriott - March 19-22, 2008

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Life Writing and Translations

Sunday, September 2, 2007 - 7:55am
Craig Howes

Call for Papers
The Sixth Biennial International Auto/Biography Association Conference
Honolulu, Hawai‘i
June 23-26, 2008
Abstract Deadline: November 1, 2007

Conference Topic: Life Writing and Translations

The Center for Biographical Research and the International Auto/Biography
Association invite scholars from around the world to attend the sixth IABA
conference, which will be held at the East-West Center, next to the campus
of the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, in Honolulu.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Call for Proposals for Research Network Forum at CCCC

Friday, August 31, 2007 - 6:43pm
Dr. Katherine V. Wills

Research Network Forum
A Community of Inquiry

CFP: The Research Network Forum was founded in 1987 as a pre-convention
workshop at
CCCC. RNF provides an opportunity for published researchers, new
researchers, and graduate students to discuss their current research
projects and receive responses from new and senior researchers. The forum
is free to CCCC convention participants. You need not be a work-in
progress presenter to attend.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Essays on Digital Media for Upcoming Collection

Thursday, August 30, 2007 - 2:48pm
Heather Urbanski

For the upcoming essay collection "Writing (and) the Digital Generation"
(under contract with McFarland), I am soliciting contributions that analyze
the many facets of participatory digital entertainment. The key assumption
of this project is that, contrary to the claim that “no one reads anymore,”
a vast “Digital Generation” actually engages in more rhetorical activity
than perhaps any before. This collection seeks essays that describe and
document these participatory activities and how they are changing how we
see writing, perhaps permanently.

UPDATE: [Rhetoric-Composition] Race in the Writing Center: Towards New Theory and Praxis

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - 4:52am
Aneeka Henderson

Please submit conference proposals to raceinwritingcenter_at_gmail.com

Proposals will be reviewed by Vainis Aleksa,
Aneeka A. Henderson, and Lydia Saravia.

 From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
             more information at
Received on Wed Aug 29 2007 - 00:52:50 EDT

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Professional Panel on Feminism in the Classroom (9/15/07; NEMLA, 4/10/08-4/13/08)

Monday, August 27, 2007 - 11:27am
Christy Wenger

Call for Papers

2008 North Eastern Modern Language Association
Convention in Buffalo, New York
Date: April 10-13, 2008

Deadline for Abstract: September 15, 2007

Please e-mail a one-page abstract as a MS Word attachment to
christy.wenger_at_lehigh.edu or via regular mail to

Christy Wenger
Lehigh University
35 Sayre Dr.
English Department, 101 Drown Hall
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Please include with your abstract:

Name and Affiliation

Email address

Postal address

Telephone number

A/V requirements (if any)

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Promise of Reason/Perelman Conference

Sunday, August 26, 2007 - 4:20am
Teresa Coronado

*******New Deadline: Sept. 21, 2007**************


University of Oregon â€" May 17-20, 2008

Faculty and Graduate Students are invited to submit proposals for papers
and panels for this international conference commemorating the fiftieth
anniversary of the publication of Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-
Tyteca’s Le nouvelle rhétorique: Traité de l‘argumentation (1958), one of
the most influential twentieth-century rhetorical works.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Rhetorics and Ethics of the Decision (9/10/07; RSA 2008)

Saturday, August 25, 2007 - 9:40pm
Brooke Rollins

Rhetorics and Ethics of the Decision (9/10/07; RSA 2008)

I am seeking submissions for a panel to be proposed for the 2008
Rhetoric Society of America Conference in Seattle, WA
(http://www.rhetoricsociety.org/). I’d like to invite preliminary
proposals (no more than 250 words) that present rhetorical or ethical
approaches to the decision. The “decision,” here, is conceived broadly,
and any ethical, rhetorical, or theoretical aspect you wish to engage is
welcome. Ideally, the completed panel will contribute in some way to the
conference theme “The Responsibilities of Rhetoric.” Possibilities
include (but are not limited to):

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Learning Through Writing: A Compendium of Assignments and Techniques

Friday, August 24, 2007 - 1:48pm
Lyn Bennett

The editors of _Learning Through Writing: A Compendium of Assignments and Techniques_
invite contributions for a new edition of our publication. _Compendium_ will be a collection of
essays, assignments, and writing guidelines designed as a cross-disciplinary resource for the
instruction of post-secondary writing. As well as providing valuable exercises and tips,
_Compendium_ addresses pedagogical and technological issues currently facing instructors,
such as the integration of editorial training within the classroom, teaching composition and
critical thinking across the disciplines, collaborative writing and the web, and negotiating the
digitization of library and archival resources.

CFP: [Rhetoric-Composition] Race in the Writing Center: Towards New Theory and Praxis

Monday, August 20, 2007 - 4:31pm
Aneeka A. Henderson

Race in the Writing Center: Towards New Theory and Praxis

We invite panel and individual-paper proposals for the UIC Writing Center
and Public Space conference series on "Race in the Writing Center: Towards
New Theory and Praxis" to be held at the University of Illinois at
Chicago, February 29 & March 1, 2008. We are seeking new and exciting
work that explores the relationship between writing, race, tutoring, and
writing center spaces and practices.
