rhetoric and composition

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Chapters for new book - Rhetoric After Identification

Thursday, November 9, 2023 - 1:33pm
David R. Gruber, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rhetoric After Identification

Edited by David R. Gruber (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) & Jason Kalin (DePaul University)


Rhetorical identification seeks a common ground of existence in which divided individuals can mediate their differences. Perhaps, for this reason, either explicitly or implicitly, identification has become a commonplace of rhetorical theory and criticism. As Diane Davis (2010) writes, “Identification is not simply rhetoric’s most fundamental aim; it’s also and therefore rhetorical theory’s most fundamental problem” (p. 33). Any rhetoric, it seems, must pass through rhetorical identification. 

Texas Transformations (for the guaranteed TCEA session) at CEA 2024

Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 5:15pm
Moumin Quazi / College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, November 13, 2023

Call for Papers, Texas Transformations (for the guaranteed TCEA session) at CEA 2024

March 21-23, 2023 | Atlanta, Georgia

Westin Buckhead, Atlanta | 3391 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30326

(404) 365-0065, https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/atlwb-the-westin-buckhead-atlanta/overview/?scid=f2ae0541-1279-4f24-b197-a979c79310b0 

College English Association seeks abstracts for 2024 Conference in Atlanta

Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 1:37pm
College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, November 13, 2023

The College English Association's upcoming national conference, March 21-23, 2024, seeks abstracts in the fields of Composition and Rhetoric, pedagogy, and the profession. The city of Atlanta, always reimagining itself, is the ideal backdrop for presentations that consider how these fields are changing and renewing themselves likewise. 

In addition, CEA 2024 welcomes papers and panels that address a wide range of areas across literary studies, creative writing, rhetoric, composition, technical communication, linguistics, and film. We are especially interested in presentations that incorporate topics related to TRANSFORMATIONS in texts, disciplines, people, cultural studies, media, and pedagogy.

CFP: Pedagogy at CEA 2024 (3/21-3/23/2024)

Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 10:22am
College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, November 13, 2023





The Big Peach. The ATL. The Dogwood City. Atlanta is a city always reimagining itself. The city’s history parallels America's own complicated and continuing story. This spirit of TRANSFORMATION—the theme of CEA 2024—is captured in the city's seal featuring a phoenix rising from the ashes. The image captures Atlanta's resilience as a city in how it emerged from the devastation of the Civil War to become a modern industrial metropolis, the center of the movement for Civil Rights, and what the New York Times describes as “hip-hop’s center of gravity.”



Thursday, November 2, 2023 - 9:43am
College English Association (CEA)
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, November 13, 2023

The Big Peach. The ATL. The Dogwood City. Atlanta is a city always reimagining itself. The city’s history parallels America's own complicated and continuing story. This spirit of TRANSFORMATION—the theme of CEA 2024—is captured in the city's seal featuring a phoenix rising from the ashes. The image captures Atlanta's resilience as a city in how it emerged from the devastation of the Civil War to become a modern industrial metropolis, the center of the movement for Civil Rights, and what the New York Times describes as “hip-hop’s center of gravity.” 

New Chapters for Digitally Mediated Composing and You: A Beginners Guide to Understanding Rhetoric and Writing in an Interconnected World

Friday, October 20, 2023 - 9:29pm
Stephanie Hedge University of Illinois Springfield, for Kendall Hunt Publishing
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

We are looking for new chapters for our first year composition textbook Digitally Mediated Composing and You: A Beginners Guide to Understanding Rhetoric and Writing in an Interconnected World 

We are looking for writers to contribute four new chapters in Digitally Mediated Composing and You. Because these chapters are filling gaps in an existing text, the topic and direction of each chapter is predetermined, as is the format, but each chapter should be written in the unique voice of the author, and there is a lot of room for experimentation and play within the format! 

Therefore I Am: AI’s Impacts on Writing, Research, and Pedagogy

Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 3:20pm
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE)
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Generative AI is changing how we conceptualize writing and thus thinking and creation. As scholars of literature and writing, we are uniquely positioned to reflect on these changes. To this end, this panel aims to spark interdisciplinary conversations about AI and its relation to writing, the writing process, and writing instruction. We hope to encourage an inclusive forum for exchanging perspectives, experiences and practices.

Adulting with WAC: Adult Learners in the Composition Classroom

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 1:30pm
Macy Dunklin & The WAC Journal
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 8, 2023

The WAC Journal seeks scholarly work at the intersection of writing with teaching, curriculum,

learning, and research focusing on our special issue topic of how WAC pedagogies (dis)engage adult and returning learners. Our review board welcomes inquiries, proposals, and articles from 3,000 to 6,000 words.


Extended Deadline - Leveling Up the Classroom

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 1:25pm
University of Kentucky UKFCU Esports Lounge
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, November 19, 2023

The last few years has given education a great insight into its own practices. Between online classrooms during the pandemic and the rapid emergence of more and more powerful technologies, we educators have seen a growing need to reevaluate our classrooms, as well as work with new tech to enhance these learning environments.

Leveling Up the Classroom

Monday, October 16, 2023 - 9:03am
University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union Esports Lounge
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, November 19, 2023

The last few years has given education a great insight into its own practices. Between online classrooms during the pandemic and the rapid emergence of more and more powerful technologies, we educators have seen a growing need to reevaluate our classrooms, as well as work with new tech to enhance these learning environments.

Watson 2024 - Create, Connect, Reflect: Launching Collaborations and (Re)building Community in Our Fields

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 2:24pm
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, November 26, 2023

We are now accepting proposals for the upcoming Thomas R. Watson Conference in Rhetoric and Composition, “Create, Connect, Reflect: Launching Collaborations and (Re)building Community in Our Fields,” which will be held on Zoom from February 28-March 1 and in-person at the University of Louisville from March 7-9, 2024.

A brief summary of what we are planning is below; for more details and the exigence, please see our call for proposals. Project proposals are due on Sunday, November 26 at 11:59 pm EST.


What We are Planning, In Brief:

Writing Human/s The 6th Annual Writing Innovation Symposium

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - 2:24pm
Writing Innovation Symposium
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, October 27, 2023

You're invited to apply for the WIS Symposium: Dear colleagues, We hope you will join us for another WIS! Specifically, Writing Human/s, the 6th annual Writing Innovation Symposium, is slated for February 1-2, 2024. Proposals for flashtalks, workshops, posters, and displays are due 10/27; proposals for flares, an undergrad-only program category, are due 12/15; applications for this year’s Bedford/St. Martin’s WIS Fellows cohort is due 12/1. Notifications will begin in early November, and registration will open in December. We want to call special attention to the 3-minute pre-recorded “flares” we are inviting undergrads to share.

[Professional Writing] (CEA 3/21-3/23/2024)

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 11:07am
College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Call for Papers, CEA 2024: Atlanta

53rd Annual Conference | March 21–23, 2024

Westin Buckhead Atlanta











[ Grammar-Linguistics] (CEA 3/21-3/23/2024

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 11:06am
College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Call for Papers, CEA 2024: Atlanta

53rd Annual Conference | March 21–23, 2024

Westin Buckhead Atlanta











Surplus Data/Surplus Subjects

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 11:48am
Northeast Modern Langauge Assocation (NEMLA)
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Subtitled “Surplus Data,” the Winter 2022 issue of Critical Inquiry began by proclaiming that, “It is no longer enough to say that data is big. Data is now in a state of surplus” (Halprin et al. 197). As private and state actors rush to generate ever more surplus surveillance data about consumer-citizens and workers across domains of life, literary scholars are compelled to question how this data is made meaningful and by whom. After all, data never speaks for itself; it must be assigned value and transformed into narratives. These surveillance stories often reify “identities of suspicion” (Monahan), marking marginalized people as themselves surplus subjects.

Advanced Writing Symposium

Friday, September 29, 2023 - 3:16pm
USC Writing Program
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, October 23, 2023

2024 Advanced Writing Symposium
Uncharted Territories: Genre, Audience & Innovation in Advanced Writing Contexts

University of Southern California

Event Date: February 2, 2024
Event Location: Online

The USC Writing Program’s Upper Division Curriculum Committee welcomes proposals for
“Uncharted Territories: Genre, Audience and Innovation in Advanced Writing Contexts.”

[Conference Deadline Extended] Post-COVID Composition NeMLA 2024 Roundtable: Digital Natives and their Discontents: The Post-pandemic College Writing Classroom

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 11:30am
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) 2024
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, October 15, 2023

In this roundtable session, we intend to prompt a conversation about the prevailing beliefs concerning “digital natives” in the context of the pandemic-era college writing classroom. As most current college writing students have had some experience, typically for the first time, with online learning in high school during the pandemic, we want to foster a discussion about college instructors’ experiences of their students’ abilities, including the associated opportunities and pitfalls, in attempting to navigate these online academic environments.

Transforming Pedagogy with Popular Culture

Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 9:47am
College English Association Special Topics Panel
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, October 20, 2023

Transforming Pedagogy with Popular Culture We are organizing a panel (or panels) on the topic of "Transforming Pedagogy with Popular Culture" for the 53rd Annual CEA Conference in Atlanta, GA, from March 21-23. We are looking for papers that discuss how popular culture can be used to teach important concepts or skill sets in a way that engages students in the learning process. Some potential topics include, but are not limited to, critical thinking skills, empathy, composition styles, and rhetorical analysis. There is a possibility that panel presenters may be asked if they want to participate in an edited essay collection on this topic. Please note that presenters must be members of CEA to present at the conference.

Mindfulness in the Academy: Multitasking and Attention (Roundtable -- NeMLA 2024)

Monday, September 18, 2023 - 11:16am
Matthew Leporati / Donetta Hines / Northeast Modern Language Association
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, September 30, 2023

NeMLA 2024 Roundtable: Mindfulness in the Academy: Multitasking and Attention

This roundtable session will discuss mindfulness practices that instructors of writing and literature can incorporate into classrooms, and it will focus especially on mindfulness' ability to assist instructors and students alike in juggling their many tasks, roles, responsibilities, and deadlines.

Queer & Trans Philologies

Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 4:42pm
University of Cambridge
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, October 31, 2023



Pedagogy, Practice, and Philosophy 2024 – Risk-Taking in the Composition Classroom

Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 4:09pm
University of Florida's University Writing Program
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 30, 2023

“We learn when we take risks. We learn when we do something we have not done before…otherwise we are not learning.” – Dr. David Docterman, “Developing Academic Mindsets for Literacy,” 2016.

[DDL extended] Navigating the security in the future of digital writing among technological transformation

Thursday, September 7, 2023 - 11:01pm
SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Association)
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 8, 2023

Navigating the security in the future of digital writing among technological transformation Living in this post-pandemic age, the insecurity from fear, suffering, and spacial constraint is now extended by technology to a new setting: academia, particularly the writing classroom. The latest technological transformation, like AI-powered writing assistants and tools, are challenging traditional writing pedagogy and practice, challenging us to work with such a “technological problematic” (Sundvall 5). In the past, technological transformations, such as personal computing and the advent of the internet, have established the field of digital writing.

Twenty-second Claflin University Conference on English and Language Arts Pedagogy in Secondary and Postsecondary Institutions (In-person on the campus of Claflin University) *

Friday, September 1, 2023 - 9:58am
Claflin University
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Twenty-second Claflin University Conference on English and Language Arts Pedagogy in Secondary and Postsecondary Institutions (In-person on the campus of Claflin University) *

November 1-2, 2023


Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Concurrent sessions

Thursday, November 2, 2023, Concurrent sessions

11 AM EST Plenary session speaker: Dr. Mona Lisa Saloy, Louisiana Poet Laureate 2021-23, Conrad N. Hilton Endowed Professor of English, Dillard University, New Orleans, LA.

*(Participants not residing in the United States may request a virtual option)

Composition and Rhetoric: Practice at CEA 2024

Friday, September 1, 2023 - 9:47am
CEA College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Call for Papers: Composition and Rhetoric: Practice at CEA 2024

March 21-23 Atlanta, Georgia

The Westin Buckhead Atlanta

The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Composition and Rhetoric: Practice for our 53rd annual conference.

The special topics chair for Composition & Rhetoric: Practice invites submissions on a range of topics exploring writing pedagogies and practices focused on the conference theme of Transformations. Proposals may address the following topics:

-       What are successful transformations of your curriculum that have supported student success in writing?

CFP: Afrofuturism in Black Literature, Film, Media & Culture

Friday, September 1, 2023 - 9:39am
Coppin State University
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, September 25, 2023



Edited by DuEwa M. Frazier

Publisher: Routledge


The dynamic tradition of Black literature and storytelling now stands at the crossroads of where historical realities meet with present day - dreams of Afro futures, to re-make, re-mix, re-store, and re-envision an ideal and artful world, from diverse points of view with the goal to inspire and educate current and future generations of scholars and creators.


Afrofuturism - Interviews & Reviews

A Surplus of Options?: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the Language and Literature Classroom

Thursday, August 31, 2023 - 12:15pm
Jeanne Marie Rose / Northeast Modern Language Association
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, September 30, 2023

****Deadline Approaching****

The next Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention will be held in Boston, MA, from March 7-10, 2024. The roundtable "A Surplus of Options?: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the Language and Literature Classroom" is seeking abstracts (200-300 words) consistent with the conference theme of SURPLUS.


Call for Chapters: Teaching Humanities With Cultural Responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs

Thursday, August 24, 2023 - 11:41am
DuEwa Frazier / Coppin State University
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 1, 2023


Link: Call for Chapters: Teaching Humanities With Cultural Responsiveness at HBCUs and HSIs | IGI Global (igi-global.com)

NOTE: We will consider submissions from scholars who teach at institutions outside of HSIs and HBCUs if the submission is focused

on any of the below topics for culturally relevent pedagogy. We will also consider scholars who have completed studies on the bridge in culturally responsive teaching from K-12 to higher education. 
