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Panel CfP: Affect, Theory, and the Emotions: Literary Feelings from the Age of Sensibility to the 21st Century / ESSE Conference, 31 Aug - 4 Sept 2020, Lyon, France

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 - 1:27am
ESSE 2020 Panel, Lyon, France
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The study of affect and the (history of) emotions has transformed literary criticism in the past few decades. While many critics now agree that studying feeling and literature, in literature, or even through literature, have become legitimate pursuits, there is much debate concerning questions of theory, critical methodology, and interpretation (Greco 2008; Seigworth and Gregg, 2009; Keen 2010; Pedwell 2014). This seminar invites papers taking stock of the opportunities and debates in the wake of the Affective Turn in literary criticism through individual case studies from the 18th to the 21st centuries.

Emerson Society at the Thoreau Annual Gathering July 2020

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 3:26pm
Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, January 10, 2020

The Emerson Society sponsors a panel at the Thoreau Society Annual Gathering each summer in Concord, MA (July 8-12, 2020). For information on the conference theme, please visit We will consider papers both on the topic below and the conference theme more generally.


 ‘“The way to mend the bad world, is to create the right world”: The Transcendentalists and Forms of Righting the World’*

Emerson Society at the ALA May 2020

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 3:26pm
Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, January 10, 2020

The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society will sponsor two panels at the annual meeting of the American Literature Association, to be held May 21-24, 2020, San Diego, USA.


‘Emerson and Resistance’*

The Emerson Society invites proposals on the topic of ‘Emerson and Resistance’. Papers might like to consider the idea of resistance in Emerson in his own time, in subsequent periods, or in contemporary contexts. Emersonian resistance may also be considered in relation to other writers, political thinkers and philosopher’s.


‘Emerson’s Society and Solitude at 150’*


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 2:39pm
pacificREVIEW A West Coast Arts Review Annual - 2020
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 20, 2019



Despite our constant unraveling, humans are bound to each other and are continually finding ways of becoming entangled with one another. Our platonic, romantic, and paternal bonds of love cause us to belong to each other. This fierce intimacy has the potential to stretch physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries.


How do humans currently become entangled with each other? How do we love each other? Hate each other? Cooperate with one another? What connections are condemned and stigmatized? Should they be? How do our shared experiences enhance our individual perceptions? 


SEASECS 2020-- Deadline Extended!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 2:34pm
South-Eastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 1, 2019

FEBRUARY 20-22, 2020

SEASECS will hold its 46th annual meeting at the Macon Marriott City Center. The theme for this year's meeting is "Encounters in the 18th Century: Maps, Materials, and Media." In addition to panels and plenary sessions, special events include tours to historic sites including the Ocmulgee Indian Mounds National Historic Park, the 1869 Hay House, the Tubman Museum, historic Rose Hill Cemetery, and the Allman Brothers’ “Big House.” Host institutions include Georgia College & State University, Middle Georgia State University, and Wesleyan College.

Hawthorne Society Travel, Research, and Pedagogy Awards

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 2:32pm
Nathaniel Hawthorne Society
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society’s “Challenge Campaign” supports Hawthorne-related research or conference travel for early career (pre-tenure) scholars, as well as post-secondary instructors at 2- or 4-year institutions; graduate students presenting papers or writing dissertations incorporating Hawthorne; and college students or secondary school teachers working on Hawthorne-focused projects.

Recipients must join the Hawthorne Society for the calendar year in which they receive their awards. Please see: <> for information on dues and benefits.

Hawthorne Society CFP for ALA 2020

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 2:32pm
Nathaniel Hawthorne Society
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, January 11, 2020

The American Literature Association’s Annual Conference will meet at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA on May 21-24, 2020. The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society is issuing two CFPs for the conference:

1) Hawthorne and Neo-Aesthetics

Encounters in the Eighteenth Century: Maps, Materials, and Media

Tuesday, October 8, 2019 - 11:30am
Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 1, 2019

SEASECS 2020, February 20-22, Macon, Georgia

SEASECS will hold its 46th annual meeting at the Macon Marriott City Center. The theme for this year's meeting is "Encounters in the 18th Century: Maps, Materials, and Media." In addition to panels and plenary sessions, special events include tours to historic sites including the Ocmulgee Indian Mounds National Historic Park, the 1869 Hay House, the Tubman Museum, historic Rose Hill Cemetery, and the Allman Brothers’ “Big House.” Host institutions include Georgia College & State University, Middle Georgia State University, and Wesleyan College.

46th International Byron Conference: "Byron: Wars & Words"

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:16pm
International Association of Byron Societies
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Call for Papers
46th International Byron Conference
29 June - 5 July 2020
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Proposals are invited for the 2020 Conference of the International Association of Byron Societies, "Byron:
Wars and Words", to be held at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from 29th June to 5th July.

The Lyric Self and Courtly Traditions

Sunday, September 15, 2019 - 11:38pm
American Comparative Literature Association ACLA
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A new preference for the production and consumption of lyric forms of poetry, over that of more narrative options like the epic, often coincided with a governing body’s establishment of courtly norms and practices. This trend is consistent across a multitude of seemingly disparate cultures. The popularity and refinement of the ghazal during the Ghaznavid dynasty and the sonnet at the Elizabethan court are just two examples of similar formal developments arising within different cultural contexts. Shorter lyrics were often formally rigorous, but also highly customizable, and many of these forms also called for a new emphasis on the construction and expression of self.

'Romantic Futurities', BARS ECR and PGR Conference.

Thursday, September 5, 2019 - 3:54pm
British Association of Romantic Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, January 31, 2020

Call for Papers: BARS PG/ECR Conference 2020, ‘Romantic Futurities’

Call for Papers:

Romantic Futurities

British Association for Romantic Studies Early Career and Postgraduate Conference

Keats House, London, 12-13 June 2020

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Michael Gamer (University of Pennsylvania)

Dr Emily Rohrbach (University of Manchester)

“I’m First”: First-Generation Graduate Students and Mentors (Roundtable)

Thursday, September 5, 2019 - 3:42pm
American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS)
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, September 15, 2019

A large number of graduate students are first-generation. This session seeks to cultivate a discussion about common questions, concerns, and advice for graduate students and postdocs as they navigate academia. However, this isn’t designed only for students, but it also aims to provide mentors with advice on how to better support students’ success and retention rates. This roundtable is intended to create a space in which seasoned professionals and early career scholars can share tips and ideas for first-generation graduate students, describe mentoring experiences, and foster mentorship relationships.

"Are You Game?", issue n°9 of Angles

Thursday, September 5, 2019 - 3:40pm
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 20, 2019

“Are you game?”



For an upcoming issue of Angles: New Perspectives on the Anglophone World, a peer-reviewed journal indexed by MLA, ERIH-Plus, EBSCO and others, we welcome proposals on “Are you game?”

This issue will be guest edited by Gilles Bertheau (



Call for papers


REMINDER: The Gothic, Then and Now (Panel at ASECS Annual Conference, March 19-21, 2020, St. Louis, MO)

Friday, August 30, 2019 - 11:16am
Geremy Carnes, Lindenwood University
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, September 15, 2019

This session seeks papers that bridge discussions of eighteenth-century Gothic literature with discussions of the Gothic’s role in contemporary literature and culture. Questions explored may include (but are not limited to) the following: What does the eighteenth-century Gothic tell us about our own contemporary Gothic moment? Can studies of the contemporary Gothic shed new light on our understanding of the Gothic's eighteenth-century origins? Are we guilty of dehistoricization if we apply the term “Gothic” to contemporary uncanny or scary texts?

Byron Society of America at College English Association

Friday, August 23, 2019 - 7:43am
Byron Society of America
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 1, 2019

Call for Papers

Byron Society of America at CEA 2020

March 26-28, 2020 | Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Hilton Head Marriott Resort and Spa

The Byron Society of America and the College English Association welcome proposals for presentations on Lord Byron's life, works, and/or influences for the 51st annual CEA conference, the theme of which is Tides.


Nineteenth-Century Formations

Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - 12:18pm
University of Hong Kong
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Nineteenth-Century Formations

The University of Hong Kong

December 6-7


This interdisciplinary conference asks participants to rethink the nineteenth century and its social, aesthetic, and discursive formations. It brings together scholars from a variety of disciplines to consider the categories that inform and shape our various disciplinary approaches to the nineteenth century. In doing so, it invokes the term “formations” in a broad sense, to convey the processes by which concepts, categories, structures, systems, and institutions—many of which remain in place today—came into existence during this period.


The Gothic Panel II at PAMLA 2019 (Extended)

Monday, July 29, 2019 - 2:55pm
Tanner Sebastian, The University of Nevada, Reno
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, September 15, 2019

We are looking for one or two more presenters to join the second Gothic Panel at PAMLA.

We invite proposals for papers dealing with Gothic literature, culture, and film. This session welcomes proposals on a wide variety of topics, with particular consideration granted to papers that explore gothic children's literature or that engage with the 2019 conference theme of "Send In the Clowns." Possible foci might include adaptations, audience/reception studies, children's gothic, and emotional portrayals in relation to the Gothic.

Conference Information:

November 14-17, 2019

Wyndham San Diego Bayside, San Diego, CA


Friday, July 19, 2019 - 1:51pm
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, July 16, 2019   BEETHOVEN THE EUROPEANLUCCA, Complesso Monumentale di San Micheletto27-29 March 2020 Keynote Speakers:• Barry Cooper (University of Manchester)• William Kinderman (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)  Beethoven’s impact is widely recognised as of seemingly universal, timeless significance; 250 years since his birth his music still communicates with and inspires people across the globe. Nevertheless his iconic, enduring oeuvre stems from a specific European cultural milieu and historical context.


Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 12:36am
William Gilmore Simms Society
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, July 15, 2020




The William Gilmore Simms Society

University of South Carolina


SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2020


Technology and 19th-C. British Literature

Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 12:35am
Brian Cowlishaw/Northeastern State University
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, September 30, 2019

Call for Papers: Subject--Technology and 19th-C. British Literature


Seeking contributors for a book of essays that explore connections between technology and nineteenth-century British literature. To be published by McFarland Press, a leading publisher of academic books. (See: Essays should be of interest to, and readable by, both scholars and non-academics.

Suggested topics include:

*The effects of technology on nineteenth-century British literature.

*Portrayals/rhetoric regarding technology in nineteenth-century British literature.

David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XVII

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - 1:43pm
Australian and New Zealand Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ANZSECS)
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, March 1, 2020

David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies XVII
‘Dark Enlightenments’
2-4 December 2020
Adelaide, Australia

Associate Professor Kate Fullager (Macquarie)
Professor Sasha Handley (Manchester)
Associate Professor Eugenia Zuroski (McMaster)

The Erasure of Subject: Postmodern Reflections

Saturday, July 6, 2019 - 8:14am
Nikita Goel, Editor/ Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS)
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, July 15, 2019


Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS), an academic journal, invites original and unpublished research papers from scholars on the following:

The Erasure of Subject: Postmodern Reflections

The whole history of social sciences—and even more of natural sciences—could be summed up as the elimination of the concept of the subject. - Alain Tourain

Gothic Spaces: Houses, Landscapes, Bodies

Monday, July 1, 2019 - 4:02am
Samantha Landau
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, July 15, 2019

Gothic Spaces: Houses, Landscapes, Bodies


Conference Dates: October 19-20, 2019

Conference Venue: The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus (Tokyo, Japan)


Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Dara Downey (Trinity College Dublin)

Ruth Franklin (critic/author)


General Call for Papers - Fall 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 1:33am
Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS)
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS), an open access academic e-journal, invites original and unpublished research papers and book reviews from various interrelated disciplines including, but not limited to, literature, philosophy, psychology, sociology, political science, history, anthropology, law, ecology, environmental science, and economics.

Victorians Institute Conference 2019: The Nineteenth-Century Gothic

Thursday, June 27, 2019 - 9:42am
Indu Ohri / Victorians Institute
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 28, 2019

Seeking paper abstracts for the panel “The Nineteenth-Century Gothic” at the Victorians Institute Conference in Charleston, SC, from October 31-November 2, 2019.

The organizer invites submissions that explore the literary features, historical contexts, theoretical approaches, and adaptations/neo-Victorian incarnations of nineteenth-century ghost stories or Gothic topics. Papers related to the Gothic in the conference’s thematic territories of Charleston, Britain, Africa, the Americas, and the Caribbean are especially welcome. Please email your CVs and 250-300-word abstracts to Indu Ohri at by Friday, June 28, 2019.

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference Extended Deadline CFP, Romanticism

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 5:58pm
Amanda White, California State Polytechnic University - Pomona
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

CALL FOR PAPERS (First-Come, First-Served Extended Deadline Period)

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference

Thursday, November 14, 2019 to Sunday, November 17, 2019, Wyndham San Diego Bayside Hotel, San Diego, California

Conference Theme "Send in the Clowns"

Displacement in texts of the long eighteenth century (1660-1815)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019 - 1:24pm
Cynthia Klekar-Cunningham and Linda Zionkowski
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, September 1, 2019

This peer-reviewed volume will discuss the focus on displacement, both external and internal, in texts of the long eighteenth century (1660-1815). 

External displacement can be considered as an individual’s or a population’s forced/coerced transfer from a particular location due to war or political conflicts, land development, natural disaster, economic opportunities/exploitations, or the redrawing of national boundaries. Such displacement might include
