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CFP: Romanticism, Environment, Crisis (UK) (3/17/06; 6/23/06-6/27/06)

Friday, December 9, 2005 - 8:19pm
Dr Richard Marggraf Turley


CFP: Romanticism, Environment, Crisis (UK) (3/17/06; 6/23/06-6/27/06)


23-27 June 2006
Centre for Romantic Studies
University of Wales, Aberystwyth


"Romanticism, Environment, Crisis" will highlight the continuing urgency
of the Romantic text at a time when changes in our biosphere threaten to
realize Romanticism's prophetic anxieties, its darkest imaginings.

CFP: Harriet Prescott Spofford (1/10/06; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
Cari Carpenter

Harriet Prescott Spofford's Magazine Fiction
Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference
November 8 * 11, 2006
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

We invite proposals for papers on Harriet Prescott Spofford's magazine fiction. Papers might explore her fiction in the context of the magazine(s) in which it was published, the relationship of her work to romanticism and/or the supernatural, or the construction of race in her short fiction. Please e-mail 500-word proposals and contact information to Cari Carpenter at by January 10, 2006.

CFP: Urbanism, Urbanity, and the 19th-C novel (2/1/06; 8/3/06-8/6/06)

Monday, December 5, 2005 - 6:14pm
JoAnna Rottke


August 3-6, 2006
University of California, Santa Cruz
sponsored by the Dickens Project

Featured Speaker: Sharon Marcus, Columbia University

Two-page proposals due by Feb. 1, 2006. Mail proposals (hard copies only) to:

Professor Hilary Schor
Dept. of English
University of Southern California
Los Angeles CA 90089

UPDATE: Writing Death in Nineteenth-Century Literature (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Sunday, November 27, 2005 - 9:44pm
Tara MacDonald

Update: the deadline for papers was not included in the previous posting.

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and Selfhood, the
McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which will take place
March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Writing Death in Nineteenth-Century Literature

UPDATE: Science in 19th-Century Britain (grad) (1/6/06; 4/7/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:34pm
Erin Evans

UPDATE: New Proposal Deadline: January 6, 2006

CFP: Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain
An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference at the
University of Chicago
April 7, 2006
Keynote speaker: George Levine, Rutgers

UPDATE: Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment (grad) (12/5/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:34pm
Celeste Pottier

The deadline for the University of South Carolina's Nineteenth-Century Graduate Literature Conference, "Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment," has been extended to December 5, 2005.

The conference website for the University of South Carolina's Nineteenth-Century Graduate Literature Conference, "Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment," is now online at

CFP: British Border Crossing (3/15/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 9:33pm
Cynthia M. VanSickle

Midwest Modern Language Association (M/MLA): English Literature 1800-1900
November 9-12, 2006
Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois
British Border Crossing: Romantic and Victorian (Inter)Textuality and the Destabilization of Boundaries
We invite paper and panel proposals that examine the destabilization of boundaries and borders arising within the intertextual space of British Literature between 1800 and 1900. Proposals may address any type of boundary or border destabilized within the literary texts of this period, including, among others, the various genres, disciplines, genders, races, geographies, cultures, religions, laws, sciences, and governments.

CFP: Writing Death in Nineteenth-Century Literature (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 3:26pm
Tara MacDonald

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and Selfhood, the
McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which will take place
March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Writing Death in Nineteenth-Century Literature

CFP: The Verbal and the Visual in 19th-C. Culture (UK) (3/1/06; 6/23/06-6/24/06)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 - 3:26pm
Sally Ledger


*/The Verbal and the Visual/*


*/Nineteenth-Century Culture/*

Two-Day Conference, 23-24 June 2006

Institute of English Studies, Senate House, London


CFP: Revisiting Robert Bage (3/1/06; collection)

Friday, November 11, 2005 - 1:46pm

Revisiting Robert Bage's Fiction



The editor (Dr Sandro Jung) of the projected collection on Robert Bage invites full-length chapters (6000-8000 words) on any aspect of Bage's fiction. While Bage's Hermsprong has received occasional scholarly interest, it has, on the whole, remained Bage's only novel that is read nowadays. In that respect, chapters on Bage's other novels would be especially welcome. It is hoped that the novels will be contextualised against the background of the Romantic discourses of identity as well as the political (anti-)Jacobin debates.


Please submit 400-word abstracts electronically to the editor at Sandro.Jung at


CFP: The Edwardians (UK) (3/30/06; 7/24/06-7/26/06)

Friday, November 11, 2005 - 1:46pm
Andrew Maunder

CFP: The Edwardians (conference) University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield,
UK. This three-day conference to be held at the University of
Hertfordshire, Hatfield offers a forum to scholars and students from a
variety of disciplines whose research is concerned with The "Edwardian"
period in its broadest sense. The aim of the event is threefold: to review
this often overlooked decade, to bring together a variety of approaches to
important texts, personalities, themes and events and to include
discussion of key issues including definition of the term "Edwardian." The
scope of the conference encompasses literature, journalism, drama, the
visual arts, historical studies and other allied disciplines.

CFP: Drugs and Selfhood (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:13pm
Lindsey Banco

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006

This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature, which
will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal, Quebec,

"Drugs and Selfhood"

CFP: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century (grad) (1/5/06; McGill, 3/11/06-3/12/06)

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 - 10:12pm
heather mcalpine

12th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
McGill University, Montreal
Theme: Permeability and Selfhood
March 11-12, 2006
This call for papers is for a panel to be held at Permeability and
Selfhood, the McGill Graduate Conference on Language and Literature,
which will take place March 11-12 at McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.


Much Depends on Dinner: Consumption in the Nineteenth Century

UPDATE: Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment (grad) (11/15/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Celeste Pottier

The conference website for the University of South Carolina's Nineteenth-Century Graduate Literature Conference, "Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment," is now online at

A scholarly press has expressed interest in publishing a volume of essays from the conference. We anticipate choosing 14 to 16 essays for inclusion in this collection.


UPDATE: Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (UK) (11/30/05; 7/6/06-7/9/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:48pm
Martin Clarke

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS) Conference, Durham UK, 6-9
July 2006


Due to a number of questions concerning the relation of music to the conference,
please note that this conference is entirely interdisciplinary, and not
specifically music-related. We welcome and encourage abstracts from all
disciplines. In light of this, a new deadline for the submission of abstracts
has been set at 30 November 2005. Notification of final decision on abstracts
will be made in December.

Bennett Zon

Call for Papers

Paper or panel proposals are invited on any aspect of creativity in the long

CFP: Nineteenth-Century Creativity (UK) (11/1/05; INCS, 7/6/06-7/9/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am
Martin Clarke

Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies

6 - 9 JULY 2006

The University of Durham, UK

Centre for Nineteenth-Century Music
School of Music
St Chad?s College

Call for Papers

Paper or panel proposals are invited on any aspect of creativity in the long

INCS is an association of scholars working in history, gender studies,
the arts,
anthropology, science, philosophy, literature and other disciplines
devoted to
the interdisciplinary exploration of nineteenth-century culture and its
to our contemporary world.

KEYNOTES will be announced in due course.

UPDATE: Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment (grad) (11/15/05; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:52am
Celeste Pottier

The conference website for the University of South Carolina's Nineteenth-Century Graduate Literature Conference, "Nineteenth-Century Literature and the Cultural Moment," is now online at

A scholarly press has expressed interest in publishing a volume of essays from the conference. We anticipate choosing 14 to 16 essays for inclusion in this collection.


CFP: Scottish Romanticism and World Literatures (12/15/05; 9/7/06-9/10/06)

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 - 3:02pm
Ian Duncan

The Center for British Studies and English Department at Berkeley are
hosting a conference on 'Scottish Romanticism and World Literatures' from
7-10 September 2006, jointly organized by Ian Duncan and Murray Pittock.
Among the areas we are planning to address in the main conference sessions
are the impact of Scottish Romanticism on European literatures, the
Anglophone British Empire and the United States; continuities between
Scottish Enlightenment and Romanticism; relations between Scotland and
Ireland, and between Scottish and English Romanticisms; "literature" and
the disciplines of the natural and human sciences; the social environments

UPDATE: (Re)Collecting British Women Writers: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers Conference (10/15/05; 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Lisa Hager

The deadline for submissions has been extended to October 15, 2005.<br>
The 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women
Writers Conference<br>
March 23-26, 2006<br>
The University of Florida<br>
Call for Papers<br>
This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and
We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia

CFP: Gothic Addictions (12/5/05; IGA-ACCUTE, 4/27/06-4/30/06)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 - 3:41pm
Steven Bruhm

(27/04/06-30/04/06): The Gothic and Addiction

The International Gothic Association, in conjunction with the
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English,
is presenting a joint session on the subject of Gothic Addiction/
