science and culture

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CFP: British Gynaecology, 1500-2000 (7/31/06; collection)

Monday, May 8, 2006 - 12:43pm
A Shellard

CFP: Gynaecology and British Culture, 1500 - 2000

Proposals are currently being sought for a collection of essays exploring the
history of British gynaecology between 1500 and 2000. The collection will be
edited by Andrew Mangham (University of Sheffield) and Greta Depledge (Birkbeck
College, University of London). We are particularly interested in essays with
an interdisciplinary approach. Possible subjects include, though are not
limited to:

CFP: 19th-Century Science, Technology, and Media (12/1/06; INCS, 4/19/07-4/21/07)

Monday, May 8, 2006 - 12:42pm
Mallinick, Daniella


Inspired by Bram Stoker's innovative narrative forms and themes in Dracula-—and in particular by Jonathan Harker's statement in his journal that he is witnessing the "nineteenth-century up-to-date with a vengeance"--this conference will explore the thoroughly modern forms of communication, technological development, and scientific discovery that emerged in the period.

CFP: evolutions (UK) (7/15/06; 9/22/06-9/23/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:48pm
Lisa Otty

22-23 September 2006

A two-day international conference hosted by the School of Literatures,
Languages and Cultures at the University of Edinburgh

Keynote Speaker: Professor Simon Frith

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is
done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
-Ecclesiastes 1:9

A revolution is not a dinner-party.
-Mao Zedong

We are causing the reversal of evolution.
-James Hart, Eugenic Manifesto

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
-Bob Dylan, 'The Times They Are A-Changin' '

CFP: Comedy, Identity, Health and Well-Being (UK) (12/8/06; 7/17/06-7/18/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:46pm
Jenny Liddy

CFP Comedy, Identity, Health and Well-Being (12/08/06); (7/17/06 - 7/18/06)
United Kingdom

Comedy, Identity, Health & Well-Being

This dual conference on Comedy and Identity and Comedy and Health has been
organized by Liverpool Hope University and the Liverpool Comedy Trust to
coincide with the Liverpool Comedy Festival in July 2006. The intention is
to stimulate multi- and interdisciplinary debate, controversy and
publication on the themes of humour, laughter and the comic in its various
aspects as they pertain to all permutations of human identity, and as they
contribute to well being and health.

CFP: Literature, Writing, and the Natural World (7/15/06; EAPSU, 10/20/06-10/22/06)

Monday, May 1, 2006 - 12:46pm
Ulrich, Dr John M


English Association of the Pennsylvania State Universities


Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

October 20, 21, and 22, 2006




Featured Speaker: Bill McKibben


We invite proposals for individual papers or panels from faculty and =
graduate students. Topics may include, but are not limited to:


Nature Writing

Ecocriticism, Ecofeminism

Literature and the Natural Sciences/Natural History

Literature and Evolution

Literature and Environmental Studies

Literature and Natural Disasters

Literature, the Environment, and Disease

UPDATE: Maine's Place in the Environmental Imagination (5/1/06; ASLE, 6/2/06-6/4/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:19pm
Stephanie Boucher

UPDATE: We would like to announce that Cambridge Scholars Press is interested in publishing the conference proceedings of the 2006 ASLE Summer Symposium! The volume would be published within a year of the conference, and all contributing presenters would receieve a complimentary copy. You can see their website at There are still slots open for presenters, so be sure to consider this great opportunity!

2006 Summer Symposium
ASLE (Association for the Study of Literature and Environment)
Site: University of Maine at Farmington
Farmington, Maine

CFP: The American Environment, Within and Without (grad) (6/30/06; 9/28/06-9/29/06)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 2:18pm
Rebecca Onion

The American Studies Graduate Committee at the University of Texas at Austin calls for papers for
its upcoming graduate conference, "The American Environment: Within and Without," to be held in
Austin on September 28-29, 2006.

"Environment" is a term which invites myriad interpretations in varied contexts. Our conference
theme urges participants to explore the American environment both inside and across these
different contexts. We encourage the consideration of all types of environments, including the
musical, literary, religious, political, psychological, natural, built, social, and transnational,
and those which merge or transcend these types.

UPDATE: AIDS in Literature (4/21/06; MMLA, 11/9/06-11/12/06)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 2:25pm

  The deadline has been extended for an approved special session entitled, "AIDS in Literature" at the Midwest MLA conference in Chicago, November 9-12, 2006.
  Papers are sought especially on the topic of personal integration and dis-integration in characters who are infected with HIV/AIDS. However, the panel gladly encourages submissions on any subject within the broad topic of AIDS in literature.
  The revised deadline for submission of abstracts is April 21, 2006.
 Please send inquiries and abstracts (of 250 words) to:
Donald P. Gagnon, Ph.D.
Department of English
Western Connecticut State University
181 White Street
Berkshire Hall 210 E
Danbury, CT 06810

UPDATE: Faith/Knowledge/Credulity in the 18th Century (grad) (5/15/06; 9/30/06)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 2:24pm
Saladin Ahmed

--Please note that the deadline for abstracts has been extended to May

Faith, Knowledge, and Credulity in the Eighteenth Century

Transatlantic Eighteenth-Century Group
Department of English
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
30 September 2006

CFP: [Re]Configurations: Arts, Humanities, and Technology in the Urban Environment (5/12/06; dates not noted)

Friday, April 7, 2006 - 2:38pm

Here is the Call for Papers in Plain Text
Howard Meltzer

[Re]Configurations: Arts, Humanities, and Technology in the Urban

We invite individual papers and session proposals addressing the conference
theme from all possible disciplinary angles, such as its representation in
literature, the visual arts, political essays, or scientific and
philosophical writings. We welcome submissions for poster or portfolio
presentation and musical performance as well.

In addition to the conference theme, papers on all other aspects of the
interaction of technology, science, and the humanities are welcome.

CFP: Modernist Science and Its Caveats (5/1/06; MSA 8, 10/19/06-10/22/06)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 - 3:03pm
Priya Venkatesan

I am proposing the following panel for the 8th annual Modernist Studies =
Conference in Tulsa (October 19-22, 2006). This panel will look closely =
at how modernist science is constructed and challenged from various =
interdisciplinary perspectives.=20
Bruno Latour asked the question of whether we have ever been modern. =
Does a modern science exist?
How have arguments for the social constructedness of scientific fact =
affected visions of a modernist science? Does the scientific method =
inherently engender the modern subject as free beings? Papers that deal =
specifically with the issue of whether modern science has been =
deconstructed in terms of actual scientific practice are especially =

CFP: Applications of Hermetic and Alchemical Studies (4/30/06; RSA, 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - 2:31pm
Kate Frost

CFP: Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism seeks scholarly articles
for presentation at a special session of the 2007 Renaissance Society
of America Conference, "Applications of Hermetic and Alchemical
Studies." We seek papers from all disciplines that address any
aspect of hermeticism, including scholarship treating its traditional
manifestations in alchemy, arithmetics, astrology, music, and sacred
geometry. Interdisciplinary work involving fields such as art
history, history of ideas and history of science, literature, music,
philosophy, religious studies, and others is particularly welcome.
Abstracts and inquiries related to RSA 2007 should be addressed to

CFP: Ecocriticism and Canadian Studies (Spain) (5/15/06; 11/17/06-11/18/06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
Eva Darias Beautell

Congreso de la Asociaci=F3n Espa=F1ola de Estudios Canadienses
17 y 18 de noviembre de 2006 en la Residencia La Cristalera de la=20
Universidad Aut=F3noma de Madrid.


Panel: Ecocriticism and the Interaction between the Global and the Local =
in Recent Canadian Literature and Art.

UPDATE: Nineteenth-Century Nature Writing (4/6/06; PAMLA, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 7:13pm
Alfred J. Drake

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association Conference (PAMLA)
Panel Topic: Nineteenth-Century Nature Writing
November 10-11, 2006
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California

Extended Deadline: April 06, 2006

Paper proposals sought for a panel on nineteenth-century nature writing. Proposals are encouraged that address this topic within a literary, philosophical, theological, ecological, or scientific framework.

Please email 500-word abstract (inline or attachment) to or, if necessary, send by post to the following address:

Alfred J. Drake
1005 West Saint Andrew Place
Santa Ana, California 92707-2525

UPDATE: Adaptation(s): Transfers and Society (4/17/06; 11/15/06-11/17/06)

Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 6:38pm
Anne Lardeux

Adaptation(s) : Transfers and Society
November 15-17, 2006
Montreal, Canada

Michael Eberle-Sinatra, Danielle Aubry, Celine Lafontaine et Gilles Visy
Centre de recherche sur l'intermedialite,
l'Universite de Montreal et
L'Universite de Quebec a Montreal
- Prof. George Elliott Clarke (University of Toronto), E.J. Pratt Professor
of Canadian Literature, recipient of numerous awards, including the Governor

UPDATE: Romanticism, Environment, Crisis (UK) (3/31/06; 6/23/06-6/27/06)

Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 6:38pm

Deadline extended:

UPDATE: Romanticism, Environment, Crisis (UK) (3/31/06; 6/23/06-6/27/06)


23-27 June 2006
Centre for Romantic Studies
University of Wales, Aberystwyth


Lawrence Buell, Cheryll Glotfelty, James C. McKusick, George Monbiot, Kate


"Romanticism, Environment, Crisis" will highlight the continuing urgency
of the Romantic text at a time when changes in our biosphere threaten to
realize Romanticism's prophetic anxieties, its darkest imaginings.

CFP: Neurology and Modernity (6/1/06; collection)

Saturday, March 18, 2006 - 6:37pm
Andrew Shail

We are seeking essays for the collection *Neurology and Modernity*. While
psychoanalysis has been one of the most dominating discourses within accounts
of modernity, offering explanations of the modern as a fundamentally nervous
state, what has been less examined is the influence of its parent discipline,
neurology. Continuing its own account of nerve force and brain function
alongside the psychoanalytic notion of the unconscious, neurology was largely
simultaneous with what we refer to as modernity.

CFP: Redefining Nature (3/29/06; CCC, 4/8/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm

The proposals deadline for the 2006 Craft, Critique, and Culture
Conference "Redefining Nature" has been extended to March 29th.

The 6th Annual Craft Critique Culture Conference
"Redefining Nature"
The University of Iowa
April 7-9, 2006

Keynote Speakers:

Michael Branch, Univ. of Nevada-Reno

Ursula Heise, Stanford University

Mary Trachsel, Univ. of Iowa

CFP: Literature and Medicine (4/8/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Kimberly Myers

South Atlantic Modern Language Association
SAMLA 2006
November 10-12, 2006
Charlotte, North Carolina

Special Session: Literature and Medicine

The purpose of this panel is to examine the ways=20
in which medical issues, medical professionals,=20
and people suffering from disease and illness are=20
depicted in literature (of any era), film and=20
television. The focus of the panel is=20
intentionally broad in order to accommodate=20
diverse topics, including the following:

=ADimages of illness, healing and the healer
=ADquestions of biomedical ethics
=ADsocio-cultural implications of specific diseases
=ADteaching literature and medicine

CFP: Ecocriticism and the Endangered Sea (Puerto Rico) (7/31/06; CEA-CC, 11/10/06-11/11/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm

College English Association - Caribbean Chapter
Fall 2005 Conference: 10-11 November 2006
"Watery World: Humans and the Sea"
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

The CEA-CC invites proposals for a panel titled "Ecocriticism and the =
Endangered Sea".
Please send 200-250 word proposal to Vartan Messier at = by 31 July 2006.
Proposals may be sent by email as part of a text message but not as
attachments. Presenters must be registered members of the CEA-CC at the =
of the conference.

More information available at

UPDATE: Artsciencia: Call for Papers and Artworks (4/28/06; online journal issue)

Friday, March 10, 2006 - 1:24pm
Irene Aparicio

Call for Papers and Artworks:, number 3, April-June 2006
  Deadline for submissions: April 28, 2006
  So that the next number 3 of electronic journal can be on-line starting from May, we ask you to submit your articles or artworks for publication until April 28, 2006. We remind you that, any doubt on the participation, it can be explained by the reading of the Guide of the Authors (see ) or through the emails
  Irene Aparicio
  (The Editor)

CFP: Environment and Culture Area (6/15/06; MAPACA, 10/26/06-10/28/06)

Friday, March 10, 2006 - 1:24pm

CFP: Environment and Culture Area of Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture
Conference 2006 (06/15/06; 10/26/06-10/28/06).

"Environment and Culture" as an area explores the various ways in which the
environment shapes and is shaped by human action/interaction. Papers from all
disciplines and historical periods are invited, and papers from graduate
students are especially encouraged. Panels of 3-4 presenters are also welcomed.
Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to:

Environmental literature - the arts and the environment - environmental
philosophy - natural history - nature and culture - the urban and suburban

The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2006.

CFP: Environmental Justice & Global Citizenship (UK) (3/10/06; 7/3/06-7/6/06)

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 11:50pm
Dr Rob Fisher

5th Global Conference
Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship

Monday 3rd July - Thursday 6th July 2006
Mansfield College, Oxford

Final Call for Papers
Environments, Sustainability and Technologies

This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference aims to explore the role of ecology and environmental ideas in the context of contemporary society and international politics, and assess the implications for our understandings of fairness, justice and global citizenship.
