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CFP: Impasse and Ambivalence: Re-defining Ethics (12/15/06; 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:45am
Acacia Conference

This conference seeks to address the myriad definitions of ethics and how it
is represented in literature and other texts. The moment of ethical
decision often occurs at the point of impasse, of dilemma, of crisis that
springs from the space between two opposing ideas, when an easy or
prescriptive decision is not possible. Rather, each impasse requires an
ethical, scriptive fluidity whose focus is social as well as personal;
ambivalence, therefore, emerges as an ethical response to such a crisis. To
be sure, though, this space is difficult to occupy, much less sustain. In
Gayatri Spivak's words, "ethics is the experience of the impossible." What

CFP: Time/Passages (grad) (1/15/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
IU English Department GSAC

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

CFP: Everyday Life (grad) (12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
nicky agate

The Department of French at New York University announces its annual =20
Graduate Conference, =93Un/Common Experience: The Dross and the Glory =20=

of Everyday Life=94.

February 16-17, 2007

=93How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.=94Annie =20=

Dillard, The Writing Life

  =93How are we to speak of these =91common things,=92 how to track them =
down rather, flush them out, wrest them from the dross in which they =20
remain mired, how to give them a meaning, a tongue, to let them, =20
finally, speak of what is, of what we are?=94 Georges Perec, Species of =20=

Places and Other Pieces

CFP: Animals and Agency (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Sarah McFarland

Animals and Agency

(MLA panel arranged by the Association for the Study of Literature
and the Environment)

Proposals are invited for presentations that explore literary
representations of animality, especially those that deal with the
agency and subjectivity of animals.

How do representations of animals undermine or complicate the
boundary that supposedly differentiates animals from humans?

How are animals constructed, and how do they undo those constructions?

Submit 300-word abstracts by March 1, 2007 to Sarah McFarland at

Questions are welcome!

CFP: Imagination: Public or Private? (2/12/07; 5/17/07-5/18/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Verena V. Kuzmany

CFP: Imagination: Public or Private? (2/12/07; 5/17/07 - 5/18/07)

University of Washington Graduate Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies/
in conjunction with an interdisciplinary faculty conference "Inventions of the Imagination: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Imaginary since Romanticism"

May 17-18, 2007
Keynote Speaker: David Clark (English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University)

CFP: Figures of Comparison (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:13am
Arne De Boever

CFP: Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social Sciences

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

Keynote speaker: To Be Announced

The Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS) at Columbia=20
University, New York invites papers for its second graduate student=20
conference entitled =93Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the=20=

Social Sciences.=94 By =93figures of comparison,=94 we mean both objects =
study that call for a comparative approach and comparative methods that=20=

CFP: Oral-Written Interface (12/31/06; 6/19/08-6/21/08)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:13am
Susan Gingell

Call for Proposals for "The Oral, The Written, and Other Verbal Media:
Interfaces and Audiences": A Conference and Festival

* *

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 19-21,


CFP: Intersections of Race and Gender (1/2/07; 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:13am
Iyer, Nalini



The Seattle University Wismer Center for Gender & Diversity Studies =
welcomes submissions to an upcoming interdisciplinary conference - =
conference will be held at Seattle University from April 12-14, 2007.


CFP: Confrontation (grad) (UK) (1/2/07; BCLA, 3/30/07)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:43pm
M.H.M. Wan


British Comparative Literature Association
Third Graduate Student Conference
Goldsmiths College, University of London
30 March, 2007

Plenary Speaker: Professor Alexander Callinicos (King's College London)

CFP: postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory (grad) (no deadline; journal)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:42pm
Adam Lawrence

postscript: a journal of graduate criticism and theory
is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal
published annually by graduate students in the
Department of English Language and Literature at
Memorial University of Newfoundland. Students either
currently enrolled in a post-graduate program or
having recently graduated from one are invited to
submit papers for consideration. Interdisciplinary
papers and essays responding to issues of current
debate within academia are especially encouraged.

CFP: Reel Bodies: The Boundaries of the Body in Visual Cultures (12/15/06; 3/30/07)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:15pm
H.A Fenwick

Reel Bodies:
The Boundaries of the Body in Visual Cultures
 A School of English Postgraduate Symposium

Newcastle University
30th March 2007

Keynote Speaker:
Andrew Shail (University of Oxford)

"Why should our bodies end at the skin, or include at best
other beings encapsulated by skin?" (Donna Haraway).

CFP: Tenth Red River Conference on World Literature (12/5/06; 4/20/06-4/22/06)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:15pm
Carol Pearson


APRIL 20 - 22, 2007

Canonical Texts / Textuality of Canons

We invite papers and panel proposals on topics that investigate any
of the following topics. While we are particularly interested in
proposals that focus on the conference theme, papers and panels on
all aspects of world literature will be considered.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

CFP: Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference (undergrad) (11/13/06; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:15pm
Nicholas K Kupensky

"Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference"
March 30-31, 2007
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

What is Love? A crowd of glassy-eyed Greek philosophers famously tackle
this elusive topic in Plato's Symposium, but in the ensuing two-thousand
years, perspectives have changed. The Comparative Humanities Review is now
accepting papers for Symposium: An Undergraduate Conference that examine
Plato's Symposium and its afterlives in multiple disciplines. Submissions
should be comparative in nature and written while the student is/was an
undergraduate. Panels will be chaired by Bucknell faculty and organized
into the following sessions:

CFP: Georgia Philological Association Conference (2/16/07; 3/16/07-3/17/07)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:14pm
Brucie, Thomas J.



Second Annual Conference=20

and Call For Papers



Brewton-Parker College, Mount Vernon, Georgia, will host the Second
Annual Conference of the Georgia Philological Association on Friday,
March 16, 2007, beginning at 9:00AM and concluding at noon on Saturday,
March 17, 2007. For specific information and printable forms, please
view our website at:


A refereed journal, The Journal Of The Georgia Philological Association,
will publish selected essays from the conference.


CFP: Intermediality (1/30/07; collection)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:14pm

For a collection of essays on the topic of 'Intermediality,' we are still
looking for essays, in particular on theoretical explorations of the concept
of 'Intermediality' itself, and on the intermedial aspects of comics/graphic
Some publishers have already expressed interest in this collection, so, if
you would like to be on board, please contact -
abstracts and finished papers [or drafts] welcome!
The deadline for finished papers is Jan 30.

CFP: Not Your Mother's Feminism (1/15/07; collection)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:13pm
kellie bean

Not Your Mother's Feminism
  Seeking contributors for a collection on feminist generations, tentatively entitled, "Not Your Mother's Feminism." I am specifically interested in hearing from those women who feel under represented within the struggle(s) for definitional control over the terms of feminist debate taking place in both academic and popular discourse. Contributors will likely be women who are too young to be Second Wave, too old to be Third Wave, and perhaps too theoretically (and academically) oriented to feel entirely "post-feminist."

CFP: Paths to Freedom (1/26/07; PCEA, 4/12/07-4/14/07)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:13pm


Pennsylvania College English Association (PCEA) Conference
April 12-14, 2007
Carriage House at Holiday Inn
West Chester, PA

PCEA invites proposals for panels or individual papers for the annual
conference to be held April 12-14, 2007 in West Chester, PA.


CFP: fragment, 1300-2000 (UK) (12/16/06; 6/29/07-7/1/07)

Friday, November 10, 2006 - 11:13pm
Elisabeth Salter

CALL FOR PAPERS: fragment, cultural histories and vocabularies of the
fragment in text and image, c. 1300-2000.

Keynote Speaker: Stephen Poliakoff
Plenary Speaker: Dr Elizabeth Hallam
Publisher Interested: Manchester University Press
Deadline for Abstracts: 16th December 2006

CFP: Media Fields Graduate Conference (12/18/06; 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Thursday, November 9, 2006 - 12:42am
Media Fields

A Graduate Student Conference in the Department of Film and Media Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
April 6-7, 2007

Keynote Speaker: Anna McCarthy, Associate Professor of Cinema Studies, New
York University; author of Ambient Television: Visual Culture and Public
Space; coeditor of Media/Space: Place, Scale and Culture in a Media Age.

Roundtable Respondents: Edward Branigan; Constance Penley; Bhaskar Sarkar;
and Greg Siegel; Department of Film and Media Studies, UCSB.

CFP: Not Your Mother's Feminism (1/15/07; collection)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:45pm
kellie bean

"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat."
                                                                                                          Rebecca West
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
