British Marxism and Cultural Studies Today
British Marxism and Cultural Studies Today
Call for Contributions
Journal for the Study of British Cultures 32.2 (2025)
edited by Sebastian Berg & Claus-Ulrich Viol
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British Marxism and Cultural Studies Today
Call for Contributions
Journal for the Study of British Cultures 32.2 (2025)
edited by Sebastian Berg & Claus-Ulrich Viol
One of the primary challenges in confronting the climate crisis is effectively representing its magnitude and impact on both the environment and humanity. The quest for a sustainable future cannot be fulfilled without the capacity of imagining one. As Timothy Clark argues in his work on scale framing (Ecocriticism on the Edge, 2015), the act of imagining requires placing concepts within specific temporal and contextual frameworks. Envisioning the complex effects and mechanisms of climate change necessitates grappling with unprecedented and expansive scales. Environmental fiction has emerged as a literary field that attempts to capture these scales and their interplays.
FEB 17-18 – Virtual
FEB 20-22 – In-Person
Featuring Keynote Speakers
The Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture welcomes critical papers and full panel discussions about literature from the 20th and 21st centuries and its connections to other art forms and academic fields. The conference also welcomes creative submissions, such as literary compositions, videos, or hybrid genres. Additionally, critical-creative submissions exploring poetics, crafts, or writing practices are welcomed.
Hard Bodies: Aesthetic, Materiality, and Mediality of Masculinity in American and European Art and Visual Culture, c. 1900 – today
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 9th–11th January 2025
Deadline: 15th July, 2024
The hard body is omnipresent in contemporary culture. It evokes purity, whiteness, and resistance to cracking or contamination. It is the result of disciplined self-optimization (physical training, a strict diet, dietary supplements, and/or surgery) and part of the iconography of white supremacy. Contemporary artists only refer to the hard male body to destroy it – like Candice Lin in her installation A Hard White Body (2017).
IBZ, Munich
*21st-22nd November, 2024*
Christine Grogan will chair the Katherine Anne Porter Society session at the 36th American Literature Association Conference. The conference will take place May 21-24, 2025, at the Westin Copley Place in Boston, MA. Conference details and information about hotel reservations are available through the web site of the American Literature Association,
Subject: Asynchronous short course on Multimodality and American Literature
An asynchronous short course is offered by the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, with emphasis placed on Multimodality and American Literature under the following title: Multimodality: Print and Digital Anglophone Narratives (3,5 ECTS).
Call for Papers — Disability and Star Trek, Special Issue of CJDS
Proposal Deadline: September 1, 2024
With the commercial and critical success of Yorgos Lanthimos’s Poor Things (2023), I am assembling a collection of scholarly essays that will explore additional unfaithful 21st-century adaptations (in various media) of Mary Shelley’s 1818 masterpiece, Frankenstein. Taking a page from Thomas Leitch’s idea of the “Ethics of Infidelity,” I propose that investigating the longevity of Shelley’s essential story (the overreacher plot coupled with an animated or re-animated creature) as translated into a variety of “adulterous adaptations” would demonstrate how the plot, structure, character types, themes, etc.
The Journal of Popular Culture Special Issue Call for Papers
The Coming Freedom: Censoring Queer Lives, Bodies, and Books
About this Issue
From the Turing Machine to ChatGPT
CFP: Panel exploring the representations of motherhood in Canada for the in-person conference “Looking Back and Ahead: Exploring Uniquely Canadian Cultural Narratives” (University of Debrecen, Hungary, October 24-25, 2024)
Teaching Octavia E. Butler: Call for Papers SAMLA 96
The South Atlantic Modern Language Association
November 15-17, 2024
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
Jacksonville, FL
We invite proposals from educators, graduate students, independent scholars, and anyone passionate about incorporating Butler’s works into their teaching and learning environments.
Panelists are encouraged to share specific lesson plans, classroom activities, and resources that effectively engage students with Butler’s texts. Discussions on the challenges and opportunities of teaching Butler in diverse educational settings are also welcome.
The "British Literature and Culture: 20th and 21st Centuries" session welcomes papers that explore the rich cultural heritage of 20th and 21st Century British literature. It is important to note that this session uses the term “literature” liberally to include visual and performing arts, products of stage and screen that point to aspects of British culture generally, including the country’s politics. With regard to the conference’s theme “Translation in Action,” the session also welcomes but does not require proposals that discuss how the non-Anglophone world has reacted to/understood/re-interpreted 20th and 21st century British literature, or thoughts on teaching this literature in the American classroom.
Call for Papers:
Special Issue: “Vol. 2 No. 1, Sci-Fi’s Narratives of Possibilities and Probabilities”
The Classical Connection (ISSN 2994-9262 Online)
The Milton Society of America invites proposals for 15-20-minute papers considering any aspect of Milton's writings, their reception, and their significance. Send a paper title (15-word maximum), 200-word abstract, and resume (.pdf or .doc) to Marissa Greenberg at no later than July 1.
As an aesthetic and cultural movement, Afrofuturism began with Mark Derry’s 1993 essay, “Black to the Future.” Derry poses a difficult question: “Can a community whose past has been deliberately rubbed out, and whose energies have subsequently been consumed by the search for legible traces of its history, imagine possible futures?” The clear answer is a resounding, “YES!” Not only can Black folk imagine possible futures, but they can also write, paint, and sculpt them into being. In this special issue we invite contributors to explore what these possible futures look like. How do Afrofuturist artists reimagine a world where Black folks can be/are free? What is the cost of such freedom?
PAMLA Annual Conference
Palm Springs, California
November 6-10, 2024
"Rhetorical Approaches to Literature" (Paper / Panel)
When we call something a cliché, we’re typically calling it tired, banal, repetitive, or boring. Whether it’s an art object, a turn of speech, or a pattern of behavior, we’re identifying what it lacks: distinctiveness, originality, creativity, thrill. But in pointing to a cliché, we’re also pointing to a response. Noticing cliché creates a fissure. It elicits a reflexive movement, by which we’re forced to reckon with the repetitiousness of language; the ideological and economic structures that shape the creation of art; the social patterns that guide how we relate and self-present. Pointing to cliché, in other words, opens up the possibility for subversion.
Seeking session proposals for the American and Diaspora Studies area of the Northeast Modern Language Association.
March 6-9, 2025
Philadelphia, PA
Hotel & Convention Site: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
Our Thursday opening address will be given by Benjamin Fraser.
Our Friday keynote event will be given by Julia Alvarez.
PUBLICATION: Edited Collection of Essays
Perspectives franco-italiennes comparées entre Renaissance et Ère numérique
Ferrare, 21-22 novembre 2024
Axes de recherche
In 1971, when the Cuban government launched the Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution Crime Fiction award, local literary critics were acutely aware of the genre’s roots in a capitalist setting. Yet, José Antonio Portuondo considered that crime fiction could serve a purpose within a Communist framework of life, provided it underwent adaptation to suit the new context. Over the following years, Cuban journals published numerous programmatic texts aimed at guiding writers willing to produce what would be termed Revolutionary crime fiction. Similar adjustments took place in other Soviet bloc countries, albeit with varying degrees of success and popularity.
(For information about Modernism/modernity clusters on the Print+ platform, please see
Call for Proposals: “Is Abundance A Luxury?”
We welcome submissions for a seminar at the 2024 Association for the Study of Arts of the Present (ASAP) Conference, October 17-19 in New York City.
Full conference information: ASAP/15: Not a Luxury
CFP: Rethinking South Asia: Postcoloniality & Decolonial Frames and Praxis
24th Annual South Asian Literary Association (SALA) Online Conference
January 18th and 19th, 2025
Mythos and Masks: Eugene O’Neill in Ancient and Modern Contexts
This CFP is a call for essays for a forthcoming edited collection.
Consent is often deemed a prerequisite to ethical interactions—particularly sexual ones. A nonconsensual act is viewed as an affront, a violation, an oppression. For an act to seem permissible, one requires what Heidi M. Hurd calls the “moral magic” of consent.
Conference on Race, Racialization, and Resistance: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Humanities ● Call for Abstracts
Seattle University, April 25 – April 27, 2025 (Friday through Sunday)
Full Name/Name of Organization:
Seattle University
There will be no registration fee for this conference.
The funding for this conference is provided by the Mellon Foundation, for the “Race, Racialization and Resistance in the US” curricular project at Seattle University.
2024 Conference of Mid-Atlantic Popular / American Culture Association (MAPACA)
MAPACA War Studies Area
Thursday, November 7 -- Saturday, November 9, 2024
Tropicana Casino and Resort
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Proposals due to by June 30, 2024