world literatures and indigenous studies

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It's about la "Terre" in Literature and Film Narratives

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 5:28pm
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) - Utrecht, July 6-9, 2017
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

This seminar invites proposals by scholars interested in contemporary literary works or film narratives including the emerging disciplines of Ecocriticism, Ecofiction, or Ecolit, which solicit “la terre,” its associations or byproducts as central and significant themes, to address or revisit matters of human existence, whether personal, regional, or of a global nature.

Native American Literature (CEA 48th Annual Conference March 30-April 1, 2017)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:53am
Benjamin Carson / Bridgewater State University
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

CEA 48th Annual Conference

March 30-April 1, 2017   |  Hilton Head Marriott Resort & Spa

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928

Theme:  Islands


Special Topics Panel(s): Native American Literature

This special topics panel on Native American Literature invites papers on all aspects of indigenous literatures of Native North America. Papers that address issues related to the indigenous peoples of what is now South Carolina are particularly welcome, as are those that address the conference theme, Islands. 


General Information on CEA Conference:

Constituting Canada: Interdisciplinary approaches to an idea

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:47am
Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand (ACSANZ)
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Venue:                        University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia 

Date:                           Thursday 13th July – Friday 14th July, 2017

Keynote Speaker:      Associate Professor Eric Adams, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta


Les banlieues françaises: Islam, droits de l'homme et citoyenneté

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:46am
NeMLA 2017
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 30, 2016

Pendant les dix années qui séparent les émeutes de 2005 des attentats de 2015, une production culturelle (littéraire, cinématographique, artistique et musicale) a vu le jour en France. La jeunesse issue de l’immigration post-coloniale investit l’espace de débat public pour dire la société française, ou plus exactement une composante sociale relevant de l’espace urbain de banlieue : cette littérature lève le voile sur la ghettoïsation géographique, physique, mentale, et psychique de certaines banlieues, ainsi que sur les injustices polymorphes qui font d’elles des lieux de relégation « à perpétuité ». Elle questionne les droits réservés à ses habitants, citoyens de la France mais se trouvant pourtant en situation d’exclusion.

call for paper

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:44am
The Journal of Alterity Studies and World Literature (Online Australian journal)
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 30, 2016


The Journal of Alterity Studies and World Literature (an Australian peer-reviewed online journal) invites articles for its inaugural issue. The journal focuses on issues of identity and otherness in literature, art, film, television, theatre and philosophy. We welcome articles from world literature, postcolonial, queer and feminist subjects and their intersections which provide a way to interpret literary and cultural productions.

Send articles to Please mention in the email's subject line whether it is an article or a review.
Word Limit: Articles range from 5000–10000 words.
Reviews 1000–4000 words.

Writing Human Rights in the Post-Cold War World Novel and Film

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:44am
NeMLA 2017 panel
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 30, 2016

As Didier Fassin writes, the deployment of humanitarian affect creates in us “a sense of belonging to a wider moral community, whose existence is manifested through compassion towards the victims.” For this session, we invite papers that engage the theme of humanitarianism and human rights, as disseminated and made legible in the post-Cold War world novel and film. We are interested in papers that critically engage the resurgence of humanitarian affect and mobilization of empathy in the post-Cold War era—the era defined by the decline in utopian thinking and by the lack of tangible alternatives to liberal capitalism. Are human rights, as Mutua assets, simply the moral argument for the neoliberal project?

Major and Minor Works in World Literature

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:35am
NeMLA 2017 World Literature Forum
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 30, 2016

Major and Minor Works in World Literature--a roundtable at the annual NeMLA convention 

March 23-26, 2017, Baltimore 

This roundtable is organized by NeMLA world literature working group as a yearly forum for discussing theoretical and historical issues, pedagogy and curriculum, and new directions in the field of world literature. We invite world literature scholars and practitioners to take part in the meaningful dialogue on the term "world literature" and its relation to the fields of postcolonial and comparative literature, as well as to share their approaches to teaching specific courses or curriculum building. This year's theme is "major and minor works in world literature," but proposals on other topics are welcome as well. 

Pac Rim 2017: Moving Bodies, Moving Ideologies

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:34am
Pacific Rim Conference on English Studies, University of Alaska Anchorage
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Moving Bodies, Moving Ideologies

Pacific Rim Conference on English Studies

March 30-April 1, 2017

Anchorage, Alaska


Ethics and Aesthetics in the Anthropocene: Writing the Environment

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 11:34am
Nicole Birch-Bayley and Olivia Pellegrino, University of Toronto
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ethics and Aesthetics in the Anthropocene: Writing the Environment

ACCUTE Conference Panel, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences

27-30 May 2017, Ryerson University, Toronto Ontario

East/West Transmissions of Knowledge (Kalamazoo '17 Panel)

Friday, September 9, 2016 - 2:25pm
Misho Ishikawa / UCLA
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, October 1, 2016


I am looking for 2-3 papers to sit on a special session for the 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo 2017). The session will consider textual instances of cross-cultural contact between the Latin Christian West and "Eastern" worlds. If interested, please send short abstracts (250 words) to the listed email address. For further detail, please see the below description of the panel:

The Politics of Escapism

Friday, September 9, 2016 - 2:25pm
American Comparative Literature Association
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

The Politics of Escapism

Seminar at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature
Association (ACLA) in Utrecht, The Netherlands (July 6-9, 2017)


Greg Sharzer, Kyung Hee University (; Keith O'Regan, York
University (

CFP: Global Asias 4 Conference

Friday, September 9, 2016 - 2:20pm
Verge: Studies in Global Asias
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 1, 2016





March 31-April 1, 2017


Writing that Shapes the World: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Friday, September 9, 2016 - 2:20pm
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, October 28, 2016

Writing that Shapes the World:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

1st Global Conference
Call for Participation 2017

Tuesday 4th April – Thursday 6th April 2017
Lisbon, Portugal


Writing has been part of human history for 5,000 years, give or take a few hundred. It developed independently in more than one part of the globe which speaks to its fundamental quality as a truly human capability. And it has shaped cultures, thought processes, knowledge, and how all of these get transmitted from one person, one generation, one era to the next. Writing in a very real sense is reflexive of, and instrumental in the continuance of culture.

Literature (General)

Friday, September 9, 2016 - 1:26pm
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association Conference
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Area Chair is now accepting proposals to the “Literature (General)” category. This area will

provide a forum for scholarly presentations on literary subjects outside of our more specific

literature areas. Before submitting to the General area, please peruse the specific area list at papers/

Areas of interest might include:

Cultural and Literary Transmission in the Global Middle Ages (Kalamazoo 2017)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 8:30am
52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies - Kalamazoo, MI - May 11-14, 2017
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Scholarship on the global Middle Ages has flourished in recent years, examining the role that a

global community played in the medieval period. Such work demonstrates the remarkable links

between various civilizations in the medieval period and the extent to which the Middle Ages truly

were a hotbed of trade. Recent scholarship has considered the cultural interactions of trade, literary

transmission, pilgrimage, religious conversion, explorers, colonization, and military expeditions. For

instance, literary scholars have shown that the story of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, traveled from

India through texts in Armenian, Arabic, Ethiopic, Georgian, Greek, Latin, Russian, and other versions,

ACLA 2017: More Than Hybrid: Theorizing the Literature of Immigration

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 3:44pm
Nasia Anam
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

In the past twenty years, scholarship on European literature of immigration has often fallen under the rubric of postcolonial studies, employing analytic lenses that are fundamentally rooted in the era of colonization (i.e., the Manichean colonizer/colonized binary of Fanon, the négritude of Aimé Césaire, the “hybridity,” and “mimicry” of Homi K. Bhabha, the different iterations of subalternity posited by the Subaltern Studies collective and Gayatri Spivak).

Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:51pm
Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS)
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Poverty and precarity are among the most pressing social issues of our day. The last fifteen years have seen not only an ever widening gap between rich and poor across the globe as well as an exponential growth in the number of border subjects – refugees, asylum seekers and illegal migrants –, but also a steady growth of fictional and non-fictional representations of disenfranchised groups and individuals. This correlates with an intensification of research into the visual and narrative forms of these representations. For its 2017 conference, GAPS invites panels and individual papers addressing conceptualisations of poverty and precarity and investigating the ethics and aesthetics of representing poverty and precarity across the postcolonial world.

Entangled Poetics: Mediating Ecology

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:49pm
ACLA 2017
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

This is a call for The American Comparative Literature Association's 2017 Annual Meeting, which will take place at Utrecht University in Utrecht, the Netherlands July 6-9, 2017. It means to investigate the entangled relationship of modern and contemporary poetry and ecology. Referencing Rey Chow’s notion of entanglement, i.e., a “condition of overlapping recurrences,” the panel seeks to analyze the points of recursive coincidence that ensue between cultural manifestations, poetic production, and environmental thinking. Entanglement points to associations of spatial proximity, of overlaying, but also of resistance and tension between phenomena.

Returns & Revisions: The Eastward Counterflow from New World to Old

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:47pm
Symbiosis: Journal of Transatlantic Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 3, 2017

The 11th Biennial Symbiosis Conference

Returns & Revisions: The Eastward Counterflow from New World to Old

Keynote Speakers: 

Eve Tavor Bannet, George Lynn Cross Professor of English, University of Oklahoma

Jahan Ramazani, University Professor and Edgar F. Shannon Professor of English, University of Virginia

Venue: Daemen College and the University at Buffalo, Amherst, New York, USA

Dates: Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th July, 2017

Postcolonial Responses to the Globalized Discipline of Creative Writing

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:44pm
James Shea & Janelle Adsit / ACLA 2017 (Utrecht, July 6-9)
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

In light of recent scholarship on the cultural history of American creative writing programs, such as Mark McGurl's The Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative Writing (2011) and Eric Bennett's Workshops of Empire: Stegner, Engle, and American Creative Writing during the Cold War (2015), we invite papers on postcolonial responses to creative writing as a globalized discipline. Perspectives from a wide variety of fields are welcome, including comparative literature, cultural studies, empire studies, new media, pedagogy, postcolonialism, and transnationalism.

1865 and the Disenchantment of Empire”

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:43pm
Phanuel Antwi, The University of British Columbia, Ronald Cummings, Brock University
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Call for Papers: Essays for Edited Collection

1865 and the Disenchantment of Empire”

Comparative Afrofuturisms

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:42pm
Wendy W. Walters/ ACLA 2017
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

ACLA, Utrecht July 2017 

Comparative Afrofuturisms

 “Whenever we try to envision a world without war, without violence, without prisons, without capitalism, we are engaging in speculative fiction.” – Walidah Imarisha

Autobiographical Narratives and the Uprisings of the Global South: the Private, the Collective, and the Global

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:41pm
American Comparative Literature Association
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

This panel focuses on the autobiographical narratives of the Global South with a particular attention to those produced during popular revolts and regime-changing uprisings, like the fall of the dictatorships in Latin America, the demise of Apartheid in South Africa, and, more recently, the Arab Uprisings. The first axis that guides our panel is the relationship between “the subject” and “the collective” (understood as the tribal, the sectarian, or the national). These texts, which are generally written by activists, public intellectuals, journalists, or established literary figures, are mostly appreciated as counter-narratives or as the petits récits of national memory.

National Seminar cum Alumni Meet

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:40pm
Dept of English, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, October 9, 2016




Department of English


National Seminar on “English Studies in India: Changes and Challenges”


Alumni Meet Celebrating 100 years of the Department of English

17-18 November 2016



Maya Shanker Pandey

Professor and Head

Claiming the Human, Critiquing the Human

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:40pm
American Comparative Literature Association
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, September 23, 2016

In the conclusion of The Wretched of the Earth, Frantz Fanon points to the limits of the European humanist subject (“Man”) and the ways in which its definition has involved violent actions and exclusions. He calls for a non-Eurocentric project to invent a “new man” that requires an expansion and reconsideration of humanity. This task of imagining and bringing into being a new human seems to involve a delicate double bind: humanity must be claimed in the name of those excluded from its purview; the claim to be human, however, may unwittingly reinforce the transparency and self-evidence of the very category that needs to be interrogated, thus further marginalizing alternative versions of humanity.

Caribbean Literature at CEA 2017

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 1:40pm
Laura Barrio-Vilar / College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

CEA 48th Annual Conference

March 30-April 1, 2017   |  Hilton Head Marriott Resort & Spa

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29928

  Theme:  Islands


The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Caribbean Literature for our 48th annual conference. Submit your proposal at

