CFP: International Review of Modernism (new journal)

full name / name of organization:
contact email: 

The _International Review of Modernism_ is a new review-journal that will
publish short articles, reviews, and extended review-essays on new
scholarly and critical books on European modernist literature and culture
situated in historical and national contexts. The coverage will be broad
both temporally (from decadence and fin-de-siecle to the start of the
second World War) and spatially (from Great Britain to Russia). We are
interested in all of the many contending movements in literature and the
other arts (post-impressionism, decadence, favism, cubism, imagism,
vorticism, futurism, dadaism, surrealism, expressionism, etc.).

The journal will review at least fifty books per issue, and the journal
will appear two times a year, February and October (first issue, Oct.,
1997). We would like to hear from qualified reviewers, especially from
those who have suggestions for topics for review-essays and short
articles. Send a short list of publications, together with letters
indicating areas, topics, authors, or languages of particular interest to
you. All correspondence and questions about submissions and subscriptions
should be sent to Leonard Orr, Editor, _International Review of
Modernism_, Dept. of English, Washington State University, 100 Sprout Rd.,
Rcihland WA 99352. Questions may be sent by e-mail
Received on Sat Jan 04 1997 - 00:17:58 EST