CFP: Critical Survey (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrew Murphy Andrew Murphy
contact email: 

Please feel free to crosspost the following and please excuse multiple postings.


The UK-based journal _Critical Survey_ is now entering its eighth year.
Previously the journal operated on a rolling themed issue format but, as of
this year, the format will change. The three annual issues of the journal
will now consist of: a modern issue; an early modern issue; and an eclectic
or guest edited issue. The editor for the early modern issue will be Andrew
Murphy and submissions should be sent to him at the address below.

Submissions should be in the region of 5,000 to 7,000 words in length,
though shorter pieces, and exceptionally strong longer pieces, will also be
considered. Book reviews and reviews of electronic products (such as
electronic editions) are also welcome. In general, reviews should run to
about 1,000 words in length. Articles on all aspects of early modern
literature and culture will be considered, though preference will generally
be given to work which indicates a clear familiarity with contemporary
theoretical and critical issues. It is hoped that at least one article
devoted to contemporary debates in editorial and textual theory will be
included in each early modern issue. All articles submitted will be

For submissions or enquiries, please contact:

Dr. Andrew Murphy
English Department
University of Hertfordshire
Watford Campus

Email enquiries:

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Jack Lynch:
Received on Tue Mar 04 1997 - 17:55:09 EST