CFP: Philological Quarterly

full name / name of organization: 
William Kupersmith

Philological Quarterly is suffering from a dearth of
submissions and is eager to receive new articles for
consideration for prompt publication. We invite articles on
literature in both classical and modern languages and in all
historical periods, ancient, medieval, renaissance,
seventeenth and eighteenth century, romantic, Victorian,
modern and post-modern. All critical and theoretical
approaches are welcome, but we prefer articles written in a
readable and accessible style. We recommend 6000 to 12000
words although we also consider brief articles and notes on
specific topics.

We should also be happy to receive proposals from scholars
who would be interested in being guest editors of an issue.
If you have a prospective topic please send your proposal
to the editor along with a suggested table of contents.
--William Kupersmith

Postal address:
Philological Quarterly
308 English-Philosophy Building
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
telephone: 319-335-0454
fax: 319-335-2535

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Received on Tue Mar 11 1997 - 15:43:59 EST