CFP: The Next Generation (anthology)
CFP-- The Next Generation: Problems and Perspectives
Most of the theories still dominating the profession (e.g., deconstruction,
New Historicism, gender studies, etc.) have their origins in the
generational experience of the 1960s, and many of today's most influential
critics have explicitly tied their work to their experiences during this
period. But this presents the next generation of critics with a problem. We
face an entirelfy different scene, socially, politically, and
professionally. Therefore, how do *we* receive paradigms that originated in
an historical moment other than our own? And what kinds of criticism will
*we* produce or are already producing? Articles on any aspect of this
problem are welcome, but I am particularly interested in work dealing with
ethnicity, or pedagogy, or queer studies. This anthology has the interest
of two university presses. Please send inquiries, abstracts and/or
completed articles to:
Peter C. Herman
Dept. of English
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-8140
Received on Sat Mar 15 1997 - 00:50:12 EST