CFP: Sycamore: American Studies (E-journal)
Sycamore, an online scholarly journal of American Studies, is accepting
article-length papers on the following topics: The American Family, War
and Peace, Science in Art, and The Coolidge Years (1923-1929). These
topics are broadly conceived (excepting the chronological restriction of
the last), and submissions representing a diversity of fields and
interpretive or theoretical perspectives are encouraged. Sycamore can be
found at <>.
We also welcome reviews (400 to 700 words) of recent works of Americanist
scholarship, commentary or opinion pieces (500 to 2000 words) on current
issues in the field, and announcements for conferences and new books or
To submit a paper or other work, save to a DOS- or Macintosh-formatted
disk, and send both disk and two legible hard copies to:
Sycamore: A Journal of American Culture
Department of English
CB#3520 Greenlaw Hall
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3520
All submissions should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed.
Sycamore encourages contributors to include supplementary text, graphic,
and audio material with submitted papers, either on disk or in hard copy.
In certain cases, this material will be provided by the editors of
Sycamore and will accompany published papers.
In addition, please send a cover leter that provides the following
author's name, telephone number, and e-mail address
author's institutional and departmental affiliation
filename of submitted article
filename(s) of any supplementary material on disk
suggested link(s) to supplementary material and/or other internet
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jack Lynch:
Received on Sun Mar 08 1998 - 20:11:49 EST