CFP: Early Theatre (journal)
Early Theatre: A Journal associated with the Records of Early English
Drama (acronym ET/REED, ISSN 1206-9078) will appear annually beginning in
the fall of 1998. Early Theatre is a peer-reviewed journal with a
nine-menber international editorial board. The first volume will contain
articles and notes on a variety of cultural and theatrical concerns, such
John J. McGavin on early Scottish attitudes to plays and performance in
"The Kirk, the Burgh, and Fun"
Robert Tittler on new biographical material concerning "Henry Hardware
of Chester and the Face of Puritan Reform"
W. R. Streitberger on household and court preparations involved in
"Devising the Revels"
David Mills on travelling players in Chester
James Stokes on the waits in Lincolnshire
Dominick Grace on the apothecary scene in Romeo and Juliet
Early Theatre is also experimenting with a new reviewing format. For the
first issue, several scholars, including Barbara Palmer, David Bevington,
Garrett Epp, Peter Meredith, David Mills, and Ralph Blasting will
participate in a forum reviewing the York Cycle in performance, in Toronto
(June) and in the city of York (July), with comments on various aspects of
staging, special effects, and treatment of text.
We invite you to show your support for the new journal by subscribing to
Early Theatre for an initial one- or two-year period. Our new publisher,
McMaster University Press, will be taking over the subscription lists in
May, and we anticipate that the cost of the journal may increase within
the next two years. If you wish to subscribe now, at the current prices,
you may do so by sending a money order or VISA credit card information,
using the order form and address below. If you prefer to be billed later
by the press, please indicate on the order form. We would be grateful for
your reply by April 15.
We are now accepting articles and notes for Volume 2 (1999). Requests for
the ET style sheet may be addressed to the editor at
and submissions may be sent to:
Helen Ostovich
Editor, Early Theatre
Department of English
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L9
Early Theatre ORDER FORM
In Canada: $12 individual / $15 institution annually
USA: $12 US / $15 US annually
***(Special US Offer $10 - $13 valid until April)***
UK: L 6.50 / 8 annually (British Pounds Sterling)
International rate, excluding US and UK: $15 / $18.50 Canadian.
___ Yes, we will subscribe to ET/REED for 1 year ____ 2 years ____
___ Send a bill later. We understand that later billing means we will not receive the special price.
___ We are enclosing (circle one) a money order / credit card information
VISA Credit card number: _____________________________ Expiry: ______________
Authorizing signature: _____________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Return this information by mail to:
Dr Arleane Ralph <>
Records of Early English Drama,
150 Charles St West,
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5S 1K9.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jack Lynch:
Received on Wed Mar 11 1998 - 00:46:39 EST