CFP: Book History (no deadline; journal)
*Book History* is the annual journal of the Society for the
History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Articles dealing
with any part of the American Hemisphere or the Middle East
should be submitted to Prof. Ezra Greenspan, Department of
English, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, Articles dealing with other parts of the
world should be submitted to Prof. Jonathan Rose, Department of
History, Drew University, Madison, NJ 07940,
For information about joining SHARP and subscribing to *Book
History*, contact the Membership Secretary, Barbara Brannon,
Director of Public Relations, Wesleyan College, 4760 Forsyth Road,
Macon, GA 31210-4462,
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Nov 25 1998 - 15:41:25 EST