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CFP: Lesbian & Gay Studies (no deadline; collection)

Friday, January 22, 1999 - 3:20am
David Barnett

This is an updated posting seeking submissions. There are many topics still
available for essays that I thought might be handled by scholars listed in
Louie's database. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Murphy.

Dave Barnett

*****************Forwarded message************************

Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 14:45:42 -0600
From: "Timothy F. Murphy" <tmurphy_at_uic.edu>
Subject: Call for Papers -- Please Circulate


CFP: Irish Studies (no deadline; book series)

Tuesday, January 12, 1999 - 6:45am
Eugene O'Brien

Eugene O'Brien,
University of Limerick.
e-mail: eobmac_at_iol.ie

CALL FOR BOOK PROPOSALS: *Ireland in Theory*: Irish Studies Series

This series of book-length studies, to be published by the Edwin Mellen
Press, is a new venture in the area of Irish Studies. Its thematic
approach will be interdisciplinary so that the developments in literary
and cultural theory can be brought to bear on issues concerned
with Irishness.

*Ireland in Theory* will imbricate the theoretical developments of the last
fifty years with a questioning of the epistemological status of Irish
writing, Irish culture and Irish identity, and their interaction.

CFP: Irish Studies (no deadline; book series)

Tuesday, January 12, 1999 - 6:45am
Eugene O'Brien

Eugene O'Brien,
University of Limerick.
e-mail: eobmac_at_iol.ie

CALL FOR BOOK PROPOSALS: *Ireland in Theory*: Irish Studies Series

This series of book-length studies, to be published by the Edwin Mellen
Press, is a new venture in the area of Irish Studies. Its thematic
approach will be interdisciplinary so that the developments in literary
and cultural theory can be brought to bear on issues concerned
with Irishness.

*Ireland in Theory* will imbricate the theoretical developments of the last
fifty years with a questioning of the epistemological status of Irish
writing, Irish culture and Irish identity, and their interaction.

CFP: TEXT Technology (no deadline; journal)

Friday, January 8, 1999 - 9:53pm
Peter Sands

******** PLEASE CROSSPOST *********


_TEXT Technology: the Journal of Computer Text Processing_ seeks papers
and reviews of Internet sites and related materials. We seek reviews of
websites and web development tools relevant to humanities computing and
text processing—from word processing and concordances to SGML tools, and
everything in between.

CFP: TEXT Technology (no deadline; journal)

Friday, January 8, 1999 - 9:53pm
Peter Sands

******** PLEASE CROSSPOST *********


_TEXT Technology: the Journal of Computer Text Processing_ seeks papers
and reviews of Internet sites and related materials. We seek reviews of
websites and web development tools relevant to humanities computing and
text processing—from word processing and concordances to SGML tools, and
everything in between.