CFP: Film Studies (no deadline; e-journal)

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Liz Hedgecock
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----Scope: An Online Journal of Film StudiesEditorial Board:Ian Brookes - Anne Elliott - Rebecca Feasey - Teresa Forde - MichaelHoar - Nathan Hunt - Mark Jancovich - James Lyons - Alex MacDonald -Fergus Morrin - Andrew WillisEditorial Advisory Board:Rick Altman (University of Iowa) - Harry Benshoff (University ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz) - Rhona Berenstein (University of California,Irvine) - Steve Cohan (Syracuse University) - Joan Hawkins (IndianaUniversity) - Leon Hunt (Brunel University) - Peter Hutchings(University of Northumbria at Newcastle) - Henry Jenkins(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) - Barbara Klinger (IndianaUniversity) - Peter Kramer (University of East Anglia) - TaraMcPherson (University of Southern California, LA) - Richard Maltby(Flinders University) - James Naremore (Indiana University) - RobertaPearson (Cardiff University) - Dana Polan (University of SouthernCalifornia) - Eithne Quinn (University of Central Lancashire) - JanetStaiger (University of Texas at Austin) - Yvonne Tasker (University ofEast Anglia) - Ben Taylor (Nottingham Trent University) - Andrew Tudor(University of York) - William Uricchio (Utrecht University) - AylishWood (University of Aberdeen)Scope is concerned to provide a forum for broad range of issues withinfilm studies: from production, distribution and exhibition, throughquestions of the promotion, publicizing and mediation of films, to thepractice of textual analysis and the study of audiences (both theanalysis of audience interpretations and the social activities of filmconsumption more generally.)The journal is fully refereed. However, it is keen to not only publishthe work of existing scholars, but also to act as a forum forpostgraduate students.If you are interested in contributing, please send materials to theaddress below. However, remember to consult our guidelines forcontributors before doing so:, however, you do not want to offer an article, but would like toact as a book or film reviewer, please contact us at the addressbelow.The Editors,Scope: An Online Journal of Film StudiesThe Institute of Film StudiesUniversity of NottinghamUniversity ParkNottingham, NG7 2RDUnited KingdomTel: 0115 951 4250Fax: 0115 951 4270Email: Mark JancovichSenior Lecturer and DirectorThe Institute of Film StudiesUniversity of NottinghamUniversity ParkNottingham, NG7 2RDUnited KingdomTel: 0115 951 4250Fax: 0115 951 4270email: =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Thu Jan 21 1999 - 22:04:29 EST
