CFP: Interdisciplinary (grad) (no deadline; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Batia Boe Stolar
contact email: 

_Postscript: A Journal of Graduate Criticism and Theory_, is a journal
put out annually by the graduate students at the Department of English
at Memorial University of Newfoundland, for graduate students'
interdisciplinary academic work. Submitted essays are subjected to
blind review, and are reviewed by either graduate students or faculty
members, depending on the area of specialization.

Postscript welcomes the submission of essays on literature, language,
theory and pedagogy. Papers responding to issues of current debate
within the humanities are encouraged. Papers should be 3000-5000 words,
unpublished, and in order to ensure anonymity, must include a cover page
with contact information, the title of the paper, and a brief,
biographical note. Papers will be returned only if a document-sized
SASE is included. Submissions also require both a hardcopy and the
paper on computer disc in Wordperfect format only.

Postscript also welcomes original submissions for cover art. The cover
art should be designed for a 7" x 10" space. As per papers, please
include a cover letter with your name, contact information, title of the
work and a brief biographical note. Any submissions must include a
separate letter or form of release, signing the artist's permission for
their piece to be used as cover art by Postscript. Submissions will
only be returned if the appropriate SASE is included.

There is an open deadline for this general call for papers, but we
encourage early submissions of your work.

Send submissions and/or queries to:

                        Editors, Postscript
                        Department of English
                        P.O. Box 58, Arts Building
                        Memorial University of Newfoundland
                        St. John's, NF
                        A1C 5S7

You can also contact the current editors through email:

Batia Boe Stolar at
Stephanie Lewis at

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Apr 14 1999 - 01:36:42 EDT
