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CFP: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry (no deadline; collection)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:33pm
Dr. Richard Lane

A call for abstracts/proposals for a new essay collection.

Title: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry: Theorizing the Image
Editors: Dr. Richard Lane, South Bank University & Dr. Miguel Mota, Simon
Fraser University.

Technology: 1. A discourse or treatise on an art or arts; the scientific
             study of the practical or industrial arts.
             2. Practical arts collectively.

Image: 1. An artificial imitation or representation of the external form
        of any object, esp. of a person.
        2. To make an image of; to represent or set forth an image; to
        figure, portray, delineate.

CFP: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry (no deadline; collection)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:33pm
Dr. Richard Lane

A call for abstracts/proposals for a new essay collection.

Title: Technologies of Malcolm Lowry: Theorizing the Image
Editors: Dr. Richard Lane, South Bank University & Dr. Miguel Mota, Simon
Fraser University.

Technology: 1. A discourse or treatise on an art or arts; the scientific
             study of the practical or industrial arts.
             2. Practical arts collectively.

Image: 1. An artificial imitation or representation of the external form
        of any object, esp. of a person.
        2. To make an image of; to represent or set forth an image; to
        figure, portray, delineate.

CFP: International Review of Modernism (??; journal)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:02pm
Leonard Orr

We are in the process of mailing the Spring/Summer 1999 issue of the
International Review of Modernism to subscribers and contributors and we are
assigning reviews for the next two issues (3.1 [Nov., 1999] and 3.2 [April,
2000]). We would like to hear from qualified reviewers in all disciplines. If
you have already sent us vitas or summaries of your interests, you do not need
to do so again, but please keep us informed of changes in e-mail and other
addresses. For fullest information, it is best to visit our web-site (please
note the new web-address below). Here you will find the table of contents of
all of the issues, the guidelines for contributors, and subscription
information and forms.

CFP: International Review of Modernism (??; journal)

Monday, April 26, 1999 - 10:02pm
Leonard Orr

We are in the process of mailing the Spring/Summer 1999 issue of the
International Review of Modernism to subscribers and contributors and we are
assigning reviews for the next two issues (3.1 [Nov., 1999] and 3.2 [April,
2000]). We would like to hear from qualified reviewers in all disciplines. If
you have already sent us vitas or summaries of your interests, you do not need
to do so again, but please keep us informed of changes in e-mail and other
addresses. For fullest information, it is best to visit our web-site (please
note the new web-address below). Here you will find the table of contents of
all of the issues, the guidelines for contributors, and subscription
information and forms.