CFP: Victorian Periodicals, 1800-1914 (no deadline; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Dr. Solveig C. Robinson
contact email: 

Contributors are needed for the RSVP Bibliography, which is published
biennially in Victorian Periodicals Review (VPR). Contributors monitor
assigned journals for articles dealing with periodicals published between
1800-1914 and submit annotated index entries for inclusion in the next
Bibliography. Contributors are acknowledged in VPR.

We currently have a large number of unassigned journals, and we thus need
many new contributors, especially ones with access to Canadian and Scottish

If you would like to become an RSVP Bibliography contributor, or if you know
anyone else who might be interested, please contact me at the addresses
below. (Private responses - not list responses - please!) I will forward
information about available journals and submitting contributions.

Thank you! Please feel free to forward this information to other lists or

Dr. Solveig C. Robinson
RSVP Bibliographer
home: 3921 N. 19th Street, Tacoma, WA 98406 USA
tel: 253-761-7976

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Received on Thu May 06 1999 - 13:44:00 EDT