CFP: Victorian "Domestic" Writers (no deadline; e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Kim Wells
contact email: 

For an award-winning online (soon to be professionally moderated) =
E-Journal, we are looking for papers, from 3-40 pages, discussing any =
aspect of the literature and/or lives of:
Louisa May Alcott, < >
Kate Chopin, < >
Harriet Beecher Stowe, < >
Willa Cather, < >
Sarah Orne Jewett, < >
Edith Wharton, < >
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, < = >
and NOW, newly included: Susan Warner. < =
We will also include other writers who might impact the works of =
"Domestic Goddesses"-- such as Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, Jacobs, =
Truth, etc-- really any writer from this period might actually be =
considerable. Send query if you think your writer fits in the "other" =
category (see criticism page for examples). =20
< >

We would also like papers on "domesticity" in general, the Cult of True =
Womanhood, or on Abolition, Suffrage, and women's groups "Do-Good" =
groups such as the Temperance movement. =20

Particularly useful are guides to research (see the Gilman guide @ < = > for examples) =20

Also welcome are any syllabi or course information for teaching =
undergraduate and/or graduate courses on any and all of these authors.

Eventually, we would also like to add more writers who are not =
specifically listed here, especially those "of color" such as Harriet =
Jacobs and Sojournor Truth, and any others whose lives were often =
impacted by the cult of domesticity and/or women like Stowe, but whose =
experiences may have been very different.=20

If you have a paper on "domestic" women authors, besides the ones listed =
above, from the period 1830-1920, contact for an =
inquiry, prior to submitting a paper. If you know of a writer who does =
not fit in those years, but wrote about those years and would qualify as =
"domestic", please contact us first. =20

The site includes biography, but the main intent is to collect literary =
criticism of these somewhat under represented writers. The site has had =
over 8000 visitors, with readers from diverse backgrounds from high =
school students to college professors. We have papers from professional =
scholars from Universities across the country but would like to expand =
our authorship even more.

The site means to contribute carefully and meaningfully to the literary =
discourse surrounding a group of compelling writers who have =
definitively shaped American Literature. What is new about our criticism =
is, of course, it is on the Internet! More and more, students are =
looking to the WWW to find more than just commercial sites; we would =
like to help begin the push to get more papers out there.=20

Issues of possible plagiarism are addressed on the site, and =
students/readers are carefully shown how to cite their sources, via =
links to online citation guides. All copyright remains with the author =
of each paper. Multiple submissions welcome. =20

If you have a significantly researched, well-documented paper, send your =
papers via E-mail, enclosed in the letter or as attached MS Word (.doc) =
or Word Perfect (.wpd) or simple text (.txt) documents. Documents in =
.rtf are also accepted.

The site is looking for "professional scholars," which usually means =
graduate students (at least). Professors and unaffiliated academics =
are welcome as well.

We are also willing to consider well written papers from undergraduate =
students who would like publication opportunities.

Just as with any conference/paper call, submission of paper does not =
guarantee its acceptance. =20

Kim Wells, editor.
Texas A&M University

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Received on Tue May 18 1999 - 06:20:34 EDT
