CFP: Cormac McCarthy (no deadline; e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
John Wegner
contact email: 

Call for Submissions:

The Cormac McCarthy Journal Online is a peer reviewed on-line journal,
modified or updated as events warrant. The Journal Online welcomes
article-length manuscripts (not to exceed 25 typewritten double-spaced
pages) or notes (not to exceed 500 words in length) on themes and issues
pertinent to the writings and literary environment of Cormac McCarthy.
Submissions must adhere to accepted rules of scholarship and be in current
MLA format. Please submit the article on one 3-1/2" high density floppy
disk (WordPerfect or .txt file preferred) plus three hard copies. Include
both an SASE and a stamped, addressed return postcard to confirm receipt of
your submission.

Send all submissions to:

The Cormac McCarthy Journal
c/o John Wegner, Editor
Department of English
Angelo State University
Box 10894, ASU Station
San Angelo, Texas 76909

You can access the Journal with an IE4 browser or newer via the Cormac
McCarthy Homepage ( or directly at

The Cormac McCarthy Journal is a Member of the Council of Editors of
Learned Journals.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Jun 02 1999 - 22:21:43 EDT
