CFP: Race and Narrative (no deadline noted; journal issue)
The Journal of Narrative Theory seeks essays for an upcoming special issue
on Race and Narrative. The issue is for 2001, Winter.
"Jean Finot has noted that "Races as irreducible categories exist only as
fictions in our brains." And yet the hold of "race" over the mind has often
the power of natural fact. What, then, are the relationships obtaining
between narrative modes and racial ideologies of human difference? To what
extent is narrative fiction a confirmation or critique of the fiction of
race? How does race function as an ontology of character in literary texts?
Are there orders of action, olr aesthetic principles about plot development
andthje like, that are logically dependent on the false authority of race?
What is the link beteweeen racial discourse and novelistic genre? Can one
imagine a narrative technique that investigates human differnece but does
not make use of the logic of race? These are just some of the concerns that
might be addressed under the rubric of narrative and race."
At the moment, please address questions and queries to
Ian Wojcik Andrews, Coeditor JNT.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Fri Aug 13 1999 - 00:45:18 EDT