CFP: The Journal of Mundane Behavior (e-journal)
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----The Journal of Mundane Behavior, hosted by the Sociology Department and theSchool of Humanities and Social Sciences at California State University,Fullerton, is a new on-line, inter- and cross-disciplinary journal devotedto developing the study of the "unmarked" -- the mundane aspects of everydaylife. Taking as its premise that the study of the marked has been welldeveloped, JMB wants to turn those methodological and theoretical tools tothose aspects of our lives that do not get scrutinized by normal studies ofthe world.As such, we are issuing our inaugural call for papers. Because our journalis explicitly inter- and cross-disciplinary and, we hope, accessible to thepublic, we ask that authors refrain from discipline-specific jargon and workto develop an analysis readily understandable to scholars from other fieldsand interested readers outside the academy.A list of suggestions as far as topics go, as well as complete submissionguidelines, are available on the JMB web site at<>. If there are any questions regardingpapers already under development or on other issues, please contact one ofthe Managing Editors, Scott Schaffer at <>, or MyronOrleans at <>.We thank you for your time, and look forward to hearing from you soon.Scott Schaffer and Myron OrleansDepartment of Sociology, H-730MCalifornia State University, FullertonPO Box 6846Fullerton, CA 92834-6846 USA =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Wed Sep 15 1999 - 16:17:05 EDT