CFP: Sexuality and Culture (journal)

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Barry M. Dank
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----CALL FOR PAPERS*Sexuality & Culture* is a quarterly interdisciplinary journalpublished by Transaction Publishers at Rutgers University. In itsfourth year of publication and in its first year as a quarterly, thejournal welcomes the submission of original manuscripts dealing withissues relating to sexuality and culture. *Sexuality & Culture* servesas a forum for the analysis of ethical, cultural, psychological,social, and political issues related to sexual relationships and sexualbehavior. These issues include -- BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: sexual consentand sexual responsibility; sexual harassment and freedom of speech andassociation; sexual privacy; censorship and pornography; impact of theinternet/film/literature on sexual relationships; and university andgovernmental regulation of intimate relationships. We welcome criticalreview essays, and suggestions for books to review and book reviewers.Submissions are, of course, welcome from scholars in the social sciences andhumanities. Autobiograhical essays are also welcome.For further information, visit the journal's web site or contact the Editor-in-Chief,Dr. Barry M. Dank, at Manuscripts should be doublespaced and should include a summary of approximately 200 words.Citations should be in the author-year format (e.g.: Smith, 1998).Four copies of the manuscript should be submitted to the ManagingEditor: Dr. Roberto Refinetti, Sexuality & Culture, CircadianRhythm Laboratory, University of South Carolina, Walterboro, SC 29488(e-mail: =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ===============================================Received on Thu Oct 07 1999 - 10:39:40 EDT