CFP: African Literatures (various; journal)
The Wisconsin Review of African Literatures
Call for Papers
Deadline for Issue 3: 1 March 2000 Deadline for Issue 4: 1 October 2000.
We invite the submission of articles, essays, book reviews of recently
published works, translations and original creative works (short stories,
poetry, art, drama, renderings of oral narratives).
Written in: Languages of Africa (as well as English, French, Portuguese,
Spanish, German).
Format: 4 copies of typed, double-spaced manuscript up to 20 pages; include
one copy of an 100-150 word abstract (in English & in the language of the
submission). Please remove author's name from 3 of the 4 copies. If the
work is accepted, we will request a copy of the submission on 3.5 floppy
VOICES is a biannually published forum for exploring issues of written and
oral artistic production in Africa and the Diaspora in relation to the
continent. Submissions that stretch and challenge such disciplinary
boundaries are welcome and will be considered for publication. We invite
submissions from writers world-wide. VOICES is complemented by a web site
with the aim of cultivating a broad readership and interactive academic
network, and appears in June and December of each year.
The first issue of VOICES appeared in June 1999; the second will be
published in December 1999. A table of contents for Issue 2 will be
available shortly.
Subscription rates (US dollars):
Institution outside of Africa $20
Individuals outside of Africa $15
African Institution or Individual $7.50
Wisconsin residents add 5.5% sales tax (83 cents).
Make checks payable to VOICES.
Mail submissions and subscription requests to:
1414 Van Hise
1220 Linden Drive
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI 53706
For more information, contact the Editor at the above address, by phone, or
by email:
Katrina Daly Thompson, Editor 608-262-5857
See our developing web site for updates:
Katrina Daly Thompson
Department of African Languages & Literature 262-5758
UW - Madison
1468 Van Hise Hall
Madison, WI 53706
office hours:
Mondays 12-3:30
Wednesdays 12-2:30
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Sat Nov 20 1999 - 16:38:03 EST