CFP: Travel Writing (journal)

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JOURNEYS: International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing
Editorial Board: John Eade (Roehampton Institute, London), Garry R. Marvin
(Roehampton Institute, London), Robert C. Davis (University of Ohio), and
Maria Pia Di Bella (CNRS, Paris).

Travel Writing as a Genre: Facts, Fictions and the Invention of Scientific
Discourse in Early Modern Europe - Joan Pau Rubies

The Adventures of Miss Brown, Miss Jones and Miss Robinson: Touristic Writing
and Tourist Performance, 1860-1914 - Jill Steward

Idleness in South Africa Re-visited: Ethnographic Methods and 'Hottentot'
Travel Accounts - Norman Buchignani

Home Construction: Chinese Poetry in Chiang Yee's Travel Literature - Da Zheng

The Missing and the Met: Routing Clifford Amongst the Yakha in Nepal and
North East India - Andrew Russell

Symbolic Capital: Urban Design for Tourism - Dean MacCannell

Travel writing and other representations of journeys as cultural practice and
product are engaging the attention of scholars and commentators in a wide
range of disciplines and its study is becoming recognised as an important
academic field. In part this is a recognition of the existence of a broad
range of texts which can be examined and interpreted in terms of their social
and cultural significance. It is also related to the fact that, in recent
years, the writings about travel have become ever more sophisticated -
reflecting the diversity and sophistication of modern travellers and
tourists. People are encouraged to seek out new experiences in different
countries and cultures through what they have read and their experiences feed
back into written commentaries on travel and tourism. So popular is travel
writing as a genre that major bookshops have entire sections devoted to the
area and there are even bookshops which stock nothing but books of this type.

The remit of Journeys is to reflect the rich diversity of travels and
journeys as social and cultural practices as well as their significance as
metaphorical processes. It will be a broad-based interdisciplinary journal of
particular interest for those interested in the studies of travel writing
from the perspectives of, for example, anthropology, social history,
religious studies, human geography, literary criticism and cultural studies.

The first edition of Journeys will be published in Spring 2000 and then, for
the first two years, twice a year. It is hoped that this will increase to
three times a year.

Editorial Advisory Board: Judith Adler (St. John's University, Newfoundland),
Jeremy Boissevain (University of Amsterdam), James Buzard (MIT, Mass.), Chloe
Chard (Goldsmith's College, London), Simon Coleman (University of Durham),
John Elsner (Courtald Institute, London), Feline Arnesto Fernandez
(University of Oxford), Stephen Greenblatt (Harvard University), François
Hartog (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Cemal Kafadar
(Harvard University), Dean MacCannell (University of California, Davis),
Chris Mele (SUNY at Buffalo), Alessandro Nova (Johann-Wolfgang- Goethe
Universität, Frankfurt am Main), John Simpson (BBC World News), Nicholas
Thomas (ANU, Canberra), John Urry (University of Lancaster), Jackie Waldren
(University of Oxford).

Manuscripts and requests for further information can be directed to:
The Editors, Journeys, Roehampton Institute London, 80 Roehampton Lane,
London, SW15 5SL, UK
Tel: +44(0)1865-392 3170; Fax: +44(0)1865-392 3518

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Received on Sat Nov 20 1999 - 16:41:14 EST
