CFP: Film and Video (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Gwendolyn Audrey Foster
contact email: 

Call for Papers:

The new editors of The Quarterly Review of Film and Video seek manuscripts
in any area of film and video, video installations and digital production,
history, theory, and reception, covering the widest possible range of
approaches and subjects of interest to potential contributors. We seek to
publish the finest in international film criticism, theory and history in
all areas, and encourage Queer, feminist, technological, postmodernist,
preformatted, ethnographic, poststructural, postcolonial, spectatorial,
psychoanalytic, interdisciplinary, phenomenological, and alternative
critical and historical methodologies. We also seek interviews with
directors, writers, cinematographers, performers, theorists, archivists,
actors, video artists, and digital filmmakers.

To be considered for publication, manuscripts should be between 15-25
pages long, IN MLA FORMAT ONLY (use the 5th edition of the MLA Handbook as
your model), using parenthetical citations with NO FOOTNOTES, and a list
of works cited at the end of the essay. Language in all essays should be
free of gender bias. Manuscripts should be complete and ready to publish;
no rough drafts. Submit one hard copy of the manuscript, and a copy on
disc, preferably in Microsoft Word (Macintosh) format. Include a short
bibliographical note at the end of the manuscript, on a separate page. Do
not embed your name or any running headers in the text. Manuscripts will
not normally be returned to contributors; Manuscripts will be subject to
pre-screening, and then a formal review process. Any still photographs
illustrating the article must be submitted with the initial manuscript,
with brief captions and credit lines. Permissions and clearances for all
such stills or illustrations are the sole responsibility of the author,
and must be obtained in advance of publication. In order to be considered,
the full postal address, FAX number, phone number, and e-mail address
ofthe author must be included. E-Mail queries or abstracts are encouraged;
if the subject is of interest, we will invite you to submit the complete

Send all manuscripts and inquiries to:

Gwendolyn Foster and
Wheeler Winston Dixon
Editors in Chief
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
Department of English
202 Andrews Hall
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333

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Received on Tue Nov 30 1999 - 17:11:31 EST