CFP: Inclusive Pedagogy and Curriculum Transformation (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Juda Bennett
contact email: 

TRANSFORMATIONS: A Resource for Curriculum Transformation and
Scholarship, the New Jersey Project's national journal, is pleased to
announce the appointment of Elizabeth Paul and Juda Bennett as Editors
of the journal beginning with the Fall, 2000 issue.


TRANSFORMATIONS explores and promotes inclusive pedagogy and curriculum
transformation. Representing a variety of cross-disciplinary interests,
both theoretical and practical, the journal is designed to create a
dynamic exchange among diverse scholars. A variety of approaches,
everything from theoretical essays to short descriptions of pedagogical
innovations, will assist teachers and scholars at all levels who are
committed to integrating recent scholarship on gender, race, ethnicity,
class, sexuality, and other identity positions.

For more information and special features of the Fall 2000 issue, visit
the journal's web site at:

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          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Thu Dec 16 1999 - 14:58:58 EST
