CFP: Sex 2000 (no deadline noted; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Priya Vigneswaran
contact email: 

Antithesis is an interdisciplinary journal of critical theory and creative
cultural production. It is Australia's longest standing postgraduate
journal and is published by University of Melbourne, the leading research

Volume 11, 'SEX 2000' seeks to explore the various terrains through which
'sex' might remain or become both intelligible and possible. This project
can be realised through a consideration of libidinal investments across
visual and discursive practices, corporeal enactments and virtual
identifications. Accordingly, these provisional locations will imply a
constitutive and reflexive negativity or absence, in the form of
banalities, repulsions and failures.

Contributions may cover but need not be restricted to: fetishism,
voyeurism, exhibitionism, commodification, choreographies, memories,
auto-eroticism, psycho-sexual dramas, symbiotic freedoms and constraints,
celibacy and promiscuity, the reception of embodied pornographic texts,
cross-dressing, flirtation, digitalisation.

'SEX 2000' seeks critical articles, essays, reviews, photography, visual
art, fiction, and poetry. Papers should be no longer than 6000 words, and
works of fiction up to 2000 words. All articles should conform to the MLA
presentation style. Please send 3 hard copies and 1 disc copy to
Antithesis, Department of English and Cultural Studies, University of
Melbourne, Parkville Victoria 3052 AUSTRALIA.

For further information or queries email the editors Priya Vigneswaran,
Gilbert Meadowcroft and Daniela Brueckner:

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Jan 12 2000 - 15:52:14 EST