CFP: Xavier Review (no deadline; journal)
The XAVIER REVIEW (established in its present form in 1980) is
undergoing a process of self-reflection and refurbishment in keeping
with the spirit of the new millennium. Our sense is that, in addition
to publishing high quality works on any topic, we still have interests
in creative and critical works on Southern literature, literature and
religion, Latin-Caribbean literature, and African-American literature,
areas which reflect some of the Xavier library's collections.
While uninterested in dogmatic views, we seek to place recent
developments in the context of tradition, and traditional topics in the
context of the present. We appreciate an aesthetic sense that reflects
(and sometimes collides with) social concerns, and humane investigations
of the territory where the spirit and the intellect keep each other
honest. Humor is of course one of these territories.
We are especially looking for essays (criticism and literary
non-fiction), poetry, fiction, interviews, translations, and book
reviews that show an interesting mind at work on difficult ideas or
experiences, especially where experience and ideas intersect, written in
language that is both rich and accessible.
Please send your submissions to Richard Collins, Associate Editor,
Xavier Review, Box 110C, Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Jan 18 2000 - 19:12:36 EST