CFP: Cinema and Landscape (no deadline noted; collection)

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Development Centre

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----Call for chapter suggestions/proposals: "Cinema and Landscape"The editor is developing a book for publication by a distinguished Americanacademic publisher. At present an open call is placed for those interestedin developing ideas around this topic.This book will consider the way in which film has dealt with landscape (bothrural and urban) around the world, the mise en scene, the interactionbetween cinema and cultures of environment, the role of different landscapesin the narrative, style, interaction with character etc etc in film . . .Suggested topics could be:Genre based chapters (ie: landscape in The Western, urban landscapes of theThriller, the landscapes of horror)Regional studies (landscape in American cinema, landscape in British cinemaetc)Director studies (landscape in the work of Tsui Hark, Altman, Carpenter etcetc etc etc)Historical coverage (the changing landscapes of . . . )Anthropology of the cinema: people and landscape . . .Other ideas are welcome at this point.Contact the editor at:Head, Film Studiesuniversity open =============================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Erika Lin: ==============================================='Received on Mon Feb 28 2000 - 12:46:15 EST
