CFP: Other Voices: Cultural Criticism (e-journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Other Voices


                          *** OTHER VOICES ***
                   The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism

                             ISSN 1094-2254

Other Voices is now actively requesting contributions for its fifth issue
slated for publication September 2000. This issue will be an open
non-topical issue gathering a wide variety of materials in comtemporary
cultural studies and criticism. We are considering traditional academic
essays, commentaries and reviews, but are also seeking multimedia
projects, translations, transcriptions, interviews and non-traditional
contributions. The editorial group suggests that potential contributors
review past issues of the journal in order to gain a sense of its breath
and focus. We hope that this issue will include a strong selection of work
from international authors.

New and Continued:

This issue will see the continuation of our new Commentaries section
dedicated to recent issues and events. For the first time we will be
making available a large number of online audio lectures in the RealAudio
streaming media format.

About the Journal:

Other Voices is an electronic journal of cultural criticism published at
the University of Pennsylvania. Founded in March 1997, Other Voices
regularly publishes provocative essays, interviews, lecture
transcriptions, hypermedia projects, translations and reviews in the arts
and humanities; covering philosophy, literature, visual art, music, and
theory in a variety of traditional and non-traditional forms. Other Voices
is dedicated to expanding the dialogues that take place between the
disciplines, and which challenge received notions about reading and
scholarship in the university and at large. In keeping with this the
journal is home to a broad-based group of contributors including
academics, independent scholars, graduate and undergraduate students.

Contributors should contact the editors for additional information
regarding style and format guidelines. Further information is also
available on our website at:

We prefer to receive contributions as email attachments in either MS Word,
.rtf or WordPerfect formats.

                   *** Contact Information ***

        Snail Mail:

                Other Voices
                      Attn: Vance Bell
                      P.O. Box 31907
                      Philadelphia, PA 19104-1907 USA


To subscribe to the Other Voices announcements list, please send an email
to the above address with the subject line "subscribe" and you will be
promptly added.

Best Wishes,

Vance Bell
Other Voices


Other Voices ISSN 1094-2254
P.O. Box 31907
Philadelphia, PA 19104-1907 USA

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Mon Mar 20 2000 - 15:40:10 EST