
displaying 1 - 14 of 14

CFP: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 7:13pm
L De Kock

Call for papers

scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

The editors invite contributions which address the seeming exhaustion with
successive waves of theory to legitimate and strengthen the practices of
literary and cultural criticism. We are more than happy here to consider
contemporary contexts other than southern Africa.

2. The semiotics of sports narratives

CFP: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 7:13pm
L De Kock

Call for papers

scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

The editors invite contributions which address the seeming exhaustion with
successive waves of theory to legitimate and strengthen the practices of
literary and cultural criticism. We are more than happy here to consider
contemporary contexts other than southern Africa.

2. The semiotics of sports narratives

CFP: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 7:13pm
L De Kock

Call for papers

scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

The editors invite contributions which address the seeming exhaustion with
successive waves of theory to legitimate and strengthen the practices of
literary and cultural criticism. We are more than happy here to consider
contemporary contexts other than southern Africa.

2. The semiotics of sports narratives

CFP: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 7:13pm
L De Kock

Call for papers

scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

The editors invite contributions which address the seeming exhaustion with
successive waves of theory to legitimate and strengthen the practices of
literary and cultural criticism. We are more than happy here to consider
contemporary contexts other than southern Africa.

2. The semiotics of sports narratives

CFP: Cinema & Medicine (no deadline; collection)

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 9:29pm
Film Medicine

Chapters and appropriate chapter suggestions are sought for:

"Signs of Life: Medicine and the Cinema"

"Signs of Life: Medicine and the Cinema" will consider how medicine,
the medical profession and medical science have been presented in
the cinema. The book will offer an historical, cultural and textual
study of the filmic representation of medicine and will appeal to both the
film studies and a wider film readership.

This book development project already includes a foreword by a major name in
medicine and the medical humanities and is receiving extremely enthusiastic
responses internationally. We intend for this to be an exceptional book.

The book is divided into three sections:

CFP: Cinema & Medicine (no deadline; collection)

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 9:29pm
Film Medicine

Chapters and appropriate chapter suggestions are sought for:

"Signs of Life: Medicine and the Cinema"

"Signs of Life: Medicine and the Cinema" will consider how medicine,
the medical profession and medical science have been presented in
the cinema. The book will offer an historical, cultural and textual
study of the filmic representation of medicine and will appeal to both the
film studies and a wider film readership.

This book development project already includes a foreword by a major name in
medicine and the medical humanities and is receiving extremely enthusiastic
responses internationally. We intend for this to be an exceptional book.

The book is divided into three sections:

CFP: Cinema & Medicine (no deadline; collection)

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 9:29pm
Film Medicine

Chapters and appropriate chapter suggestions are sought for:

"Signs of Life: Medicine and the Cinema"

"Signs of Life: Medicine and the Cinema" will consider how medicine,
the medical profession and medical science have been presented in
the cinema. The book will offer an historical, cultural and textual
study of the filmic representation of medicine and will appeal to both the
film studies and a wider film readership.

This book development project already includes a foreword by a major name in
medicine and the medical humanities and is receiving extremely enthusiastic
responses internationally. We intend for this to be an exceptional book.

The book is divided into three sections:

CFP: Biographies of 18th C. Intellectuals and Artists (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, June 9, 2000 - 7:10pm
Kevin Dodson


I am looking for scholars how are interested in contributing short
biographies (250-1250 words) to the Biographical Dictionary of
Enlightenment and Revolution, 1690-1815. In terms of topics, I am most
in need of entries in art, archtitecture, music, mathematics, and
science. In terms of countries, I need coverage on Germany and Italy.
Contact Kevin Dodson at dodsonke_at_hal.lamar.edu. Thank You.

CFP: Humanities Research Sources (no deadline noted; website)

Friday, June 9, 2000 - 7:10pm
Andrew Offenburger

Fields of Knowledge, publisher of the Infography
(http://www.infography.com), is seeking accomplished scholars in all areas
of the humanities to submit citations to recommended research sources about
their subject specialties. In return, scholars receive royalties and other
benefits, if their submissions are accepted for publication.

Scholars must cite exactly "six superlative sources" of information, from
any type of media, and may optionally cite any number of "other excellent
sources." College professors can easily submit citations from course syllabi
or citations chosen from the bibliographies of books or articles they have

CFP: Humanities Research Sources (no deadline noted; website)

Friday, June 9, 2000 - 7:10pm
Andrew Offenburger

Fields of Knowledge, publisher of the Infography
(http://www.infography.com), is seeking accomplished scholars in all areas
of the humanities to submit citations to recommended research sources about
their subject specialties. In return, scholars receive royalties and other
benefits, if their submissions are accepted for publication.

Scholars must cite exactly "six superlative sources" of information, from
any type of media, and may optionally cite any number of "other excellent
sources." College professors can easily submit citations from course syllabi
or citations chosen from the bibliographies of books or articles they have

CFP: Allegorica: Early Modern Lit. (journal)

Friday, June 2, 2000 - 10:18pm
Philip Gavitt

On behalf of the Saint Louis University Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies and its new journal, Allegorica, I would like to
post the following announcement:

Dear Colleague:

CFP: Allegorica: Early Modern Lit. (journal)

Friday, June 2, 2000 - 10:18pm
Philip Gavitt

On behalf of the Saint Louis University Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies and its new journal, Allegorica, I would like to
post the following announcement:

Dear Colleague:

CFP: Allegorica: Early Modern Lit. (journal)

Friday, June 2, 2000 - 10:18pm
Philip Gavitt

On behalf of the Saint Louis University Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies and its new journal, Allegorica, I would like to
post the following announcement:

Dear Colleague:

CFP: Allegorica: Early Modern Lit. (journal)

Friday, June 2, 2000 - 10:18pm
Philip Gavitt

On behalf of the Saint Louis University Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies and its new journal, Allegorica, I would like to
post the following announcement:

Dear Colleague: