CFP: Allegorica: Early Modern Lit. (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Philip Gavitt
contact email: 

On behalf of the Saint Louis University Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies and its new journal, Allegorica, I would like to
post the following announcement:

Dear Colleague:

We write with an announcement and an invitation. Allegorica, a
scholarly journal devoted to the literature of the early modern period,
has a new location. Published for the past ten years at Texas A. & M.
University, Allegorica is moving to Saint Louis University and its
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. A forum for examining the
rich interpenetration of culture and learning that animated early modern
writing, Allegorica invites work, including work of a comparative focus,
that addresses any aspect of the dynamic through which writers of the
early modern period cultivated their own voices by speaking through,
adapting, or transforming the texts—be they classical, medieval, or
contemporary---that nourished them as sources or influences. Hence, we
continue to welcome translations and essays about translation, studies
on the literary relationship of the Middle Ages to the early modern
period and on the relationship of learned and popular culture, and
studies that examine the notions of language, translation, and
textuality by means of which early modern writers negotiated their
relationship to the past and the present.

Submissions and inquiries may be sent to:

    Thomas Moisan, Editor
    Department of English
    Saint Louis University
    221 North Grand Boulevard
    St. Louis, Missouri 63103


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Received on Fri Jun 02 2000 - 18:18:11 EDT
