UPDATE: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa (no deadline noted; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
L De Kock
contact email: 

This CFP, almost identical to one sent earlier, is has been slightly
edited to make it more user-friendly for US scholars. The changes occur in
the final sentence under category 1 below and in the penultinmate
paragraph overall.


*scrutiny2: issues in english studies in southern africa* wishes to invite
papers on the following topics for its forthcoming issues:

1. The end of theory?

The editors invite contributions which address the seeming exhaustion with
successive waves of theory that attempt to legitimate and strengthen the
practices of literary and cultural criticism. We are more than happy here
to consider contemporary contexts other than southern Africa, and case
histories in regions such as the US and elsewhere.

2. The semiotics of sports narratives

In the wake of the Hansie Cronje scandal, which seems to have affected
South Africans and cricket loyalists elsewhere with as much force as a
thousand novels, the editors invite reflections on the imaginative
investment in national sport. What charge is carried by the semiotic
enactment of heroic sporting endeavour under the sign of national colours?
What does sport mean? Should cultural scholars take the aesthetics, and
the ethics, of sport more seriously?

3. Testimonies of institutional transition

Institutional contexts, particularly in southern Africa, are changing the
very nature of academic disciplines. Momentous changes are occurring at
South African universities, involving a great deal of trauma, racial
conflict, philosophical and pedagogical debate. Yet there is relatively
little reflective writing on these dramas of transition. The editors
invite 'raw' testimony as well as more 'academic' accounts of the stories
behind the curriculum and promotional battles.

*scrutiny2*, a peer-reviewed journal with an occasional postcolonial
slant, is indexed by the MLA, among others. Past contributors to the
journal include international scholars of note such as Dipesh Chakrabarty,
Laura Chrisman, David Attwell, Peter Horn, Kole Omotoso, David Schalkwyk,
Devi Sarenjeive, John Higgins and many others.

Write to the Editor, Leon de Kock, at dkockl_at_unisa.ac.za or to the
Co-editor, Deirdre Byrne, at byrnedc_at_unisa.ac.za for more details.

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          or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Mon Jul 03 2000 - 17:37:33 EDT