CFP: Computer-Related Fiction (no deadline; journal)

full name / name of organization:
contact email: 

Cyberfict is an annual journal (250-300 pages) devoted to computer-related
fiction of all kinds--including, but not restricted to, cyberpunk and other
futuristic fiction, fiction published on the Internet or on CD-ROM, the use
or influence of hypertext in fiction, and fiction-related Internet sites and

We will consider any approach related to this broad topic--including
criticism of individual or multiple works, profiles of or interviews with
authors, descriptions of pedagogical approaches or issues, theoretical
studies, interdisciplinary studies, bibliographical articles, notes, book
reviews, and reports on related cultural phenomena. We are very open to
submissions by graduate students, and, as a special feature, professors may
submit groups of undergraduate response essays/book reviews (500-750 words
each). We will also publish a limited amount of fiction and poetry related
to the topic. We welcome the inclusion of graphics with any submission.

We will consider submissions of up to 40 double-spaced pages. The journal is
published each February, but we read year round. SASE required for paper
submissions; response within 90 days.

Submissions should be addressed to:
Martin Kich, Editor
English Department
Wright State University--Lake Campus
7600 State Route 703
Celina, OH 45822

E-mail submissions can be sent to We prefer that the
submission be attached as a text or rtf file, but WordPerfect, Word, or html
files will be accepted.

A limited number of the first volume (published in February 2000) are
available. Inquiries are very welcome.

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Sep 27 2000 - 18:12:14 EDT