CFP: Dialogue: Journal for Writing Specialists (no deadline; journal)

full name / name of organization: 
Susan Hunter
contact email: 

Since Fall, 1993, Dialogue: A Journal for Writing Specialists has provided
a forum for dialogue, debate, conversation--occasions for writing
specialists to talk to and with one another. The concept of "dialogue" is
promoted with the contents and varieties of discourse published in the
journal, as well as with the reviewing process.

The editor encourages submissions that are collaborative and responsive
from compositionists and rhetoricians; creative writers, technical,
business, and professional writing specialists; those who work with
developmental and ESL writers; those who work in National Writing Projects
and literacy programs; WAC specialists; graduate students who are studying
writing. Two or more authors might explore differences about some area of
teaching or research, or essays might be submitted together that examine
an issue from divergent perspectives. Book reviews include responses from
the authors.

In keeping with the concept of Dialogue, two members of the editorial
board review each manuscript, sign their reviews, and direct them to the
authors. The editor also writes evaluations of submissions. Copies of
these signed reviews are sent to the author and to the reviewers of the

When submitting manuscripts (not previously published or being considered
for publication), authors should
--follow the current MLA style format
--submit one original and two copies (articles no longer than 25 pages;
book reviews no longer than 4 pages)
--print name and affiliation on cover sheet only

Send submissions, inquiries, and subscriptions to:
Susan M. Hunter, Editor
Department of English
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
(770) 423-6468

Dialogue is published twice a year in Fall and Spring. Subscriptions
should be made payable to Kennesaw State University (individuals $15.00
per year; institutions $20.00 per year).

         From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                       Full Information at
          or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Sep 27 2000 - 18:19:08 EDT
