UPDATE: International Review of Modernism (journal)
[Please announce our change of format, frequency, and contributor
information to members of your listserv. Thank you.]
INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF MODERNISM: A Journal of Scholarship on the
Literature and Culture of Europe, 1890-1939
We have changed the format and frequency of the International Review of
Modernism. We have been publishing twice a year during our first three
years, and we have limited the contents to reviews and review-essays
(800-1500 words). Beginning with the next issue, we will be an annual, but
with many more pages, and short articles (2500-3000 words maximum), as well
as the reviews and review-essays. We will encourage clusters of reviews and
articles on particular topics. For the 2001 issue we encourage clusters on
Weimar culture, Futurism, and Freud.
We are in the process of redesigning our web-site, and we will post some
articles on the web, and have some articles with numerous references or long
bibliographies flow onto the web-site so that longer pieces can be
accommodated. We will also place on the web-site announcements about
conferences in modernism or appropriate calls-for-papers.
We have already scheduled a number of reviews for the almost-complete 2000
issue, including a review-essay on Marcel Duchamp, and reviews of new books
on Artaud, Woolf, Bulgakov, and Conrad. We are looking for appropriate
reviewers for books on Joyce, Robert Walser, Proust, Jean Rhys, Rebecca
West, Russian film, photography, novel theory, avant-garde music,
architecture, and many other topics. We would like to publish more
review-essays and clusters of reviews in a particular area, especially in
disciplines other than literature (i.e., early film, books on fascism, music
history, and so on). We look forward to hearing your suggestions. (If you
already have access to the volume you want to review, please mention that in
your reply.) E-mail is the best way to contact us. We would like to hear
from qualified reviewers in all disciplines. If you have already sent us
vitas or summaries of your interests, you do not need to do so again, but
please keep us informed of changes in e-mail and other addresses.
Please submit articles and reviews as regular e-mail (not as attachments;
attachments will not be opened). Write to orr_at_tricity.wsu.edu .
The one-year subscription price is US$15 per year ($20 per year foreign);
for two years, the subscription price is $27 ($35 foreign). We cannot accept
foreign currency. Back issues are still available, but limited in quantity
($7.50 per issue). Please inform your libraries and colleagues, if,
unaccountably, they do not yet subscribe.
Leonard Orr
Professor, Dept. of English
Washington State University
Editor, International Review of Modernism
2710 University Dr.
Richland WA 99352-1671
(509) 372-7253; fax (509) 372-7100
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin: elin_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Thu Oct 19 2000 - 13:41:44 EDT