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CFP: All Topics: Pacific Coast Philology (12/31 each yr.; journal)

Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 7:47pm
Myers, Victoria

Pacific Coast Philology, the journal of the Pacific Ancient and Modern
Language Association (West Coast regional MLA) solicits articles for fall
2001 publication. Essays of 15-25 pages may address any topic of ancient or
modern literature and languages, but must be written in English for our
general readership and must follow MLA format. They should be submitted in
triplicate by December 31, 2000 to Victoria Myers, General Editor, Pacific
Coast Philology, c/o Humanities Division, Pepperdine University, 24255
Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90263-4225. Authors must be members of
PAMLA at the time of submission. For membership information, contact

CFP: All Topics: Pacific Coast Philology (12/31 each yr.; journal)

Wednesday, November 15, 2000 - 7:47pm
Myers, Victoria

Pacific Coast Philology, the journal of the Pacific Ancient and Modern
Language Association (West Coast regional MLA) solicits articles for fall
2001 publication. Essays of 15-25 pages may address any topic of ancient or
modern literature and languages, but must be written in English for our
general readership and must follow MLA format. They should be submitted in
triplicate by December 31, 2000 to Victoria Myers, General Editor, Pacific
Coast Philology, c/o Humanities Division, Pepperdine University, 24255
Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90263-4225. Authors must be members of
PAMLA at the time of submission. For membership information, contact