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CFP: National Womens Studies Assoc. Editor and Host Institution (journal)

Thursday, December 7, 2000 - 4:52pm
Amy Watson Ruth

_NWSA Journal_: Call for Host Institution

The Editorial Board of the _NWSA Journal_ and the National Women’s
Studies Association are seeking a new editorial team and a new home for
the Journal for a (minimum) five-year commitment to begin Fall semester
2003. The _NWSA Journal_, housed at Appalachian State University since
1997 and edited by Margaret McFadden, publishes interdisciplinary
scholarship that links feminist research and theory in all fields.

CFP: National Womens Studies Assoc. Editor and Host Institution (journal)

Thursday, December 7, 2000 - 4:52pm
Amy Watson Ruth

_NWSA Journal_: Call for Host Institution

The Editorial Board of the _NWSA Journal_ and the National Women’s
Studies Association are seeking a new editorial team and a new home for
the Journal for a (minimum) five-year commitment to begin Fall semester
2003. The _NWSA Journal_, housed at Appalachian State University since
1997 and edited by Margaret McFadden, publishes interdisciplinary
scholarship that links feminist research and theory in all fields.