CFP: Gender Studies/Sexuality: Gay Men/Fiction (journal)

full name / name of organization: 
contact email: 

Please post the following call for submissions:

Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly, published by Haworth Press, seeks
critical essays, interviews with writers, extended book reviews and
bibliographic essays, cultural criticism, and related prose works, aimed at
a general readership of gay men. With an international scope, the journal
publishes work in translation as well as writing by Anglophone authors.
Writers of any sexuality/gender are invited to submit.

Submission guidelines available at:

Send duplicate double-spaced mss. (MLA or Chicago style) with SASE to:

Thomas L. Long, Ph.D.
English Department
Thomas Nelson Community College
PO Box 9407
Hampton, Virginia 23670 USA

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Received on Mon Mar 05 2001 - 12:22:05 EST