CFP: National Identities (journal)
CALL FOR PAPERS for the journal "National Identities".
'National Identities' is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that appears
three times a year. It focusses upon national identities and their
relationship between territory, political structures and cultural
traditions. We believe that national identities are primarily constructed
and are not confined to what is called the nation as it is understood in
the Western world since the late c18th. We encourage scholars from various
disciplines to explore the ways social, political and regional groups
constructed their identities, to what aims and how these identity
constructions and images have changed through time. Furthermore, we invite
papers discussing the question of if and to what extent cultural
development is connected to the quest of identity. Against this background,
we welcome innovative research on the following themes (amongst others):
Identity and territory
Boundaries, borderlands, and national identity
Diaspora populations and national identity
Identity issues in antiquity, the middle ages and the early modern period
Art, music and identity
Regions, cities and identity
National identity in the developing world
Constitutions and identity
The Cold War and identity
Language and identity
Landscape Architecture, Architecture and identity
Editorial correspondence should be addressed as follows:
Peter Catterall (politics/political history)
Dave Kaplan (geography)
Elfie Rembold (cultural history)
Christopher Vernon (arts/architecture/landscape)
For further information see:
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Tue Mar 27 2001 - 17:45:15 EST