
displaying 1 - 14 of 14

CFP: Urban Culture and Writing the City (e-journal)

Friday, July 27, 2001 - 4:45pm
Ian McKay

(apologies for cross posting)

The following may be of interest to theoreticians working in the broad-based field(s) of
'urban culture' and 'writing the city'. We strongly encourage submissions which comprise
an attempt to re-think urban writing.


     *** Call For Contributors ***

     The Journal of Psychogeography
           and Urban Research



CFP: Urban Culture and Writing the City (e-journal)

Friday, July 27, 2001 - 4:45pm
Ian McKay

(apologies for cross posting)

The following may be of interest to theoreticians working in the broad-based field(s) of
'urban culture' and 'writing the city'. We strongly encourage submissions which comprise
an attempt to re-think urban writing.


     *** Call For Contributors ***

     The Journal of Psychogeography
           and Urban Research



CFP: Presidency in Film: John Adams (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 2:40am

Call for Paper:

Is there anyone out there who has written
on John Adams in film or on The Adams
Chronicles with respect to John Adams
(first 6 episodes of the series)?

We are assembling a collection of essays
something on this contentious character
in our history...

Would be delighted to hear from you...

Peter Rollins

Peter C. Rollins
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies
(Web site: www.filmandhistory.org)
RR 3 Box 80
Cleveland, OK 74020
(918)243-7637 and fax 5995

CFP: Presidency in Film: John Adams (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 2:40am

Call for Paper:

Is there anyone out there who has written
on John Adams in film or on The Adams
Chronicles with respect to John Adams
(first 6 episodes of the series)?

We are assembling a collection of essays
something on this contentious character
in our history...

Would be delighted to hear from you...

Peter Rollins

Peter C. Rollins
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies
(Web site: www.filmandhistory.org)
RR 3 Box 80
Cleveland, OK 74020
(918)243-7637 and fax 5995

CFP: Presidency in Film: John Adams (no deadline noted; collection)

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 2:40am

Call for Paper:

Is there anyone out there who has written
on John Adams in film or on The Adams
Chronicles with respect to John Adams
(first 6 episodes of the series)?

We are assembling a collection of essays
something on this contentious character
in our history...

Would be delighted to hear from you...

Peter Rollins

Peter C. Rollins
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies
(Web site: www.filmandhistory.org)
RR 3 Box 80
Cleveland, OK 74020
(918)243-7637 and fax 5995

CFP: Modernist Women Writers (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, July 2, 2001 - 10:53pm
Kathy Lou Schultz

HOW2 , an electronic extension of the 80s journal HOW(ever), focusing on
innovative writing and scholarship by and about contemporary and
modernist women writers, is seeking conference papers given in these
subject areas for the "In Conference" section of the journal. Recent
papers published include work from the MINA LOY: A SYMPOSIUM, papers
delivered at the Institute of English Studies—School of Advanced
studies, University of London, on 11 March 2000 and AFRICAN-AMERICAN NEW
POETRIES, papers delivered at the American Literature Association
Conference, Long Beach, California, Spring 2000. Papers from male and
female scholars welcome. The paper must have been given at a recent

CFP: Modernist Women Writers (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, July 2, 2001 - 10:53pm
Kathy Lou Schultz

HOW2 , an electronic extension of the 80s journal HOW(ever), focusing on
innovative writing and scholarship by and about contemporary and
modernist women writers, is seeking conference papers given in these
subject areas for the "In Conference" section of the journal. Recent
papers published include work from the MINA LOY: A SYMPOSIUM, papers
delivered at the Institute of English Studies—School of Advanced
studies, University of London, on 11 March 2000 and AFRICAN-AMERICAN NEW
POETRIES, papers delivered at the American Literature Association
Conference, Long Beach, California, Spring 2000. Papers from male and
female scholars welcome. The paper must have been given at a recent

CFP: Modernist Women Writers (no deadline noted; e-journal)

Monday, July 2, 2001 - 10:53pm
Kathy Lou Schultz

HOW2 , an electronic extension of the 80s journal HOW(ever), focusing on
innovative writing and scholarship by and about contemporary and
modernist women writers, is seeking conference papers given in these
subject areas for the "In Conference" section of the journal. Recent
papers published include work from the MINA LOY: A SYMPOSIUM, papers
delivered at the Institute of English Studies—School of Advanced
studies, University of London, on 11 March 2000 and AFRICAN-AMERICAN NEW
POETRIES, papers delivered at the American Literature Association
Conference, Long Beach, California, Spring 2000. Papers from male and
female scholars welcome. The paper must have been given at a recent