CFP: Early Theatre (journal)
Early Theatre 4 (2001) is now printed and being mailed out to
subscribers. Subsequent volumes of this journal will appear in two
issues, spring and fall. We invite the submission of note-length or
article length essays for the coming issues.
Early Theatre welcomes research in medieval or early modern drama and
theatre history, rooted in the records and documents of England,
Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. We likewise encourage articles or notes on
related materials either in Europe, or in parts of the world where
English or European travellers, traders, and colonizers observed
performances by other peoples. Although we are primarily interested in
the performance history of any art, entertainment, or festive occasion
of the period, we also invite submissions of interpretive or literary
discussions relating to the performances themselves.
Contributions should be sent to the Editor, Early Theatre, Department of
English, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. West, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada L8S 4L9. Manuscripts of articles (usually up to 7000 words,
although longer articles will be considered) or notes (300 - 4000 words)
should be double-spaced throughout and conform to ET/REED house style
(see the Style Sheet listed on the Early Theatre home page). Style
guides for manuscipt documents in early modern English or Latin are
available from the editor. NB: If you quote from unpublished records or
documents, you must supply photocopies for checking at the REED office.
You must obtain permissions to publish for any illustrations, whether
digital or photographic, that may be printed with an accepted article.
Inquiries about subscription should be sent to
Helen Ostovich
Editor, EARLY THEATRE / Professor, Dept of English
McMaster University
Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4L9
(905)525-9140 x24496 FAX (905)777-8316
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Erika Lin:
Received on Wed Oct 10 2001 - 18:02:18 EDT